Relaxing in the Rockies

Bruin Dumbledez

Well-Known Member
Ebony Wand 15" - Dragon's Heartstring Core
Bruin was midway through his summer vacation and found himself at loose ends. The past month had been amazing, simply hiking through the woods with his big yellow lab Ray and spending luxurious afternoons napping in the hammock out front of his parent's home in the Canadian Rockies. However, as the summer wore on he found himself thinking about some of the important people that he had met over the past few years back at school.

Normally, Bruin was able to distance himself nicely from the world of magic during breaks, but one individual he had met last year kept popping back into his consciousness. Bruin hadn't realized the impact that this person had on him until they were gone and he had distanced himself from the day to day distractions of life at school. Now, with nothing but time on his hands he found it strangely difficult for him to deal with.

Bruin looked at the note pad and pen for what seemed like the hundredth time and decided that he would just bite the bullet and write to her. It was only a letter, certainly it couldn't be that hard, could it? Bruin settled into the chair at his desk and began to write, but crumpled the sheet and tossed it into the garbage without even finishing the salutation. After a moment's pause, he took a deep breath and tried again. Bruin wrote for a few minutes, suddenly the words flowing from him like a mountain stream.

With a satisfied smile and a stretch, Bruin gazed down and read over the letter. It wasn't great, but it would hopefully serve its purpose.

I hope that this note finds you well. To be honest, I didn't know if I should even write it seeing as you didn't get to spend too much time with us in New Zealand before you left. The funny thing is, even though you weren't there for very long, I kind of missed having you around.

It was a pretty strange year all around. First, with the excitement of the TriWizard Tournament and getting to meet you and the others...I actually thought that it was going to be my best year of school. But, then with so many of you having to leave, the kidnapping of our headmistress, OWL's...well, it kind of just all went downhill.

I suppose I always try and look at the positive side of things and I was just thinking about all of it and realized that one of the best things that happened was meeting you. I just wish we had some more time to share Quidditch strategies, pranks and stuff. I managed to send some of the Durmstrang boys home with something to think about, but it was hard not having anyone to steal french fries from after you left.

Anyways, I hope things are good with you and that you are able to find some time to let me know how you are doing.

Take care,


Bruin sealed the envelope and gave Legend his instructions, wondering what, if anything, might come of it.
Sakura was having the time of her life for her summer holidays, she was planning on enjoying every second of it. Goodness knew that as soon as September hit, she would be forced to deal with her private tutor. Most of her days were spent out trekking or orienteering with the local muggle club, much to her grandfathers annoyance. Other days she had gone skydiving, surfing and mountain climbing. Everything she could think of that would keep her out doors for as long as possible. It was to her absolute delight and amazement that she came home to find a letter waiting for her and though at first she thought it was from Nina, she didn't recognise the writing one bit.

Securing herself away in her room, she climbed out onto the branch of the oak tree just outside her window and made herself comfortable, she tore open the letter and read it. A smile spreading across her face, Bruin. Who would have thought it! She was thrilled he had written to her and was kicking herself now for not writing to him sooner but she honestly hadn't thought he was the letter writing type. Without any hesitation she climbed back in through her window and went to her desk. Her quill never ceased except for when she redipped it for ink.


Good grief talk about a huge surprise, a good one of course. Just wasn't expecting it at all! Have been so busy keeping myself busy that my brain doesn't get two seconds to think about anything or anyone really. I am on a mission of sorts. My family have pulled me out of school completely and are having me taught this year by a private tutor. Pause and think about me of all people sitting in a room with ONE person to talk to, learn from.... oh, boring you already and I know it. But, so need to rant and well, you're as good as any to rant to. It's amazing actually how many fries I'm capable of going through when a certain someone isn't stealing them.

Nina wrote and told me all the scandal about the tournament and the kidnapping. I've been constantly scanning the papers here for any news but so far there doesn't seem to be any updates whatsoever. Things at Hogwarts must be very strained. How did your OWLs go then? I know you've most likely done really well but OMG, were they not the worst ever? I think I struggled most with History of Magic and Muggle Studies, the rest were actually alright.

