return to the castle

Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
53 (11/2009)
Elvera made her way out of her office headed to the north tower. it had been one of her favourite places when she had been a student. she realised as since she now lived in the divination tower she had to climb down one staircase along a corridor up another staircase. she realised how lazy she had gotten living at home all of the steps of the castle were good for her. she was sure that she would get used them again. when she finally reached the top of the second tower she knew that it had been worth the hike the landscape spread you under her was a lot better than the view from her rooms. she sat on her favourite window seat and looked down at the grounds. she wondered if anyone was going to join her or if all of the students and professors were busy working. she felt the walls whispering to her but she realised that she had increased control over her gift that she was able to block it off, and it was just a background hum, which was very good for a space that she hadn't cleared, and that had certainly had a lot of emotion exposed to it.
It was no more than a week in New Zealand and Icarus was feeling like home. He was more than satisfied with his new home and the job he had just got. Few months ago he was a student, having to participate in classes and take exams but now he was the one to be teaching. He was really grateful for headmaster's trust in him, for letting him teach flying to first years. It was a great responsibility for him and he couldn't deny to himself that he was a bit nervous as well.

He had spent a lot of time in his new office unpacking his staff and belonging and preparing for his lessons. As always he was planning ahead and now he had a lot of free time to spend on what else but his favourite hobby. Based on a conversation of some students about the highest place in the castle with the greatest view, Icarus was making his way to the north tower, while holding his trusty broom. It was a long way from his office to the top but he was always working out and he was always in good shape.

The view was absolutely mesmerising, the students were right. He gazed from the balcony the vast horizon, his grey eyes stopping at the black void of the lake and the thick forest at the opposite direction. He was so captivated by the scenery that he noticed the person sitting on a window seat, moments after his arrival. He froze by surprise for an instance but the greeted her. "Hello! Sorry if I interrupt your peace, I just wanted to see with my own eyes this beautiful view." he apologised for intruding into her space uninvited. "I'm professor Stratis. What's your name?" he asked the girl who looked pretty much close to his age.
Elvera heard someone coming up the stairs. she looked around and saw a boy exit. at first she thought that he was one of the seventh years, then she remembered seeing him at the staff table at the start of year. she watched as he examined the view, he seemed to have not been up here before as he looked in awe of the surroundings. "the view is well worth the climb isn't it. don't worry about disturbing me, if i had wanted to be alone i would have stayed in my tower." she said standing up and walking over to him. once she introduced himself the name rang a bell, Cyndi had introduced him to the school at the start of year feast. "you teach flying right? I'm Professor Elvera Le Fey, but just call me Elvera. I teach fifth and sixth years Divination" she said offering her hand to shake. she was glad to meet some of her colleagues, she had known many of them when she had been a student, so sometimes it felt odd to see them as colleagues and not authority figures. Zinnia Professor Chamberin far too many times, and the same with many of the other professors.
He nodded as he absolutely agreed with the girl regarding the view. The truth was that Icarus was in favor of heights and it was an additional reason to like the specific view. "Yeah, it's along way from my office but I'm planning coming here regurarly after what I just witnessed." he said and glanced back for a moment at the scenery.
"Yes, flying is my thing. Nice to meet you Elvera, call me Icarus." he shook the girl's hand with his own rough one.
He couldn't ignore the girl's eyes. They were mysterious yet beautiful as one of them was emerald and the other one was violet, purple. A unique charecteristic. He kept shaking her hand, studying her eyes when he realised that was bringing Elvera into an awkward position. "Divination huh? I was never good in that subject. I remember myself reading the tea leaves, watching my cup for hours without seeing anything." he chuckled as the memories filled his mind. "So is it your first time of teaching or not?" he asked as she looked as well quite young to be an experienced professor.
Elvera Smiled Icarus seemed pretty nice. "yeah, its a long way from my office too, well not too far as the crow flies but a lot of stairs otherwise" she said pointing out of one of the windows towards the divination tower. she shook Icarus' hand "Nice to meet you too Icarus" she said. She saw him looking at her eye. she was more than used to people doing this by now. when she had been younger she had been pretty sef-concious using her hair to shade one, but now she didn't mind, in fact she liked her eyes a lot. Besides he wasn't bad looking himself, he certainly had the build of someone who played a lot of sport. "I guess that makes us even then, I couldn't keep balance on a broom for more than ten seconds, I can remember begging my flying professor to let me drop the class" she said laughing a little. that had been so long ago. when the flying professor had also been the divination professor and her head of house. "this is my first year teaching, I spent last year working in my mothers shop, and before that i was a school. Is this your first time too?" she asked.
He casted automatically a look at the tower Elvera pointed at. "I'm sure the view would be spectacular as well from there. Better than mine from the first floor." he wasn't really complaining for his office. To be honest, Icarus was still trying to get used to the fact that he had an office. He used entering an office only when he was in trouble back in school not to actually work or accept students to discuss with them. He found hilarious the girl's comment about her flying skills and her flying lessons experience. He couldn't help himself but to flash a charming smile, revealing his pearly white teeth. "That's funny. I almost pictured you." he said and grinned. "That challenges my pathetic dream chart. I improvised to fill it with anything that was coming in my mind. I'm sure my divination professor would think that I had a pretty troubled childhood judging from that chart." he said and gave another warm laugh.

