reminiscing and making ties.

Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
53 (11/2009)
It was a few days before the christmas holidays, and Elvera made her way to the grounds, she wanted to soak up a little sun, before she headed back to england for a week, only coming back for the ball. she was visiting her family, and grandmother. she sat on the banks of the lake and dangled her toes into the water, soon she would be in a winter wonderland, hopefully filled with snow. she shielded her eyes from the reflection and saw the squid was making a rare appearance, today was a pretty perfect day. her last exam was over and in a few days she was going to visit her grandma, someone who last time she saw she thought was just an old lady. so much has changed in the last five years she thought. wondering what other people would be doing.
Eden could hardly wait for them to be freed from school for the Holidays. Her and Selwin would be able to spend some much needed time together. That and she would get to see her baby sisters. Eden had many gifts planned for them and she could not wait to give them to her. Walking along the grounds Eden softly sang the words to an old love song. Her ever loyal snake Judas was wrapped around her wrist napping. Eden had always enjoyed the lake and it seemed like someone else was enjoying the lake as well.

As Eden got closer she noticed who it was. "Well hello there Elvera." Eden said kindly as she got closer to the girl. "How did your exams go for you?" Eden asked the girl that she considered to be one of her friends.
Elvera looked around when she saw someone call her name. "Hello Eden. how are you? she asked. smiling at her. she liked eden, she was probably the person at the school she was closest to, not that they were currently that close. when eden got a bit closer she asked about the exams "I think they went okay, but i guess i'd better wait and see the marks first"[/b] she said laughing slightly. "how about yours, or do i even need to ask?" she smiled, eden saw probably the best student in all of her classes. as much as Elvera tried she didn't seem to be able to keep up, she wasn't sure why the girl was in slytherin, surly she belonged in her house, not that she'd mention that out loud as in general slytherins had a tendency to get a little touchy, about their house. "do you have any plans for your holidays?" she asked hoping that she had, as eden needed something interesting after such a hard term.
Eden smiled at her friend. "Things are going great. I am dating this wonderful guy and he makes me so happy." Eden could not believe that she had found someone as wonderful as Selwin after losing Chase. Not only where her and her new guy great friends they where madly in love and Eden was hopping that she could maybe stay with him forever but with her life one could never be to sure. Eden tapped her chin at the mention of her exams. "I see O's in my future." Was all Eden said with a grin. As time went on Eden was getting used to being a Seer and she was even starting to like it. "My mother adopted a four year old girl named Bex so I get to see her and my baby sister Nozomi she was just born in October and I got to see her once but I can not wait to do so again. What about you?" Eden asked, she had always wondered what her friends did during the holidays.
Elvera was glad that Eden has met a nice guy, she deserved it, although elvera wished she could meet a nice guy too, but she knew that, what is meant to happen will happen, and one day it will mean to happen.
"O's thats amazing, I hope i wont be getting T's because that will be uncool." she said smiling. she knew that she was not getting grades as good as she wanted, and she would have to pull all of the stoppers out next year, but for now she was happy with where she was. "cute. I like little kids, and they both sound nice. I like their names" she said, although she had only met a few but she had liked all of them. "for my holiday I'm going back to england, to visit my grandma, i haven't seen her since the end of my first year. so it should be interesting. I was just thinking how much things have changed since then she said. It was only five and a half years ago but it felt like a lifetime.
Eden shook her head and wrinkled her nose. "I hope you don't get T's I am sure that would cause a house mate or two of yours to scratch there head and say huh." Eden said with a half giggle as she gently stroked the top of her pets head. "I have heard from my mom that Bex is the sweetest little girl you will ever meet. She does not talk but she is learning to sign so that is always good." Eden nodded her head at her friends plans. "Those sound pretty awesome plans. I am just going to spend time with my family and some time with my boyfriend and relax. I think I deserve a nice long break after everything I have been going through." It had been a hard year for her. First she was getting ready for her OWL's only to find out Chase was in jail than be tested and realize she was a Seer and than the OWL's and than Chase's trail. Yes Eden needed this break in the worst way.
"I guess if i did i would be the first ravenclaw to get T's which would at least have something in it to celebrate." she said jokingly. when Eden said how sweet Bex was she smiled, she liked cute little kids, but not the grotty ones, they were a little discussing. "It sounds you will be having a fun holiday too. she said, skimming a pebble into the lake, it only bounced twice before sinking to the bottom. "That wasn't very good. she said picking up two more stones and giving one to Eden. "do you want a go" she said. tossing her stone out into the depths seeing it bounce three times.
Eden shook her head. "I think of you got T's a few of your house mates would not know what to do and than the rest would be very angry. Of course if I got T's I would never be able to show my face again." Eden took pride in her grades and she had never had a bad grade as of yet. "O I am sure of that. This year is the one that I never want to forget." Eden had all sorts of planned some of those things where sure to get her in trouble with her parents but she was starting to not care. Watching as her friend tried to skip a rock Eden had to hide a giggle. "Yea sure I will try." Eden said as she took the rock and flicked the rock out over the water. Eden watched as it skipped over the water five times before sinking in. "I have had many hours of practice in Japan." Eden said.
Elvera was suppressed how good eden was a skimming stones, it bounced a whole five times. "wow i am impressed. I have never been able to get the wrist flick right, oh well" she said picking up annother stone but instead of skimming it she just dropped it into the water watching the ripples spread across the water. "how are you coping with being a seer? she asked wondering how she was coping, she had gotten it under control a bit more recently.
OOCOut of Character:
I know it is a little lame. also if i am not supposed to know about eden being a seer i will edit
Eden glowed with pride. "On days when there is nothing to do my sisters and I will go out to the lake behind our home and we will spend hours skipping stones." Taking another stone and sending it across the water Eden watched it go another five times. Standing there thinking about what her life had been like since she had become a Seer Eden shook her head. "I am coping alright I guess. Being a Seer is hard but so very rewarding." Eden liked being a Seer and she knew that when she had her powers fully under control than she would be a force of nature.

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