🌹 Rose Giving Roaring Red

Elise Ito

creative 💀 flighty 💀 a little odd
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Ebony Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
06/2049 (14)
Red rose for @Amodeus Jones

Elise was very excited to deliver roses. She thought the holiday was a bit boring under usual circumstances. But this year with messages of love, friendship, and maybe even a little bit of yearning added much more excitement. She had been tempted to try and sneak a peak at some of the notes in her basket, especially the red ones. But she did feel some respect towards the whole process and didn't really want to break that trust. Instead she got right to work and stood on one of the benches in the entrance hall. "Amodeus Jones! Amodeus Jones! I have rose for Amodeus Jones!" she called out hoping the right person would hear her.
Amodeus was sitting on the steps watching the birds swooping when he heard someone calling for him. He looked up, oblivious, and raised his hands. "Hi! I'm here!" He called, waving with a bright smile on his face.
Elise grinned wide. This was easy. She skipped over to where the boy who responded was sitting. "Hello, I have a rose for you." she said simply before pulling out the red rose and note that went along with this delivery and handed it over.

Moooooooooo! You’re my best friend and I love you so much!

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