"Now flying is not that difficult. You just have to trust the broom and not be afraid of it. Brooms can feel your fear. Maybe you didn't have a good professor to make you love flying." he said and slightly pointed at the broom his was holding, as if he was offering her free lessons. "Yeah it's my first time as well. I just graduated from school and I travelled a bit during holidays. Then I came here in New Zealand to see some relatives and they helped me find this job." he shared his life pretty much the past few months. It was the perfect subject for him to teach. He might have excelled in defence againsth the dark arts, charms and a couple other lessons but flying was an extend of himself. "So your mother owns a shop. I guess it doesn't sell quidditch equipment right? " he asked wondering where it could be located as well.
"the view there is pretty good, but nothing compares to the north tower. at least the first floor is close to everything" she said. her tower had windows but they were only small unlike the large pains of glass here. "It wasn't a pretty sight i can tell you that" she said back. "I am sure most people put fake dreams on dream charts, at least at the start of the unit, if they were all true half the school would need some kind of counselling, but don't tell the students that, i at least want my fifth years to try and remember their dreams" she said enjoying her conversation.
she only realised that he was holding a broom when he pointed to it, for someone who tended to be observant she was surprised that she had missed it. "maybe it wasn't her passion maybe i just wasn't ready to learn. my sister is good on a broom though" she said, thinking about Lilith and how she wanted to play quidditch professionally when she finished school this year. "thats awesome, such a good job for someone straight out of school. and traveling must be fun, where are you from?" she asked wondering which part of the world he was from. she had grown up in england but been sent to new zealand for her schooling. "your right, we may make a see out of you yet" she joked, "we run the Inner eye, its a small shop in Makatu Mall selling divination equipment and other related things" she said smiling.
"Hmm yeah, unlike my professor's expression when he found out in my dream chart my dream of me looking down and watching my eye falling out of my niche, rolling down on the floor." he said and grinned, just visualising the priceless expression printed on the face of his divination professor. "I hope you won't face anything similar as a professor although it might be amusingly entertaining." he could imagine himself enjoying grading students' dream charts just for the fun of it. As Elvera referred to her sister he remembered his baby brother back home. He was still at school and although they were competing each other in a brotherhood kind of way, he was missing him a lot. "Sounds like you don't really look like. You, more of an insightful person and her, more of a physical one." he commented as they sounded competely different to him.

