Relationships of any sort.

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Kyra Alexandros

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
So, I haven't been extremly active with Kyra, the only thing she's been in with is Deimos; and they haven't gotten together since a date bomber. So she's in bad shape right now, and I'm looking to make it both better; and worse.
Worse equals her old ex showing up. Name and things of the sort are flexible; but he must have brown hair, and be around the age of twenty five. If someone needs me to create a new account or something, and they want to add him to their lists of characters PM me please. ALso, i must mention, him and Kyra had a daughter together; who is about three now. So he could either be here for redemption, or to try and dump her off; or maybe just to irritate Kyra. Also; it could be a complete surprise that she's here.

Kyra needs friends to be there for her. She has been going through a real rough patch and is loosing herself in a little bit of heart break. She has gained about five pounds, and will need a sparring partner. And will need a sensitive friend, and maybe even a tough love one who knows what she's doing!

So all in all i'm looking for

Someone to play the ex
Someone to train with Kyra, like running and such
A mother like figure, or a caring/ tough love friend!

Thanks for reading, Ciao
I have a lot of Characters to list here...
First off, this one.

Chase Blade
He is a Death Eater, he will act friendly, but in the long run, he will eventually betray you, and try to kill you. He is only ever kind to his fiancee.

Takuya Blaze.
Shopkeeper, he is very kind, but can be moody as well. He is willing to do whatever it takes to help his friends.

Blaise Masters.
Ministry Official, applied for Auror, he is Chase's cousin, and is willing to do anything to help people, and will always do what it right, no matter what others think.

Chris Mitchells.
I have no idea. I could just make him up as I go along. He's the same group as you.

You can grab and pick, I have no plans for Chris right now, he could be the ex, or maybe the one to play with her.
Yay, a nice reply. I like all of the sounds of them.

i don't mind Chris playing the ex, and the daughter does not have to be made quiet till she's older. So if you would like that; it sounds like a plan to me. Also, i need a picture of his playby, because that is in her character development.

Takuya also sounds very nice, they could be good friends; I could see that working out. So maybe I can start one, and you one... or something like that. What do you think?
Sounds like a plan to me. I'll start the one for Takuya. :) And, right. I'll need to get a Siggeh and shiz for Chris. :r
Thanks; i'll get right to work!

Anyone else??
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