Relishing Thoughts

Rhianne Cade

green eyes💋gryff💋ttb owner💋lincoln's mom
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14 Inch Unyielding Mahogany Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Rhianne was glad to be out of classes..She made her way to the Lawn and sat on the same tree where she and Robert had their first talk..Although she was not with Robert that moment but she was still glad all the same..She sat on the cool grass and leaned on the warm and woody texture of the tree..

She closed her eyes with a smile lingering on her lips..She remembered how they became together..Although quite embarrassing but she admired Robert's bravery for that kiss in the Great Hall..Too bad,Larissa was not there..Larissa..,Rhianne thought..How does Larissa react if ever she knew..
Many things were annoying Larissa at this moment in time;
She had not seen her boyfriend in over a month (although she felt this was due to the fact she regularly threatened to hurt people if they got too close), her last letter from her step-father informing her of her mother's reaction to him being a death eater and the weather had become hot and sticky.

Larissa's slender form of icy white skin, covered by a black cloak, swept across the school grounds.
He hair lay flat, her eyes grey and her wand gripped in her hand at her side..
For she had just that moment noticed a girl she had never wanted to see again.

Larissa gritted her teeth behind her perfect lips, stopping just before Rhianne, her shadow looming.
"Haven't seen you in a while." Larissa said, seemingly calm about the meeting, though she tapped her foot as she held back the urge to quite literally heat things up.
Rhianne was about to sleep when she heard the icy familiar voice..Larissa,she confirmed as she opened her eyes..She looked up at her standing in front of her..She seemed mad about something..Rhianne can't blame her for that..

She sat up smiling as she answered coolly.."Hello,Larissa..Yeah,long time, no see..",she smiled hauntingly.."How are you and Robert??",she innocently asked..
Larissa snorted.
"That was over a year ago. I don't date mud-blood filth anymore.."
Larissa considered setting light to Rhianne now but she stopped herself with her 'comeback'.
"But I hear you do."
Larissa smirked, her dark eyes almost glowing with amusement.
She had heard about Rhianne and Robert in the Great Hall.. And she couldn't care less.
At least, that was what Larissa believed.
Rhianne's blue eyes narrowed at the word MUDBLOOD..She stood up and lean against the tree.."Robert's not a Mudblood..Just a Muggleborn..",she continued,"and he was not a Mudblood when you dated him right??",accusing tone painted in her voice..

Rhianne held her head high as she answered Larissa's question.."Yes,I am..I am not a Muggle hater like some people I know.." If she heard about the scene in the Great Hall,Larissa didn't seem to believe.."I did not saw you in the Great Hall for the big day..You were needed see??",she rubbed it in..
Larissa shrugged.
"Robert is a mud-blood. It's your choice if you choose to associate yourself with him but there will be a lesson to be learnt because I can promise you that no mud-blood is worth death."
Larissa turned her wand in her hand.
She did not seem at all threatening for a moment, just a warning but then she allowed her darker side to show through.
She smirked.
"I was not in the Great Hall," Larissa said coolly, holding out her wand now, pointing it to the sky and polishing the wood with her robes, "But I have many good friends who were.. Apparently it was quite the show."
Larissa flipped her wand up in the air where it turned 360 degrees before she caught it easily back in her hand.

Larissa did not care. No, of course not. And every time she did think about Robert, felt a pang of missing him, she would hurt herself.
It had been her choice to break up with him but she did sometimes miss his little quirks..
Larissa had her wand pointing towards the tree behind Rhianne. She wasn't paying attention, momentarily lost in her thoughts..
Then her mind whispered the details she had been relayed about the kiss.
It was an odd moment;
Larissa's wand shook briefly, shooting out purple sparks which smattered against the tree at a point just above Rhianne's head.
Robert stepped in viewing distance, aware that nether of the girls had noticed him. His own want too was out, and he wasn't going to have any naty buisness with Larissa anymore. He watched causiously as the purple streak hit a tree above Rhianne's head. I think not "Expelliarmus" he called, pointing his wand at Larissa's, smirking as it flew out of her hand and pattered onto the grass a while away. "Hello. Haven't seen you for some time" he said casually, giving them both a smile, his eyes flicking back to Rhianne. "Did you miss me?" he grinned before putting an arm around Rhianne shoulders. "Hey Larissa, Hoshi was looking for you in the great hall" he said, keeping his face straight and polite.
Rhianne was calm,leaning on the tree..She saw Larissa holding her wand..She had thought she meant no harm..So,her own wand was just inside her robes..
Just as the thought crossed her mind,she saw Larissa pointing the wand at her..Rhianne's eyes went wide..She don't know what to do..Seconds later,a purple spark streak just above her head and smashed the tree..She jumped few inches back and gave out a gasp..

