
Aries Centauri

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
10 1/2" ash and paduak mix with unicorn hair core
Aries was getting used to the grounds now, even the maze that was the castle did not daunt him half as much as it had on his first week in. He still had to make any real friends though, at this he smiled remembering Violet. It had only been a few days since he had met her but he would love to be able to run into her everyday. Hanging around the Hufflepuff table didn't seem to help and the strange looks he got from the other girls at her table was enough to send him running for cover.

He had also frequented the library but nothing doing, there and the lakefront where he had originally met her. What did a boy have to do? He couldn't necessarily summon her to his side, though that wasn't half as bad an idea as some others he had been having. No, he would just have to bide his time and let the fates bring them together again. If they were indeed supposed to be together. Aries hadn't dated many girls, actually he had only ever dated one other girl and as nice as she had been she didn't hold a torch to Violet. Walking down from the school he decided to clear his head and stroll about the lawn for a spell. Keeping his wits about him on the off chance that he would indeed bump into Violet.
Zazuka was walking on the lawn barefoot again. This had started to become a habbit with her though she though that she had to enjoy the autumn days while they lasted. After Holloween winter would start to settle in and no matter how much she liked the snow she couldn't walk in it with no shoes on. She was also waiting for Andy who said she was going to walk with her. It had been sometime since they just walked outside together and talked. They had been talking for almost the whole time they where here but still she knew that Andy needed her friends now more than ever.

How could anyone be so crule as to toture another human. She still thought of Andy as human even though she didn't think that about herself. Andy had a human heart. It was only when a person gave themselves over the curse that one stop being so. Zazuka had every entention to show Andy this. That she was still human, that she still had hope. Zazuka was trapped in her thoughts now looking up at the sky. Her dark eyes gittering in the soft sunlight behind her glasses. She waited like this for her firey friend.
Having supposed to be meeting Zuka on the lawn, Andromeda felt guilty that she was showing up slightly late but she had just received a letter from Harrison, the grandson of her godmother. He hadn't written in ages, indeed she hadn't heard a word from him since his parents had taken him out of Durmstrang over her 'condition'. He had written to Esmerelda of course, who passed on well wishes from him and other bits of news. She hadn't realised how much she had missed her only friend and confident at Durmstrang until his letter arrived though. After reading it, she remembered Zuka on the lawn and ran to meet her. The letter and a photograph of Harrison still in her hand.

"Z, sorry for keeping you" she smiled breathlessly as she came across Zuka walking barefoot across the lawn, "No shoe day huh?" Andromeda couldn't help but smile at her friend, she didn't know any other person who went walking around barefoot like this or indeed walked or danced in the rain the way Zuka did.

"I got a letter from Harrison, he sent a photo as well" she passed the photo of a boy standing looking miserable infront of the Smithsonian Musuem in Washington, "I don't think he's happy at all with how things have worked out for him but at least he doesn't blame me".
Zazuka laughed softly. "Well it's nice out and I won't miss it when winter comes and covers the ground with snow." She said. Zazuka was a stainge one alright. She loved being just that. She felt no need to be normal. She was starting to think that normal was a problem from all the problems around school. "Do you think he will be able to come to Ms. Smickett's over the holyday or will his parents keep him away again?" She asked was she dragged her foot over the damp grass. She smiled. She didn't mind that Andy was late just as long as she hadn't forgotten her. She knew that she was so quiet that it was easy to forget her.
Andromeda walked beside her refusing point blank to remove her own shoes and socks. Goodness only knew how it would feel for her charmed prosthetic leg on grass, she had been told by the healers that it would feel as normal. She could quite easily be tickled as well and feel that but she didn't want anyone seeing or touching the limb, not now or ever. That's why this year she was opting for a long rig-out for the Halloween festivities and was considering actually going to the Yule Ball just to actually put herself out there and of course she had an ulterior motive this year. A smile spread across her features.

"I think if they suspect at all that I could be there, they won't let him go at all but Essie hopes he'll be allowed. She misses him terribly" she cast a glance at her friend before shoving the letter into her pocket and fiddling with a piece of hair about her right ear, " I met the cutest boy in the world the other day, you mightened think so as you've got Andrew but oh, wait. Actually Andrew might know him, he's in Slytherin house too. A transfer student in fourth year, Scorpius is his name."
Zazuka bit her lip to keep from laughing as Andy gushed over Scorpius. She knew of him because she had been there when they where walking together only instead of intervening this time she decided to go the walk the other way and take a passage way down to the library. "Really, I will have to ask Andrew or Abbey or Heden. I have met quite a few Slytherins and really not all of them are all that bad." She said. She couldn't understand why they got such a bad reputation form a few bad seeds. There was good and evil in everyone.

