Closed Relaxing before the flood

Bryce Chamberlin

deaf ❄ father
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 15" Unyielding Silver lime Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
Bryce Chamberlin had a rather enjoyable year previously, with a fifth year, now sixth, coming to him about becoming a seer, or rather, seeing if he had the gift. Bryce enjoyed the prospect of that, feeling that Divination was often looked at as crazy or just unbelievable. Bryce himself had the gift but never thought of it until after his father died, and he was taught by Elvera. It helped him fill in his fifth sense since he was missing his hearing. Leaving behind his son still hurt him in a way too. At least he and Rosie were still on friendly terms. Bryce could never, ever bare a grudge against her. The two of them just had to go their separate ways is all. Bryce sat down in a chair and leaned back a little bit to get some peace. He needed it after all. He did wonder who the new professors would be and half hoped that Olive would come back. Bryce smiled at the thought while wondering who taught her to sign that specific statement that made him blush. She worked with Professor Pendleton... was it? No, could it? Bryce would have to ask Pendleton when he had the chance. Otherwise, he would never know.
It had been a great first year teaching at Hogwarts, despite the separation from Chayton at times, Madlyn found out that she loved teaching. Just like her father, she had it in her blood to teach. If he was alive today, she knew he'd be proud of her for taking up teaching. That's where you can snuff out the bigotry some students have against part-giants like her dad and herself. That's when she been given the chance to teach the importance of looking after these creatures and why we must protect them. Teaching met more to her than she previously thought. Unfortunately, being a professor here ended her father's life. That's something she can never forget, lately though, she been trying to remember the good parts of him. The great parts of him to quiet the sadness. And it's been helpful, good memories heal the hearts. On a random stroll around the school, Madlyn ended up in the professor's common room with a bit of free time to herself. Madlyn spotted the divination professor, the wizard she had never, really spoken to as much as the others. Actually, she has been keeping to herself and should probably change that. "Hello, professor, resting up?" The tall woman sat down on an enormous seat made accommodated just for her. "It's nice in here, don't think I've been in here yet."
Bryce couldn’t help but smile when a professor came and joined him. Since he never really left the tower, he only knew people from the yearbook that the school posted every year. This one was Professor Madlyn Ateara. However, he thought for sure that she had another name. She was an older student when he attended, so he didn’t know her too much. The tall woman though was hard to forget. “I don’t come down from my tower much. I promised myself I would get to know the people here. Except Professor Styx. I knew him well enough when I attended. You are... Care of Magical Creatures, Madlyn, yes?” Bryce signed as the same time he was speaking, and spelled out her name versus actually saying it. It did take ages for him to even say a name correctly anyway.
Madlyn was unaware of the professor's difficulties, so when he began to use sign language the part-giant thought it was odd. She leans in, eyes curiously following as he signed away while he spoke to her. "Is there something wrong with your hands, professor?" Madlyn couldn't understand why he was using his hands to speak, it was just strange to her. She dealt with creatures with faint eye sights, but rarely those who were humans. And if she come across them, she hadn't notice. Madlyn dealt with more creatures in her past post, that it surpass the humans she ever interacted all her life. "Oh yes, who could ever forget Professor Styx, he hasn't change a lot has he?" Madlyn grins, the tall witch brushing down her long robe as it drape over her long legs. "I am, to third and fourth years, and what do you teach? And your name, sorry I don't have manners today."
Bryce read her responses and could not help but chuckle when she asked about his hands. She must be unfamiliar with sign language but most people were. “I speak sign language as I talk. I got sick as an infant and lost my hearing.” Bryce had no qualms about who he is now, as he experienced everything different. Giving people names, having to read lips, having special stones that glowed when someone was knocking on the door, or vibrating stones for an alarm. “I am Bryce Chamberlin. I teach upper years Divination, as well as private seer lessons to students who may have the gift. It gives me five senses too.”
The giant woman suddenly felt inadequate for having to ask, if she guessed a little longer she would have come to that conclusion. "Is that so? No proper healer was able to fix that for you," the tall witch felt compel to ask. It's not an everyday norm to come across with those who were hard of hearing, or had poor eye sight. With creatures were a different stories, not all of their wand waving spells can fix a creature's problems. Madlyn learned that it wasn't always the case with dealing with creatures. "I remember now, you went to school around the time I did, right?" Madlyn piece that information together. Madlyn doesn't claim to have the best of memories, the surname just rang a bell. Every beginning of the year when they called out names for the first years to be sorted, it's the surnames they called out the loudest. Some names become forgotten, but she can fairly remember some. Just barely. "Sounds like you traded off with one of your senses, I give it to you. I don't think I can manage if I was a seer. That gift is not for everyone."

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