Rio 2016 Summer Olympics

Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Hi all!

So we thought we'd start a topic where the Summer Olympics could be discussed. Here it is!
Are any of you planning on watching? Do you have a favorite sport to watch? Do you only watch the opening and closing ceremonies?
Let us know. ^_^

I really enjoy the Olympics and will watch as much of it as I can. Swimming/diving and gymnastics are my favorite events to watch though.
same! I love swimming/diving and gymnastics. I like watching the 100 m 400m running too because some of the athletes I've met personally. But my fave isn't there this year which makes me sad D:
I'm also really into watching the diving and the female gymnastics! Not usually into any kinds of sports but watching people do crazy tricks in the air is amazing xD
It so is. I did gymnastics as a child up until I was about five or six I think. Most of the girls in my class did it was just a popular after school activity. I mean I wasn't really any good at it other than twirling around bars xD
I'm partial to some gymnastics too, I did it in my youth as well. I'm quite excited to see Rugby 7s in the Olympics for the first time, I was looking forward to golf but seeing as though most of the top players have pulled out I'm suddenly less interested.
I enjoy watching the olympics when it comes around, although I probably won't watch much of it xD
I'll probably watch the swimming, mostly because one of my friends, actually knows one of the scottish guys on the british swim team, so that'll be quite interesting
I try to keep up with all of the events but my favorites and the ones I'm usually most invested in are Archery and Gymnastics.
Nice idea! I really like watching the Olympic games. And I will gonna watch a lot. I love athletics the most, because I did this for ten years. Especially I'm looking forward to Daphne Schippers a female atlete. I support the Netherlands my country ofcourse but I'm looking forward to all the spectacle! :D .
Rosalina Starling said:
I try to keep up with all of the events but my favorites and the ones I'm usually most invested in are Archery and Gymnastics.
Ooh, yes Archery! I enjoy watching that as well!
I did not even know hat this was until Facebook sent me a notification. xD
I'm super excited to watch the rugby 7s! And ofcourse as an archer I'll be trying to keep track of archery as well, keeping up with how our Dutch team is doing ^_^
I usually only watch the gymnastics (i've got no patience for sports but gymnastics is close enough to dance for me to watch and take notes :r ) but I'm going to check out the wrestling this year too, cause a guy I know from a musical a few years ago is wrestling for Team NZ

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