She then heard a shout and Robert came into view..Rhianne's face still show marks of shock and fright..</COLOR>
"Did you miss me?"
<COLOR color="firebrick">
Rhianne just gave a nod,her knees slightly shaking..Good thing Robert wrapped his arms around her.."Oh,Rob..",she just whispered,her voice still shaking..She wrapped her other arm around his waist,halfway to hiding herself behind him..
Feeling Rhianne shaking he tightened his arm around her. "You alright?" he asked her, ignoring Larissa for a moment, hoping the lie would have her distracted. "Ive missed you, you know" he added, planting a small kiss in her hair. "She been picking on you?" he asked, pointing at Larissa. "Wouldn't have expected any less, but you know, " now he was facing the Slytherin again, "It's not very kind, is it" he said, now looking straight into the eyes of Larissa.
Rhianne still could not muster the strength to talk,nodded again.."It was just a conversation at first..",she whispered,closing her eyes at the touch of Robert's kiss on her hair..She watched Larissa a few from them,waiting for the Slytherin girl to speak again..
Larissa noticed Robert. She managed to keep hold of her wand as he attempted to zap it from her hand.
She smiled darkly.
"Hello, Robert." Larissa said, twisting her wand between her fingers.
She took little notice of what he had to say about Hoshi.
He was filth.. He did not matter.
Larissa watched as Rhianne wrapped her arms around Robert.
It was taking all her strength not to be violently sick.

Larissa snorted with laughter as Robert told her that it wasn't very kind.
"Oh, Robert," she said in a tone of laughter.. And suddenly her veela charms were acting out.. Her eyes became bright blue, her hair beautiful and silvery and her smile practically glowed.
She still didn't know completely how to control her veela side but it was amusing.. She could charm the greatest and she knew inside that she was 'veela'ing at Robert in an almost mocking way.
This made her smile evermore.
"You always were funny." She began to pace round him, her voice seductive.
Robert glared silently at Larissa as she approached them, tightening his grip on Rhianne. "So what was it this time?" he asked her, referring to the reason behind getting at the little Gryffindor. His own blue eyes narrowed as she walking around them, Robert managing to keep between the tw girls. He didn't want to get on the bad side of Larissa. He knew she was only doing it for attention. Her power wouldn't be so powerful on him now, as the most beauiful girl in his eyes was already beside him.
Larissa smiled at Robert.
She moved her head right up close to his ear, her lips were right beside them.
And she spoke. But it was such a whisper, such a light breath that only Robert could have heard.
"You're a good man, Robert," she breathed, "Even if you are filth." It was a compliment coming from Larissa.
She stepped back, her eyes meeting his for a moment and the expression almost mimicked that of her thoughts.
A look of lost love flickered across her face. Only Robert could have seen it.
Then she smiled, her darkness creeping back over her.
She turned to walk away.
"I have better things to do than watch filth kissing.." She walked off, casting a brief, dark look back at the two of them.
Robert kept still as he felt her presence on his shoulder. He had half a mind to throw something back at her, but remained still and silent. He knew what Larissa though of mud...muggle borns, but he was one for keeping the peace, not stirrer. Let her think what she wanted. He knew in his heart she was wrong. His sisters voice replayed in his head don't let anyone put you down. you're special. Just like that his mind was focused on his family. Had he abandoned them coming back to school? Maybe his brother needed his help. Shaking his mind out of it, still holding on to Rhianne, he smiled pleasently towards Larissa, before turning his full attention to the real veela.
Rhianne hid her face behind Robert as Larissa and him had confrontation..She felt Rob tensed and held her tightly still..She glanced at Larissa and could see why..Larissa was a part veela,judging by her blue eyes..

Rhianne was mustering all the strength she could.."Stop it now,Larissa..You could never come between us ever..",she remarked..


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