Zazuka didn't mind that Andy didn't take off her shoes. It was like everyone to walk barefoot on the grass or dance in the rain or do anything that she did. Zazuka was just odd. "Anyway you will have to introduce my yourself because I will feel a bit like a spy if I ask around on my own and the last thing I want is to be a spy." She said putting her hands behind her back. She spoted a shap in the distence in the direction they where walking. If it was someone she knew she would say hi when they came up to them but now she wanted to speak to any more about her Slytherin.
Andromeda smiled her gaze drifting off into the distance.
"You'll think I'm daft, after all I've been through to start showing an interest in any boy is probably the last thing I should be doing but there was just something about him Z. I can't explain it. I mean his eyes were like silver and he..." she blushed slightly lowering her head before continuing, "he complimented me. They sounded genuine but other than getting compliments from you and Essie and some of the girls, I guess hearing any from a boy just sort of took me by complete surprise. Do you think he was only messing with me though?"

Andromeda had very little experience with boys, she had only dated once which lasted only two weeks. Brian had always been the boy she thought she would love for eternity but he had made it so clear in first year that she was a sister to him and finally last year she had begun to feel the same way. Now her heart was free from the ties that had bound her to him, it felt easier somehow to find another boy fun and exciting. Her heart felt for the first time in a while... hopeful.
At this Zazuka did laugh. "I know just how you feel. This is how I first realised I liked Andrew. Our eyes met in the woods and it almost instent. Mind you he did have another girlfriend at the time but still." She said with a sigh. She didn't want to go thought the whole Kristy thing in her mind again. She was still having pictures of the girl crying to herself because Andrew left her for Zazuka. She wondered why though Kristy was a beautiful girl more than Zazuka thought she could ever be.

"Anyway how will you know if you haven't tryed. I'll bet he will be asking you the Yule Ball if you play your cards right." She said her voice almost sing song. She felt... Girly. Zazuka didn't often feel like a girl she felt like a being. Something that was here but was neather a boy or a girl. She felt like a girl near Andrew and sometimes when talking to Kailey but for the most part she was just Z. It was nice, this feeling.
Andromeda laughed and nudged Zuka playfully.
"I so didn't know that you dark horse, you actually stole him from someone else?" Andromeda looked at her friend through new eyes, she wouldn't have thought Zuka had it in her to do something like that though ultimately it would have been Andrew's choice, she felt for the other girl. It must have been devastating for her and yet, the proof that Z and Andrew were to be together was simply before them all as they were still together.