"Thanks but it's not that I did something extraordinary. I just graduated with a four O's nothing more and with some help I just applied. I had of course some good references from my school about my flying skills. I used to be a captain of my team for five years. Five years of quidditch cups for my house." he stated and his chest proudly inflated. He then thought of his bumpy trip. At first he didn't know where to go. He left his family because there was no understanding from their side. They were againsth his desires and ambitions and he couldn't deal with it. He had left with just his broom and a few of his things to survive out in the nature and after a month of flying from one place to another, he decided to cross the oceans and find his relatives in New Zealand.
"Yeah you can say so. It was okay but I would prefer some company travelling with me rather than alone." he said recalling all those lonely moments. "I'm from an island in Greece. What about you?" he asked back the question. The name of the shop and the location reminded him a lot. He was planning to visit that mall but he was forgetting it or just being too busy. "Right! I was planning to visit Makutu Mall but I haven't yet. Is it far from here? Maybe I could drop by your shop and buy something that will unfold my future." he said with a friendly smile.
Elvera could imagine his professors expression at the sound of that dream. loosing an eye would be like loosing prospective. but was was odd was still being able to see the eye. she decided not to dwell on what the professor had read it as. "I ams sure i will, but I don't have fifth years until next term so I have time to work on what to say to them. the dream charts should be good to mark." she said. she looked out of the window briefly then, it was a pretty average day. the sky was cloudy and threatening to rain, but every now and then patches of sunlight broke through and slithered across the ground. "I guess your right about Lilith, there is also Eden, who is both." she said thinking about her twin. she had heard from her mother who had heard from edens other mother that the boy she had become pregnant with had a girlfriend and that she was also pregnant. she was meant to be keeping an ear out.
when Icarus said that he has passed with four O's and had been captain of the quidditch team. she felt a little bad inside. she had not got anywhere near those grades and she hadn't been part of any of the school teams. instead she smiled. "That is actually rather impressive." she said and she could tell that he was proud of it by the way he stood when he said it. "I know what you mean, there are some things that are better when done with others, and i am sure traveling is one of those things" she said she had never really traveled far from home, her home had moved a couple of times but it wasn't the same as traveling. "I have heard greece is really nice. i come From England, I grew up there with my grandmother. I moved over here for school" she said. she didn't feel the need to go into more depth about her childhood, and how her mother had gone crazy, or how her sisters had been abducted and they had only been reunited (as sisters) just over a year ago. she was in some way grateful for that. it meant that she had become friends with her twin before she know she was her twin. she knew many other siblings fell out often but her and Eden never had. "Makatu is on the south Island, the easiest way there is apperation, or there is a ferry form Brightstone, it isn't long" she said both had heir merits, she herself liked to apparate one way and then gat the bot the other, as she enjoyed the trip but found both directions just took too long.
Icarus listened as Elvera was saying that she was going to have her fifth years after the first semester. Unfortunately, he didn't have any lessons for the second semester and he was the kind of person that he could be driven mad if he didn't had anything to do. "Unfortunately, I'm working only during first semester. The second one is free. I'm wondering if I should find another job as well. A part-time job" he wondered loudly. Maybe he could start contacting people that might help him with professional quidditch teams. After all that was his dream, become a pro-player. "So you have two sisters. I have only a younger brother. He's still at school, preparing for similar kind of examinations like N.E.W.Ts. We are both into flying but I don't think he's going for it professionally." he said about his brother.

He might had left from his country for a better life, to chase his dream but he would miss his friends and family there. The places he used to visit and hold a lot of his memories. "Yeah it's nice, especially for summer holidays, but not really any professional quidditch players opportunities." he revealed quite disappointed about that. "I've never been abroad before so I've never been to England. Yet, I would like to visit the country. I think I read somewhere that the original branch of Hogwarts is somewhere there located." he wasn't completely sure as he couldn't remember where his eyes caught that piece of information. "Hmm I haven't been taught how to apparate." he confessed quite embarrased. "I was too pressured with my exams back at school that I decided to sit for apparation exams after my graduation but then everything happened so fast. I had to leave and come here so I totally forgot it. I travelled from Greece to New Zealand on a broom. Of course a made a lot of stops along the way in several countries." he added. It was a nice experience for sure. So many different magical cultures and the muggles were even more peculiar. "I think I'm going to use my broom again to get to the mall." he grinned and shrug.

