Closed Roleplay Roulette: Sickness Solidarity

Savannah Walters

free-spirited; alt seeker; independent
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Curved 8 1/2 Inch Flexible Walnut Wand with Vampire Blood Core
02/2046 (15)
Savannah had decided to stay at school, there was nothing for her back home. School had a proper bed, people who could do her washing for her, food at every meal, and it helped that most of the other kids were gone. A downside it appeared was that Savannah was sick, she'd woken up with a blocked nose and then over the next couple of days as she ignored it, it had gotten worse. She'd been vomiting every so often, her body ached, unable to decide between whether it was hot or cold. She'd tried to deal with it on her own, but Savannah knew what she needed was medicine. Savannah needed just a potion or two, and then she'd be fine. So, she'd come to the hospital and within two seconds of her arriving and sitting upon a bed, she immediately had to grab a bowl to vomit in.
Why anyone would choose to go back to an orphanage for the holidays was beyond Finley. Which was exactly why he had decided to stay at Hogwarts for the Christmas break. It was not really like anyone was going to miss him. The problem with staying at school was that there seemed to be some kind of illness floating around. At first, Finley thought he had managed to avoid it, but when he had woken up with a rather stuffy nose and a bit of a headache, it seemed as though that was not the case. For a while he had just stayed in bed, but he'd seen how bad things could get and decided it was probably better to try and get some kind of cure before he got to the vomiting stage. Wrapping his arms around his chest as he suppressed a shiver, Finley stumbled his way into the hospital wing. He had to avoid wrinkling his nose too much as a girl nearby grabbed a bowl to vomit in. Looked like he was not the only one.
It was the holidays and as a professor Elvera has as much right to come and go at the school as she had during the year. she had been staying with her mum in Le Fey Cottage for a few days until one day she had woken up with a stuffy nose and knew the bug that was going round the school had caught up with her. She had left quickly not wanting to make Morgan sick she she had packed up some things and collected some herbs from the garden before heading back to the school and lockingherself in her office glad that she would have the tower to herself for at least the next week.
it had been a few days. she had let the room get warm, burned sage, made tinctures from herbs, echinacea and angiographis, Garlic and Orange, Echina, mint and feaverfew, and since the vomiting started she had drunk more ginger and lemongrass tea than she had had in a longtime. that had been a few days ago. since then she had been in bed, sweating through the sheets as she shivered glad that the houseelves came with food, bedding and blankets, especially once the vomiting had started and she had had to drag herself out of bed to relocate somewhere better suited for puke. she was running low on her ingredients but thankfully today she was feeling a little better. well by a little better she had kept down two gingernuts and half a glass of lukewarm water and had slowly made her way downstairs to the hospital wing even though she felt very weak and tired. she entered the room and was not surprised to see that she was not alone there. a girl was sitting vomiting into bason and there was a boy not too far away who had a slight glazed look in his eyes that people had when they weren't well. it was then that the smell of the girls vomit hit her. and that was enough to set her stomach off again. she made it a couple of steps towards a bucket that she summoned towards her before bending over and throwing up before it arrived. "Oh merlin" she cursed finding a clean bit of floor and sitting down as she waved her wand to clean up the mess before leaning forwards her head in her hands groaning.
Savannah felt miserable, and when her vomiting thankfully stopped, with tear filled eyes she looked back up. She realized now that she was no longer alone in the hospital wing, there were a couple of other people. A boy who was vaguely familiar to her and an older woman, a professor likely, not a nurse. Both equally looked as miserable as she did, seemingly perhaps with the exact same flu as she was currently dealing with. However, there was no nurse. "Has a nurse been by?" she asked aloud, in case in her vomiting there had been one.
Finley had always imagined that magical people would just have some magical cure to everything and they never got sick. But that was put to rest when a Professor wandered into the Hospital Wing as well and also ended up throwing up. Now Finley just wanted to get better even faster before he ended up getting sick enough to be throwing up all over the place. "No," he mumbled quickly at the question, only managing to shake his head once before he regretted it, and the world started spinning just a little. So he promptly stopped that.

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