Role play needed

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Jaden West

Apothecary's Owner ☠️ Potion 1-4
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation


Name//Jaden Nile West
Age//13 Years Old
School//Hogwarts NZ Slytherin

Basically I'm lacking rps with Jaden, so bad that I had to come up with a storyline on my own.
Like she kinda have someone already set up in the end, but knowing myself than anyone else, I've like to do the unexpected. Why? Cause its boring to do what's plan (sometimes) I'm saying not all the times. Or maybe cause I'm always planning and not taking chances with her? Anyways meet Jaden; My names Jaden, I am 13 years old and I attend Hogwarts New Zealand. I am in the house of Slytherin but I don't think I belong in there. I don't like anything about Hogwarts, except two things. Potion and Lily Fossil, I am utterly infatuated by a girl that hate me. Hates me so much she had nearly burn by skin off, though we patch things up, I'm still afraid to go near her. Fatal attraction much? Yes I know, on top of that I have a friend. He goes to Drumstrang, he hates the world, he doesn't care for anyone except his family and four friends. I happen to be one of them, he doesn't agree of me being "different". In fact he ignores it and thinks one day I will be him with him. Even if it means being force, (thinks than sighs) I live my life for now and see what happens for now. Dederick can be scary though, but its not his fault with his dad dying and his "secret" always reminding him of what he's lost. Anyways that's about it, if your wanting to make my life easy your welcome to post, though conflicts are always fun? Right? Yes I think so :p
I have two students in HNZ that can be friends with her. They are both boys and are both quite different, even if they are brothers xD

Ok well number one is Logan Blackwood. He is a Ravenclaw second year and i just plain nice. He likes to try and get along with anyone really. He doesn't have any enemies as of yet but he doesn't have many friends really either because he always has his head in a book rather than talking to people. This is why he and his ex girl friend split up.

The next one is Mark Stone. He is Logans brother but he couldn't be more different to im. They have only recently found out that they are brothers and are very close and would do just about anything for each other. Anyway Mark is very depressed teenager and doesn't really open up to people. He can be very touchy to what people say to him and wouldn't hesitate to hurt someone. Except for girls, he doesn't hit girls but he would threaten one if needed. But once you get under his skin and though the shell then he can be open and friendly. When he is round people he tries to act happy but that is getting harder and harder or him to do

What do you think :D
Both would do good Lozzi, I can see Jaden either using them for friendship though, Jaden always been sketchy bout guys. Just don't think she can trust him enough to understand them. But I'm up for friends and confusing the hell out of little Logan if you like? Up to you :)
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