He realised that Elvera wasn't the kind of girls that he used to hang up. Athletic with quite explosive attitude. She was more reserved, mysterious and down to earth. He realised that she might wasn't the type of person that enjoyed long conversations about adventures, quidditch and flying. "So, what's that special with that book of yours that made you isolate yourself here and dedicate to it?" he asked. Yes, books might was a likely more interesting topic for her.
Elvera frowned when he said that he only had classes for the first semester, she had never thought about what the flying professor did during the second half of the year. "I never thought about that. but i am sure that you would be able to find another job." she said. she tried to poke her additional senses towards the professor to see if she was right. but before she got focused she realised that it was wrong and that she shouldn't be doing it. "yes i have the two sisters Eden and Lilith, Lilith must e the same age as your brother as she is in her last year at beauxbattons. so you just have the one brother?" she said, asking the question before she realised that he had already answered it.
"it sounds nice. but unfortunately I am not one to travel much, I know there are quite a few local teams here, the macaws are good in new zealand, and the wanderers and thunderers in australia." she said, she wasn't one who followed quidditch, but it was hard to not to know the names of the local teams after living in the castle for seven years. "that must have been a long way to fly. it must have taken most of the summer" she said. impressed by his long flight. "the mall isn't that far away, so you should be able to fly there" she said, she had never thought about flying there before but she guessed that it was a way of getting around.
when he asked her about her book she was a little confused. "I don't quite get what you mean by my book" she said truthfully her confusion showing on her face.
"Yeah. Maybe I'll organise some extra sessions for first years who would like to prepare for quidditch tryouts in the future." Icarus expressed one of his ideas. He was really into assisting people, especially when it was coming to flying. "Actually my brother is a sixth year but he's already preparing for NEWTs. He has some high expectations." he said about his baby brother who's ambition was to become an auror, catching the bad guys.
Icarus nodded as Elvera referred to the local teams. He had heard about them but he hadn't made his mind yet. He knew that his little cousin was a fan of Thunderers but he wasn't going to choose with such criteria. He had the whole next semester to think about it. For now he wanted to be consistent with his lessons. "Thunderers sound great but I think I'll stick on teaching for a while. Small steps each time." he said and offered her a warm smile.

Icarus recalled all those places he had visited during his three-months journey. After leaving Greece he flew over Mediterrenean Sea, then over Middle East and India, heading to Indonesia and the smaller islands before arriving in the end in New Zealand. "It was a life-changing experience but pretty exhausting as well. So many hours on a broom, travelling in sea storms and scorching temperatures. I stopped numerous of times, especially around India and South Pacific. There is some nature's beauty." he shared about the natural jewels that were located along his journey. "Nice then! Maybe if you have some free time you might be proven a great guide. So me around the place." he asked her to visit together the mall. He definately needed someone to show him around. His english weren't that perfect and probably that was why Elvera didn't catch what he wanted to say. "I'm sorry, I was just wondering what's the topic of your book. It must be really interesting for isolating yourself here to read it." he hoped that this time he was more clear.
Elvera nodded. "that sounds like a good idea. There always seems like there is a lot of first years who want to play, but they don't know the rules." she said, she had never fully been taught the rules, but Lilith had been trying to explain as much as she could to her hyperactive way. "doing NEWTS in sixth year must be stressful. It was hard enough in seventh year" she said wondering what he wanted to do, however she she didn't ask him as she didn't want to seem too nosey.
"I dont really follow any team, but they do seem good. they may give you priority if you teach flying too." she said. "I bet it was life changing. It sounds like an amazing adventure. but it i
But i need to stay close to home so I can Keep an eye on morgan"
she said. Morgan was her mother, and she was the daughter stayed with her, whilst eden worked traveling and, soon to be a mother, and Lilith was at school, but soon to be following her dreams as a pro quidditch player. It wasn't just that she was the one left, it was just what she had wanted to do. "If you want then one weekend i would be happy to show you the mall, just say when you want to go. and as long as i don't have class I should be able to go, I go over every couple of days anyway." she said. happy to both show the young professor around the local area, and glad to have gotten to know one of her colleges. She looked at the chair she had been sitting on and saw that there was a book on it. she walked over and picked it up. "Its not mine, looks like a student who didn't want to do their astronomy homework left it behind." she said opening the cover hopeing to see a name. there wasn't one, just a few pictures, however she did pick something just as useful of the book, she had a quick feel off the girl who owned it "I think i know who's it is, I will give it to her head of house" she said she didn't know the girls name, but she knew what house she was in, and she was pretty sure she could describe her accurately enough to the hufflepuff head of house.
Icarus was glad that Elvera liked his idea. He was such an energetic person that he could come up with even more.
"Perhaps I could even teach them about quidditch history. However, judging from my experience as a student, they won't be really happy having to study for two history lessons." he admitted although to him it was an easy choice. He would definately choose history about quidditch rather than ordinary history of magic.
"Yeah it is, we all got through that. It's just a couple of years of intense work. After all it's about your future." he said remembering his N.E.W.T's. He had hard time concentrating but in the end he managed to do well. His parents insisted on becoming a healer but Icarus had different plans.

