Closed Robes and Run-ins

Penny Strawbridge

Rough Patch l Mum to Finn and Felicity
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
12.75” Vine, with Hippogriff feather core
Penny stepped out onto the street from Gladrag's, a small bag under her arm. Her first pair of robes in... ten years? That sounded about right. She had loved the soft navy colour immediately, and it had set off her dark wash jeans and light pink blouse nicely. Not ready to wear them just yet, she kept the bag tucked away. Penny looked up and down the main street of Obsidian Harbour for her 10 year old son Finn, who she had asked to wait close by. She couldn't see him anywhere, but had seen him sneaking off up the street through the window of Gladrag's, and had the distinct suspicion he had headed off to Quality Quidditch Supplies. Penny smiled softly, glad her son had found a part of the magical world that interested him. Throughout this morning's short excursion to the wizarding village, Finn had been very quiet, which wasn't unusual for him, however Penny had hoped being among fellow wizards and witches might draw him out of his shell a bit. She sighed, deciding to give him some time on his own in the shop before they had to leave.

This morning was this first in a while she just had Finn at home with her, and she had decided to take him shopping. However instead of heading to the muggle shops in the nearby town of Blenheim, she and Finn had used floo powder to travel to Obsidian Harbour, as soon as Roger left the house for the morning. Penny felt hints of discomfort, mostly around asking Finn to lie to his father about where they had been this morning, however she felt equally defiant. Having exposure to the magical world was important for her children. Totally absorbed in her thoughts, Penny turned to walk over to the nearest bench and wait. The bag containing her new robes slipped out from under her arm and fell on the cobble stones, right in front of a witch walking in the opposite direction "Oh shoot- apologies!" she said, quickly scooping up the bag and straightening. She blinked "Kennedy?" she said automatically, as she looked at the other woman. Unless she was mistaken, she was quite sure this woman had been a fellow Ravenclaw, a few years above her at Hogwarts Scotland.

@Kennedy Pratt
It had been a few years since Kennedy had been back in New Zealand and she had to admit she missed it as she walked through Obsidian Harbour. A few shops that she knew had come and gone, replaced by new ones she didn't recognize, but overall the sense of familiarity was comforting. After taking a position at her alma mater she didn't think she would have much reason to return to the country, but her youngest sister Eleanor had surprisingly decided to move here. So as expected, Kennedy had ended up with the responsibility of buying all of Ella's home decor and necessities since the young twenty-year-old had no experience on her own yet. Although Kennedy didn't mind doing the shopping, she was annoyed that the youngest Pratt didn't even bother to accompany her to get a feel for what kind of things she would need to figure out on her own in the future. Still, she was used to doing things for her and never had the heart to scold her.

As Kennedy walked down the harbour with many shopping bags in hand, she pulled out her list to check which store she needed to head to next, and wasn't looking in front of her when she accidentally stumbled over someone's shopping bag that seemed to spill out onto the street. "I'm so sorry!" Kennedy said at the same time the woman apologized for her bag. "No it's okay I wasn't looking -" she began before the woman was addressing her by name. It only took a moment before she was able to place a name to the familiar face and she said, "Penny?" She remembered the girl had been a few years below her in school back in Scotland, so to run into her in New Zealand of all places, many years later, was such a surprising coincidence. "Wow what are the odds!" she said with a small laugh. "How are you?" she asked excitedly, "Are your items okay?" she added, gesturing to the bag she'd accidentally run into, hoping nothing had been damaged.
Penny smiled as the other woman clearly recognised her as well- though now she felt suddenly self-conscious. Did she look like a witch still? Were her muggle clothes off-putting? Granted, they were nicer than her normal farm clothes, so that was something. She really hadn't been expecting to bump into someone she knew here, as she had hardly any connections to the magical community in New Zealand. "It's lovely to see you, I'm doing quite well" she replied automatically, trying to relax her posture and appear more natural "Oh it's just some robes, they're fine" she said, giving Kennedy another smile and brushing some dirt off the packaging. Kennedy had been a couple of years older than her, but Penny couldn't remember much else about her, and had no idea what the other woman had been doing since leaving Hogwarts Scotland "So tell me- what brings you to New Zealand? Are you living here now?" she inquired, curious to see where the other witch's life had lead her. Penny was also quite keen to keep the conversation away from her own life. What would she tell Kennedy? Oh yes, I'm a washed up witch that can barely transfigure a teacup anymore, and my kids might not be going to Hogwarts. But yes, doing great. Penny forced these thoughts out of her mind and determinedly kept the smile on her face, as she waited for Kennedy's reply.

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