Returning to School

Katheryn Kingsley

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Maple Wand 12'' core of female Kelpie Hair
Katheryn wandered down to the lawn, bundled up in a cloak. She had been living with her mother for the past year and not attending school. Now she was a year behind. Kat shook her red curls as the wind blew them in her face. She was thinking about what it would be like to be back at school. Kiera had been irrate when she found out Kat planned to leave school. She hoped Kiera would forgive her, Kiera was not aware Kat was returning. Kat sighed as she sat down on the ground. It was like she was a first year again without any friends.
Lexi was sure that her friend don't know that she came back this second sem. She was looking forward to get here and misses her bestie, Ellie Sparks. She walked around the Lawn where she first met Blaine now gone, Lexi walked until she saw another girl and was sitting in the ground by herself. Being not evil in one whole day doesn't hurt her. So, Lexi walked toward the girl and asked, "Are you alone? or waiting for somebody?"
Kat smiled shyly at the younger girl. "I am alone. You may join me if you wish." she offered in her sweet voice. It was a pleasant day for January and Katheryn intended to take advantage of it. She didnt know the girl but then again she didnt know many people still at school. Kat had always been shy and slow to make friends.
Lexi smiled, her smile was an acid for her. She sat beside the girl she doesn't know, "I'm Lexi and just got back here." She introduce herself, "How about you? Are you new here or a transferee." Lexi asked the older girl.
Katheryn nodded her head. "Nice to meet you Lexi. I am Katheryn Kingsley but you can call me Kat." she offered her prefrence. "I attended school here for 1st and 2nd years but I left to learn from my mother. I am now a third year." she explained in a nice voice. Kat was still nice despite her mother's influence.
"I also attended here in my first year, but got stop when my parents needed us." Lexi said slowly, she fumble the grass and looked at the many trees that had grow for one year.
Katheryn smiled. "I left before you attended here I am sure. I am supposed to be a 4th year." she said with a shrug of her shoulders. "What did your parents need you for?" she asked.
Lexi nodded her head slightly. "Some business that they will pass on to us. My muggle father is a business man." She said looking at the trees still.
Kat smiled. "My father is a muggle too, only he is a psychologist." she said, finding it odd she had that in common with the Sytherin girl.
"your must be thinking that my father's a muggle and i'm in Slytherin, huh?" Lexi stated. "I don't know what happen to the sorting hat that day." She said looking at Katheryn, "I thought i'm going to be in gryffindor."
Kat wondered what Lexi's sentence meant about her character then. Kat looked down at the grass and started picking blades of it out of the ground. "Well my sister is in Gryffindor so I thought for sure I would end up there. Instead I got put in Hufflepuff." she said thinking back to her own sorting day.
"Well, your the first back to school friend i have here." Lexi said smiling while looking at the horizon. Lexi's old friends are gone now and she's left here none.

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