He listened closely as Elvera was mentioning the reason why she couldn't travel away from home. He knew that it could be sounded nosy or maybe rude but Icarus was used to express and say whatever he was feeling or wondering. "I guess Morgan is a younger member of your family?" he finally asked, guessing it was a baby niece or something. Icarus offered on of his warm smiles again when she accepted his suggestion to visit together the mall. Being in a new place was a very different experience. He was used to be surrounded by friends and people he could trust and rely on them. He was excited that he was going to have a new friend. "Awesome! I'll send you an owl when I'm available. Maybe this weekend would be a great opportunity. I have to visit some relatives but then I'm free." he told her in a jovial mood. "You must be really into books. Sometimes a read as well when I want to relax, which believe me they are not many." he chuckled, pointing at his broom. It was true, he was so hyperactive that sitting somewhere reading a book, was a rare scene. "I prefer though spell books, jinxes and hexes that you can use on duels. Friendly duels." he rushed to add his final statement. He wasn't that kind of person jinxing whomever had the bad fortune to cross roads with him.
Elvera was glad to see that the flying professor was enthusiastic about his job, even if she hated flying she was sure the first years would like him. "i don't think quidditch history would be appealing to them, I am sure most students are sick with just one history of magic class" she said agreeing wit him. she had enjoyed history of magic in hr first couple of years but after that when she started to take her electives she had lost interest in it. "yeah the NEWTs show what you can do when you finish school, I almost didn't get my job here because i didn't do the right ones." she said. thankfully she had managed to prove to the professors Lloyd and Kingsley that she had been up to the job.
When Icarus asked who morgan was she bowed her head and tittered slightly, "no she is not a younger member, she is actually my mother" she said a little embarrassed about the slight confusion. although she thought maybe he had a point she certainly seemed to look after herself and the shop okay when she was at school maybe she was doing better than she gave her mother credit for and she should stop worrying about her. "yep, i'm free whenever. this weekend sound good" she said. she had to see how eden was doing after the disaster that had been with her boyfriend, but she could do that after of on the other day. "that sounds useful, unfortunately i'm not that good with wand work. most evenings i spend with a couple of cups of tea and some book or another i guess, either a novel or something on divination. other evenings i use tarot cards" she said. she really was pretty boring in her habits.
"I can't really blame them." he shrugged anc chuckled about the fact that most students seemed to dislike history of magic. "I almost failed history of magic back to school. I think the professor just stretched a bit my grade so I would pass." he revealed how dreadful he was on that subject. "Which were your favourite subjects. Obviously, except from divination." he asked with a grin.

