
"Actually I like the simple spells. My favorite would have to be lumos. I don't know why but I do like that one. How about you?" she asked wondering. She was actually enjoying herself and have had been having so much fun she was forgetting about being freezing.
"My favorite spell would have to be rictusempra. A spell that tickles people. You gotta love it. I like Lumos too. Its cool" Grande said smiling "Whats your least favorite spell apart from the unforgivable curses?"

Daniel had started reading a book and was deep in thoughts(which is not true,i ma just saying it caz i dont want to be ignored).He heard some voices form side of his ear and when he looked up he noticed that Grande and a slythrin girl were deep in conversation."Heelo Guys"he said to them.
"Hello" Ana-Cole said turning towards Daniel. She hadn't even noticed him there. She flashed him a smile and looked at the book he was reading "What book are you reading?" she asked trying to get him involved in the conversation. Then quickly she turned to Grande. "I don't have a least favorite spell" she said having never thought of a spell that she didn't like. She waited for Daniel to answer not wanting to make him feel left out.

((sorry you just weren't here so we kind of just took off. :( I hope you are not too upset.))
"Hi"said Daniel to the new girl."I am Daniel Olsen and you are?"he asked."This book is known as secret of the Pyramids,its a nice muggle book with mysteries "he said."So what are you both doing today?"he asked
((Yeah sorry man. We were both bored and got to talking))

"No i dont have a least favorite spell either." Grande said to Ana-Cole and then answered Daniels questions "Nothing much really. You? Is your book good?" Grande then looked up and saw Katie coming towards them. "Hey Katie, nothing much just talking"
Ana-Cole smiled at Daniel. "My name is actually Ana-Cole " She said wondering how it was possible for her to be at this school for so long and still not know the names of half the people. This thought amused her for a bit. Then being pushed back from her own little world. "I was just bored so I decided to come out and find something to do. " She said. She then noticed Katie coming down to greet them. "Hey Katie" Ana-Cole said with a smile.
"Ya ma book is good,if you like mystries"he said."Hi Katie."he said as he spotted her cousin come into the lawn and near them."You think we all should go to hogsmade together?It would be fun"he said
"Yeah, okay. I havent anything better to do with my time." Grande said "Will you come, Ana-Cole, Katie? Where should we go?"
"Come on Katie,you could come.We havent hanged around since my birthday"he said pleading to her cousin."Ana-Cole,you should come too.It would be nice to get knowing more people around"he said with a smile
"Sounds like fun I would love to go" Ana-Cole said with a smile. I guess I did find something interesting and fun to do today She thought.
"I dont really mind where go. Do any of you have any ideas?" Grande said
"Maybe we could go to Madam Pudifoot's?"Daniel suggested
"Yeah why not." Grande said "Why do you two think?" Grande asked Katie and Ana-Cole.
Ana-Cole thought about it and it sounded like a good idea to her. "Sounds good to me" She said with a smile
Grande smiled "Well then its settled. We are going to Madam Puddifoot." Grande said. He began to walk towards Hogsmede and looked back and yelled at the other "Come on, Im not carrying any of you. Use those legs you were given."

((Who should start the discussion in hogsmede?))
Daniel giggled at the joke.He walked through th epath to hogsmade.(i have started it)

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