"There are hundreds of girls at this school Z and plenty of fourth year girls who are gorgeous and aren't tainted like I am. He could have his choice of anyone, so I don't think I'll be up there somehow, though the hoping will be something I won't be able to control" she sighed as they continued walking along the lawn together.
Zazuka felt herself giggle. This was one of the only times she did so. "It wasn't like that and the kiss was kind of an accedent and oh I even checked on her to see if she was alright. Things just kind of happened this way." She said. She got closer and got an image of who she was seeing Aries! She ran up to him. "Hey ther! I didn't know you would be out here. Andy this is Aries the new Ravenclaw." She said with a bright smile. He had been so nice in the commonroom she didn't mind introducing him around.
Andromeda listened but still couldn't believe that the girl talking was Z, the shy girl who wouldn't have said boo to a goose in their first year. So much really had changed, even now Andromeda watched in amazement as Zuka ran off to some boy across the lawn and began to introduce her to him. The letter and photograph took that moment of course to fall from her robe pocket and blow itself across the lawn as well.
"Bloody typical" she muttered as she made off after them.
Aries turned on hearing his name and smiled as he recognised Zazuka running towards him. She always seemed to be in good form, always a smile on her face. He knew she was in third year and would be sharing classes with Violet and was tempted to ask Zazuka about her but thought it was way too soon for that kind of thing. He had yet to even say hello, he couldn't literaly blurt out that he had been out looking around in the hopes of bumping into her again.
"Hi Zazuka, just grabbing some fresh air the old common room can get stuffy" he smiled at her and looked over her shoulder to see who she was calling to. A girl was racing after some paper blowing across the lawn towards them. With a sympathetic smile he bent down as they blew nearer and picked them up for her. His eye caught the boy in the photograph and he frowned. That was his bestfriend, Harrison. What was this girl doing with a photograph of Harrison for? He looked up as she came towards them and his face paled in recognition. It was the girl, Andromeda the wolf girl or the werewolf. His mouth gaped open speechless. He had attempted last year to defend her and stand up against how badly she was being treated, it hadn't gotten him anywhere. It had been witnessing the ill treatment that this girl had been put through that had made him beg his parents to transfer him and now here she was, walking right towards him. He didn't know whether he should run or standstill but if Harrison was writing to her, surely everything was alright with her. He just hoped she didn't recognise him.
Sadness and other things like that where things that Zazuka never really showed. She always had a sunshiny smile on her face because she knew that it was better to show that than to complain. No one wanted to hear her, she learned that early in life. No one would help if she did talk, no one could. Zazuka didn't even think of all that when she saw the color drain from Aries' face. "Yeah, what's wrong?" She asked tilting her head. She didn't know what was going on then again she didn't know what school he had gone to before. Out all the things they had talked about it had never come up.
Andromeda bent to pick up the letter and smiled as she neared them, noticing the boy had gotten the photo. It was only then she got a proper look at him and her heart hammered loudly in her chest. Her feet began to move slowly until they came to a complete stop. Her face was ashen, the fear in her eyes was so visible. Sheer panic was etched on her countenence. Run, she told herself just run! His face was one of so many faces that had haunted her dreams over the last few months. He had been one of the third years from Durmstrand, he had attended the Dark Arts classes and had seen the horror first hand that had been inflicted on her. Now it felt as if the horror had followed her.

Shaking her head slowly, her eyes began to fill with tears though she battled them. She took a step backward but somehow managed to slip and fall down. Landing in an unceremonious heap on the grass. Still she could not look away from him.
Zazuka left Aries' side and went to Andy's. She may have thought of Aries a friend but Andy was her best friend. "Andy? Andy what what's wrong? Remember no one can hurt you here, no one will hurt you here Andy look at me." she said waving her hand infront of Andy's face. She would snap her out of this if it killed her. Zazuka looked at Aries to explain. How did they now eachother? Then it dawned on her. "Your... Drumstrang arn't you?" She asked her breath cought in her thoat. This could not be the second time she was fooled. She had met Jon Hasworth and had though him a nice guy before finding out that he too was a Drumstrang student. she could bare it if one of them was in her own house!
Aries wanted to reach out and catch her from falling, to let her know he wasn't the enemy. What she had been put through was beyond hell, yet she had survived. He had spent alot of the summer with Althios wondering what in the world had happened to her. The incident with her leg had been the icing on the cake, if that was any way to put it. He had gone straight to the headmistresses office and made a formal complaint, she had merely told him to politely get lost and that complaints made against one of their most noteworthy professors was not a good way to conduct himself.

He took a step towards her holding out the photograph to her. The fear of him, of the school and everything it stood for was staring up at him now from those amber eyes of hers. He had woken from feverish dreams himself where he could hear her screaming in pain and fear. The other boys from his class except for Harrison and Althios had tried to keep to the back of the class always so they wouldn't have to see the full onslaught of the experiments and attacks made on her. Not once were they allowed to be excused from the class.

"Yes. Yes I was" he spoke to Zuka though he couldn't tear his gaze from the eyes now glazed with tears, "Andromeda I am so sorry for what happened to you there. Really I am".

He took another step forward.
Andromeda could barely see before her now, her minds eye had taken her back to the dungeon. To the horror and grief that had been her lot for months. She could see this boys face through the bars, through the other faces. It always amazed her how she was able to identify each student remarkably well, have every facial feature down to a tee. But then again there had been so many classes, there had been so many instances where she had been tempted to turn from them but had instead been forced to look out at all them staring at her in wonder and fear.

