rich, business (wizard or muggle people) please

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Thomas Moon

OOC First Name
Hey there everyone!

Well, I have some charries to hmmm, well initiate into the "upper classes" So, I have Thomas here, his wife- Sophie and his children- Sara, Kate, Star and Ryan.

Now, nice enough Family, hey? So, to get more info on them- I'm going to use Kate and Sara's bio's, as they are the furthest developed. Sara's bio- mostly about Sara, because it is under construction. Sara's relationships.- a small bit of info on Thomas' relationship with the girls, mostly the same with Kate

Kate's bio-well developed, most family details.

These topics, should outline the family's current situation, but I will explain it now-in brief.

Thomas' family had old money, but all of the fortune was left to an Elderly aunt Eileen, who had no children. She died, and the money was left to Thomas.
The girls (Sara and Kate) are dealing with it well, but Sara is a bit unsure. The family have had to re-locate from Ireland to England, where their new manor is. They are also very rich. Thomas and Sophie, are muggles, but all their children are magical.

So, what I need for them are-rich families. Families muggle or Magical. Of course Thomas will be having dealings with the Mother/Father concerning them investing in farmland, factories, businesses etc. Which he has come to inherit. He needs "business associates. He was a muggle teacher, but will eventually give it up, to maintain the manor. So, we need families who are high in social standing, as the family will need to rise socially to maintain business contacts etc. We will go into more detail on their business/personal relationship, after you post here.

So, we need you- Please post!

For an example, here are some pictures of their manor.

The manor

Kate's room

Sara's room

Manor garden



tennis court

swimming pool
Well I have the Black family to offer up, Raziel and his wife come from money and as such they are wealthy beyond measure. As I play only as Raziel I do not speak for his wife but I know he would be a good person to become a business partner with.

I also have Zaria Love and Eric Evans but they are about ten years younger and both come from money as well.
Yes, that could be good. I know this sounds extremely strange, but Thomas has come under different ownership, since I posted this (Yeah, about five minutes ago) So, I am going to speak for the rest of the family, as I am currently talking to Sophie, and Kate and Star are my best friends, whom I know better than myself. That should be good, but I will wait 'till I hear from Brock to say yes or no fully.
I have the Kalforovich family who are very wealthy, from inheritance aswell, and wouldn't mind new people.

The family consists of two parents, Benson and Taneaka, three children, Markov (16), Ivana (13) and Andromeda (4), though not all of them are Bensons' children. Taneaka's nephews also live with them after being thrown out from their own house, Laurence (24) and Axel (20). Due to Bensons' business, which the family wouldn't learn of, they often have guests around for a couple of days only.

The family supports the death eaters but none of them are interested in becoming one, though Markov is slowly getting there. They aren't exactly evil but they are all scary or mean in their own ways, only excepting Ivana who is slightly weird and ignores her family's nasty streak. Benson has a lot of contacts so he would be a good business partner.
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