"I'm sure that headmaster Lloyd and professor Kingsley, know what they do and saw potential in you. I was kinda surprised about myself though. A graduate, coming from abroad. My uncle helped me a bit by referencing me but still. I would feel really bad if I was going to disappoint their trust." he said determined to not allow that.
Icarus took a puzzled expression when Elvera explained that she was talking about her mother. The young professor couldn't really understand what she was meaning and judging from her lowered head, it could have been something that was bothering her. "Oh, is she...ill?" he asked reluctantly, not wanting to bring the girl into an uncomfortable situation. It was the first thing that came into his head and it just darted out of his lips. There was an awkward silent before Icarus spoke again to break the ice. "Hmm, I guess you are not a person of outdoors." he commented. "If I have to stay inside, I would spend my evening cooking. I think it's the only creative thing that really gets my attention." he added quite embarrased for his lack of creativity.
elvera nodded. she had dropped histotry of magic at the end of her fifth year. "I am sure that they sisn't do that and you passed on your own" she said. then in answering his question she spoke. "Ancient runes, Professor Weasley was my favourite teacher. I also enjoyed Arithmancy, how bout you? what did you enjoy other than flying?" she asked. getting to know her co-worker better.
"I think they most have done, I didn't have any references, but they remembered me from when i studied here which was probably better for them. I am sure you won't disappoint them, you seem more than enthusiastic enough for the subject." she said smiling. he was carrying his broom with him up to the north tower was proof enough of that, she didn't wander with a crystal ball or pack of tarot cards with her (at least not usually) sometimes she carried tea with her but that was more for drinking than actual divination, but then again she didn't need those things to see the future all she needed was to touch something and concentrate, sometimes not even that. "no she isn't ill, but i just worry about her" she aid not telling him about how unstable her mother had become when thought she had lost eden, and now with a new baby on the way for the family she hoped that it wouldn't knock her over after she had finally found her feet again. changing the topic back to something more suited to both of them she shook her head. "No i like being outside, but i am more walk in the garden or sit by the lake girl than a quidditch player, I enjoy cooking too, but i usually end up with muffins when i cook, i swear i sometimes always live of them" she said giggling slightly. muffins were her favourite food. that was why she usually had a plate of them at the back of her classroom for hungry students (or professors) to eat.
"Made for the hard stuff. I've never took arithmancy. Too complicated for me. I was content with defence against the dark arts and transfiguration. Not that the last one wasn't complicated but it runs in my blood." he said impressed that Elvera liked such difficult subjects. His cheeks blushed slightly when she said that he looked excited about his subject. "I guess you are right. I think I overdo it sometimes, I'm getting obsessed." he said quite embarassed and rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand.

Icarus still could't understand why the girl had to watch over her mother. Maybe she was close to her that she cared for her too much. His expression tensed and his face looked troubled. He had just remembered his parents. He had argued with them before leaving and still he hadn't talked with them except with his brother. "You must really care about your mom then." he said as the smile returned on his face slowly. "I wish I had better relationships with my parents but I guess everything heals over time." he tried to convince himself. Icarus was too proud to make the first step and retreat. Pride was too hard to swallow. He was hoping that his parents would understand that they were wrong and would apologise eventually.

"Well what can I say. I'm a quidditch player and I enjoy as well long walks and sitting by the sea or a lake. This place seems to have a bunch of beautiful place to visit." he said as he was casting a look at the view, more specifically, at the setting sun's reflection, bouncing on the dark void of the lake.[color=1d885e] "If that's so, you have definately to try my caramel muffins. My speciality!"
he said with a large grin.[/color]
"not really, i just prefer old magic to spells. Transfiguration is meant to be the hardest branch of magic" she said smiling. she realised that he was getting embarrassed when she said he was enthusiastic for his subject. "I don't think that you are overdoing it, I think its nice that you are so into it. i am sure the students will love it it too." she said. realising that he was actually rather cute when he was embarrassed. she quickly turned away and put the students book back where it had been. she would remember to pick it up and give it to the hufflepuff head of house. "yeah, i do, I care about all my family, she would probably be okay, but i like to make sure" she said. realising that family was something that he was uncomfortable with she tried to pick up the reason why, however she stopped herself before she had started. it was rude to do that to people, and see what was going on, you may as well just ask them. "I am sure that they care about you and that they are proud that you have become a professor even if you didn't do what they wanted you to do they should learn to appreciate what they have got" she said. smiling at him, hoping that she was speaking the truth.
she was glad when the topic turned back to the grounds. "there are some really nice places out there. I used to spend hours under the willow tree by the lake studying" she said. she really should start spending more time in the grounds again. she laughed when he said that she would have to try his caramel muffins. "I may just take you up on that offer, I'll swap you for my white chocolate and raspberry ones" she said they were her favourite, but even when she said it her mind was thinking about her other favourite flavours, Apple and cinnamon, and banana fudge. just the talk of her favourite food was making her mouth water.
"Old magic is always intriguing I must confess and yeah transfiguration needs a lot of dedication which I was glad to afford as soon as I realised the beauty of the subject." he agreed with her once more. He couldn't help but smile when she referred to his students enjoying his class. "Nah, I think pretty much they hate me for keeping them a lot on the ground. I can see in their eyes that sparkle I had when I was a first year and couldn't wait to mount a broom and fly away." he said as he could totally understand their urge but he couldn't just let them fly around without the appropriate preparation.