Hahaha, share quidditch strategies - you would have tried to steal all of mine! *sticking tongue out here and singing nahnahnahnahnah!* yep very childish of me I know but can't help it, since the holidays started I have gotten one letter from Nina, two from Isabella who is a worse situation than myself - actually, no she gets to attend Beauxbaton at least (her father pulled her out of Hogwarts too, very long story) so I can't feel sorry for that part of it. James is James and wrote me a postcard, simply asking me if I still had the brush clippers from his broom kit he lent me ages ago. Boys! *rolling eyes to heaven here* Of course not all are bad really - writing to one of the exceptions here. lol

So you have to tell me, what happened with the Durmstrang boys? You can't just make a statement like that and not fill me in on the details. What have you been doing for the summer holidays then?
I know I'm all questions and very little scandal myself but hey, girls perogative and all of that.
Great! have to go my mother is yelling up the stairs to me...
If you write again, I promise I will write back. It was so good to hear from you - then again, it's so good to hear from anyone at this point!

Take Care

Bruin enjoyed the next few days, but found himself glancing skyward every now and then in hopes of a reply from Saks. He knew that it would likely take several days for a return message to arrive, but it didn't make the time pass any faster. He was just beginning to doubt that he would even receive a reply when a rather tired looking Legend descended upon him one day as he was returning from a swim down at the lake.

Bruin carried his owl up to the house and offered him a treat and a grateful pat for a job well done and turned his attention to the letter, being careful not to rip the note in his enthusiasm. Bruin read the letter over a couple of times, stopping to smile at times and frown at others. He didn't like to think about Saks being home schooled and liked it even less when she referred to herself as "Ex-Gryffin".

Bruin changed quickly into some comfortable clothes and began to write his response.

I am so glad that you received my letter and even happier to know that you are interested in keeping in touch. I will get those Quidditch secrets out of you somehow! Even if it means writing you every few weeks and pestering you!!!

I'm really sorry to hear that you and Bella aren't going to be able to return to Hogwarts, that really sucks! I can't imagine what it would be like to have to spend all of your time studying with a tutor, although had I known you needed one I'd have applied for the job! Ha ha... Can you imagine you and I trying to study together every day? We'd never learn anything!!!

As far as I know, Headmistress Barker is still missing and I'm keeping my eyes open for any news about the kidnapping...I just hope that they don't go and close the school or something stupid because of it, although it is a little scary to know that something like that could happen.

As for me, OWL's went well, now I just have to figure out what I want to do with my life and what I should continue with. I'm definitely going to concentrate on DADA, Charms and Care of Magical Creatures. Let me know if you ever need any help with Muggle Studies, I'm a bit of an expert in that area after all!

The Durmstrang thing was epic, although I fear that you may get the wrong idea about me when I explain it. Basically, here are the highlights...

I lost a bet (on purpose) to two of the Durmstrang boys (who hurt a couple of my friends at the Yule Ball) and had to dress up like a girl.
I then won a second bet with them and was going to make them kiss a pig (seeing as they had acted like pigs).
Then all hell broke loose and Kat punched one of them and the other one got knee'd in the nether regions.
Oh, and I ended up kissing Professor King at one point in all of the excitement.

Surprisingly, it hasn't affected my reputation around campus that badly and I actually just got a letter indicating that I will be Head Boy at school for the next two, I guess I must not be that bad a kisser!!!

Anyways, like I said, don't get the wrong idea...wearing a dress and kissing a professor was a one time thing, but I wish you had been there to enjoy it firsthand. It was spectacular!

Oh, one final thing before I may not be wearing the uniform anymore, but you'll always be a Gryffindor! I know that in my heart...


Bruin looked over the letter and smiled, it had been an easy one to write. Of course, he had left out the part about the kissing booth, but for some reason he just didn't want to tell Saks about it.
Sakura had just finished having a massive row with her parents about school - again, when in a huff she stormed out of the house and out to the new classroom they had added on. It looked small enough from the outside but when you entered it was pretty much like the magical tents they used when at any overnight quidditch games. It was enormous, they had built it like this so that she could also do flying practise and not feel so bad about it. She yanked her broom from the wall and mounting it, kicked off and flew as high as she dared before doing speed turns and rash dives. She had gotten used to doing muggle extreme sport throughout the summer and thought it high time she adapted it to her flying too. She was about to do a spectacular cross right flip into a nose dive when out of nowhere an owl appeared. Pulling up hard she knew she hadn't been fast enough, the end of her broom had hit the owl. Swearing under her breath she landed her broom and went to the aid of the bird. It was Bruin's owl, he wasn't badly hurt but there was no way she could send him back for a while.
She took him into her father, who was a Professor of Healing, pocketing the letter he had carried as she did so and with an apologetic face lifted the bird up to her father.
"Can you heal him?" The hours ticked by and she thought it best that she go to her room and write to her new penfriend and let him know what was happening.