She could hear Zuka's voice vaguely but all she could do was shake her head, why here? Why now? Andromeda held up a hand as if to try to stop him from coming any closer. She couldn't cope with this, she had honestly thought she had been doing so much better the last few days and now this. Twelve steps back is where she felt she had been dragged. All her nightmares reawakened. He spoke, apologising to her. She froze as if his apology had just cursed her. Lifting up her other hand she clutched at Zuka's arm, she turned her head to look at her friend. The tears now pouring unchecked down her face. She looked back again at the boy, he was holding out the photograph of Harrison to her but as much as she wanted the photo back she didn't want to go anywhere near him.
Zazuka couldn't speak. Andy was in so much pain. Zazuka wraped her arm around her best friend. She couldn't even fathom what it would be like. She knew that her father would never come here. She would never see her family in Willow's Rain again so all that pain was behind her but here was a repesintation of that pain to Andy. She quickly took the photo from Aries. She wiped a few of Andy's tears with the back of the hand that she had the photo with. "It's alright Andy, it's ok. Your home, no one can hurt you here." She wispered. "It think it would be best if you leave." She said to Aries. Her dreamy voice was unusually cold. She couldn't believe there was a Drumstrang monster in her house. Zazuka had heard his apology but it would take a lot more than that to bring Andy back from where ever she was.
Aries stopped moving forward, looked quickly to Zazuka as she took the photograph from him and told him he should leave. The girl, Andromeda, was visibly afraid of him and he couldn't blame her, how was she to know that he had tried to help? How was she to know that it was because of her and the treatment she was subjected to that tipped the leaving of the awful school in his favour.
He scooched down on his haunches so he could look her directly in the eye. He didn't know if she could hear him, she looked so far gone now. Into some depths of mindless torture that their old professor had subjected her to.

"I am Harrison Landers best friend, Andromeda. We complained so many times about what was happening to you but know one listened, I left the school and transferred here because of it. I am sorry. Really Andromeda" he couldn't say anymore for now, he would probably get all emotional again himself.

Turning to Zazuka, he stood up straight.
"If I may, would it be alright to talk with you in our common room or in my own room later, please?" if he could explain things to Zazuka then maybe Andromeda would listen too, maybe she would then see he was definitely not her enemy.
Zazuka looked down. She brathed then finally was able to look at Aries. Her dark eyes where full of dispare for her friend and for him for having to see all of what happened to Andy. She wanted to believe him really she did. But the fear in Andy's eyes was enough to doubt Aries. Another thing that confused her sort of was that he was Harrison's best friend. This made her think that he was maybe trust worthy. She nodded. "I will hear you." She said finally.
Andromeda heard the words but they seemed to float about her, never fully reaching her never fully entering her conscious until much later when she would have time to process them. For now fear had taken hold, a fear she had not experienced since her time in the Durmstrang dungeons. It was simply too much to have someone so connected to that period of her life kneeling right infront of her now, that she didn't know how to cope. Her entire body shivered with revulsion, her head was screaming in agony and her wand hand wanted badly to reach for its only source of relief and hex the living daylights out of the boy. She could not control the tears that continued to flow, she could not control anything anymore though deep down she knew the last time she had control of anything she was still living blissfully back in Ireland with her mother and father and muggle family about her. So much had changed and not all for the better since she had come to Hogwarts.

The one thing now she was grateful for was her bestfriend beside her, she still clutched Zuka's arm. So afraid to let go, so afraid that if she did - Zuka would disappear and she would be left alone to her horrors and her own devices.
Zazuka put a gentle hand on Andy's cheek and tryed to turn Andy to her shoulder. She could cry there. She didn't have to look at Aries right now. She knew it was too painful like it would be painful for her if she where ever to see her father or her brothers again. They where safely in Willow's Rain while she was here away from all that. It was strainge how Andy's horrors seemed to follow her. It wasn't fair. Andy should not have deal with this any more. Zazuka wraped the arm that Andy was holding almost painfuly around her so Andy could feel the warmth. Sence she didn't seem to know that she was safe by hearing her Zazuka decided to show her. She was letting Andy go. Not ever, not when it was because of her and everyone else around her that Zazuka found her voice.
Aries clasped his hands together and hung his head low. He couldn't even begin to imagine what she must be feeling now but thought the least he could do was walk away and hope to get a chance to explain his side of things to Zazuka later.
Standing up he looked down at the two friends, concern etched on every facet of his face.
"I've never been more sorry in all my life" he looked at Zazuka and nodded his head, "Later, thank you".

He turned and began to walk away, deciding to head directly to his dorm to write to Harrison. He could have at least told me she was going to be here.

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