His grey eyes reflected melancholy once more as she mentioned his family. "I don't know. I'm not talking with them anymore. I'm still waiting for an apology and a confession that they were wrong after all." he stated quite stubbornly, without any intention of giving up. He was more than happy when the topic changed and found strange the fact that the girl was spending time by the whomping willow. "The willow? I heard that the tree is quite violent. Isn't it called the whomping willow?" he asked her, not sure if the information he had were correct. To him it was something completely new. At his school there were no trees that were trying to beat you, just apple trees laying gold apples. "So then maybe after the tour in Makutu Mall, maybe we could go to my house and bake. I love cooking with friends!" he exclaimed exciting as he was making plans.
Elvera nodded. she herself had never liked transfiguration, she had always wondered what if the teapot liked being teapot and didn't want to be a tortoise, she didn't say this "I could never get the hand of transfiguration myself" was all she said instead, "maybe some students want to fly strait away, but there are many who would rather a slow start." she said, there were many muggle bornes at the school and she was certain that they had a lot to get used to and flying was on thing that a slow start would be necessary for.
she saw that he was upset about not talking to his family, he was certainly stubborn and she guessed that they were too. it may take while for either one of them to admit to being wrong and get an apology. she didn't press this matter though as there was no point talking to someone on a matter they didn't want to talk about. "no the willow is just a normal tree. I am pretty sure that there was a whopping willow in hogwarts scotland, but it was there to keep werewolves safe, and as far as i know there aren't any students here who are werewolves." she said. she was sure that there used to be. A girl called Andromeda but it may have just been a rumour. besides either way she had long since graduated. "that sounds like a great, and tasty idea. what day do you want to do it?" she asked exited to have made friends with such a co-worker so easily, and he seemed like a real nice guy.
Icarus just then realised that he had messed up the information in his mind. Before attending to the school as a new professor, he had studied a bit about Hogwarts history. The similarities between the original branch and New Zealand's one were too many that he couldn't remember which school had which differences. "Oh you are right. I might had mistaken it with the Scottland branch. Werewolves in my school were used to pass their difficult nights on the top of a mountain but I guess the whomping willow story would keep young student away." he stated.

"Sounds like a plan then. We could visit Makutu Mall, buy the ingredients that we'll need and then go by my house for some cooking time." he said excited that he had finally some plans besides his classes. "I'll send you an owl pretty soon. For now my feet were enough on the ground, I think I'll have to get my head in the clouds." he smiled and mounted his broom, hovering a bit over the ground. "It was a pleasure to meet you Elvera. See you around!" he shook once more the girl's hand and zoomed outside the balcony, vanishing in the dusk.

OOCOut of Character:
"I am pretty sure that there was a whopping willow in hogwarts scotland, but it was there to keep werewolves safe, and as far as i know there aren't any students here who are werewolves."
-pfff, irony :p
OOCOut of Character:
I kno right, i had to say it for the sakes of irony. but as bri isnt in Elveras class she wouldnt be told, and if she had "seen" her she wouldn't tell anyone else.

Elvera nodded. "I think that was the plan, the tree was meant to hide a secret entrance to somewhere the wolf could spend the night, where he couldn't harm anyone. but your mountain top which served the same job, I wonder what we have here, maybe i should ask professor Weasley" she said, she was still not used to calling her old professors by their first names, and professor Weasley remained professor Weasley as she had gotten married since her graduation. "I cant wait" she said it sounded like a fin after noon, something that she was sure that she needed, she hadn't had an afternoon with a friend for a while, she was always looking after her family or one her own. she laughed when he said that he needed to get his head in the clouds, people often said she had her head in the clouds, but it was always on a much more metaphorical way than His literal flying. It was great to meet you too Icarus, I am sure i will see you soon" she said before he flew away.

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