Hiya Bruin,

Great to hear from you again... guess you've kind of noticed that the bird carrying this letter back to you is not your own. Sorry about that, I was in a bit of a temper and racing around on my broom. Didn't see him until it was too late and he got knocked out. My father is taking care of him this very minute, he's a really good healer one of the best. So your owl will be back to you shortly. I promise. In the mean time, until he's feeling much better I'll keep him in my room in Digs' cage. The owl before you is Digs, he's pretty cool and obedient to the extreme so you shouldn't have too much worries. Hold onto him until your owl gets better and I can send him home. I am so so sorry. Really.

What was I so mad about? I was trying one last time to get my parents to reconsider sending me to school. It got nasty to say the least and we ended up shouting and hollering at one another. Which is not usual at all. Anyhow, other than that I'm doing good. Enjoying the break your letters are giving me actually.

That sounded just the coolest - the deal with the Durmstrang boys, I only ever really talked to one of them and he wasn't any great shakes. Would have loved to have seen it, especially you in girls clothing. You are too brave for words, tell me someone had a camera please. That would be some picture. *Nearly fell off my bed just reading that part and trying to visualise you*. Of course kissing your professor, hmmm should I be worried for you? But hey if it helped get good grades, well done you! hahaha

Don't know if I ever told you about my absolute love and passion for potions, been dabbling since I was about five I think. Anyhow, the ministry are sending this particular potion I created through various channels to see how effective it is, I already have it patented but apparently if it gets the ministries approval - it could be on the schools curriculum for future years. Don't know if it would make it to New Zealand, would have to wait and see I guess. Not allowed to mention what exactly the potion is about yet but when I am - You'll be the first to hear about it.

Head boy, huh? Wow, knew you were impressive - could tell that from all the trophies 'Wonder Boy' hahaha sorry that was my pet name for you whenever myself and Bella talked. So you have a reputation? All things I did not know, not surprised by either but didn't know. Are you looking forward to going back then in September? Not far away not at all. I'm dreading this tutor business to be honest, he popped around the other day to introduce himself and ok, he's young and sort of on the cute side (young as in like just graduated from teacher training) but he's so strict and serious. Might as well have given me an old frump instead.

And even if you were to hang me upside down and shake me, you'd never get any of my quidditch secrets out of me!
Well, maybe if you dressed up like a girl again and sent me a picture - need a laugh!
Must go and check on your owl, bring him up here to my room when he's ready. What's his name by the way? I'll take care of him until he's well enough to fly again.


p.s. And Bruin, thank you for what you said about being a Gryffindor, it meant alot. You won't ever know just how much.
Bruin was puttering around in his room, packing a few objects in his trunk when there was a fluttering noise outside his screened bedroom window. He turned to see an owl struggling to find a means of enty and quickly went over and punched the screen out so that it could fly in. Bruin was a little confused by the unusual owl, but offered it one of Legend's treats and pulled the note from it's leg.

Bruin recognized the writing and a smile appeared on his face, although he couldn't help but be a little concerned when he read that Legend had been injured. Bruin flopped down on his bed and continued to read, glad to have the break from packing for his return trip to New Zealand.

Saks sounded a little frustrated by the whole home school thing and Bruin wished that she had been able to convince her parents that she could return to school, particularly if a transfer to HNZ could be arranged. He sighed at the thought, knowing that this was probably not in the cards and he would have to content himself with the odd letter.

Bruin grabbed a pen and some paper and began writing his response.
Hey Saks,

Digs made the journey alright and is resting comfortably in Legend's cage as I write this. I'll give him a day to rest and then send him back to you with this note. You might as well keep Legend with you and then send him on to New Zealand when the school year begins, preferably with a letter of course!

Sorry to hear that you haven't been able to convince your parents to let you return to the school and I'll keep my fingers crossed that things work out alright with your new tutor. A Potions prodigy, eh? I should have guessed that you were the experimental type, although I am now rather curious as to what your mysterious concoction does. Hope it isn't one of those ridiculous Love Potions that all of the girls seem to believe in!!! Not that you'd need it, of course!

I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not aware of any pictures of me in the dress. If you want to see me in one, then you'll just have to make the trip to New Zealand!!! As a compromise, I have decided to send you a picture of myself and then you can feel free to cut a dress out of a catalogue or something to satisfy your curiosity. Perhaps you would send me one of you in return so that I might shake it up and down some times in hopes of gaining some Quidditch inspiration.

Anyways, I should go finish packing some of my stuff together. I hope you are well when this note reaches you.

Your friend,

Wonder Boy

Bruin rummaged through one of his drawers and pulled out a picture of himself and tucked it into an envelope with the letter. He'd send it off to Saks tomorrow as promised.


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