Relationships for the Slytherin twins

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Jerrod Green

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
14.5" walnut with essence of vampire blood
Jerrod and Lily are going through a rough time at the moment (their dad and two cousins are dead) and they need friends to get them through it. They could also do with some enemies to make the whole thing worse.

Jerrod-Jerrod hates most people but seeing as he's in a state where he just can't be bothered to do anything, he's more likely to make friends. He is a typical Slytherin. He's stuck up and thinks all muggles and muggle borns are scum and they shouldn't be in the school. The only people he really cares about are his family.

Lily-Lily's real name is Angelica but she hates it so she goes by her middle name all the time. She is stuck up but she's much kinder than Jerrod. She likes to give people a chance to be her friend before she stamps them in the mud. She already has a boyfriend and she wants to stay with him but she's having doubts because she hardly ever sees him even though they are in the same year at HNZ. Lily is easy to get along with once people manage to get past Jerrod and become friends with her.

If you have any other ideas for plots then shoot. I'm all ears.

I have Rhianne Delle Clivey,5th year Gryffie..I noticed you got friends and stuff now so this proposal would be the first..

I could offer Rhi as Jerrod's secret liking fling..It would be like a plot of Jerrod liking an older student..You up for it??Rhi is on a long distance relationship with a Durmstrang but maintained a friendship with everyone..She plays Chaser for their team and also serves as mentor to other younger students..
I can offer you my two new first year Slythies to play with.

Del is a smartass who thinks things through and is stubborn and paranoid about people she doesn't know. She's a bit of a sweetheart but doesn't take kindly to people who judge her or think they are superior. If she became friends with either of the Green twins then she would pretty much stick to them and not let them try and push her away. Once she's your friend she won't let your defensive attitude get in the way of helping you. She has this need to save people and would try to help Jerrod, not by being all goody but just by every now and then reassuring him and making sure that he doesn't screw up his life.

Indie is a bit more a typical Slythie, she may feel guilt but if needed she will crush people in order to achieve her means. The only reason she can do this is because of her belief that in order to get somewhere you have to push your way to the top. She's not cruel as such but tries to ignore reason. If she were to end up friends with either of the characters it would probably Lily.

Or you can make their lives crap :lol:
All up to you.

Koboshi has a very strong personality. She is Mean-spirited and Ambitious. She tends to fight alot with her cousins, but she still loves them very dearly. She is strong-willed and cunning, Loyal and mischeivous. If you get her mad, you had better find a safe place to hide.Koshi is a smart and well-mannered girl. Atleast thats what her parents think. Koshi has been bought up to one day take over the family buisness. She is the wealthiest of the siblings and the second oldest. Beaten for that title by Keitaro, her closest cousin. She spends alot of time with him at his house, or with Chihiro. She will do anything to get people out of her way. Koboshi is known as the beauty of the family, she got the looks and she’s proud of it.

For more information click
Irene-I would normally say yes but at the moment he's got basically the exact same thing happening with a first year. He could probably have two crushes but he would try and completely ignore the one with Rhi because she is a Gryffindor and he hates all Gryffindors.

Delphi-Del sounds like she could be great friends with Lily and then she could meet Jerrod through Lily. Lilz would love being friends with her because Jerrod is very protective of her and he ends up pushing most of her friends away or making them scared of him. She loves having friends who just act normal around him. Indie could be friends with her as well. Lilz is used to be friends with people who prefer the 'dark side' as her dad was a death eater and most of the family have been influenced by him.

Koboshi-Koboshi could be someone that Jerrod thinks is cool. He likes wealth and power and he would see that she has both of those so they would pull him in. I don't know whether Lily would be friends with her or not. We'd have to test the two of them together. If Koboshi tried to hurt Lily then Jerrod would immediately stop her though.

Thanks guys
Rhi&Jerrod:Okay..I forgot to mention that Rhi has been quite changed over the last two years because of certain experiences and aches she had been through..She recently began hanging out with Slythies and I guess we could have them bump each other most of the time..

I got Hayley Huberta for Jarred. She's from a wealthy family however she doesn't mind chillin w/ muggle borns as long as their family is well known and wealthy. Hayley's very cold toward strangers, she loves insulting people and revealing other people's flaw. She has no interest in eros kind of love, at least not yet. Hayley hates those people who dont mind their own business. She's very impatient.


Chihiro Aiko *waving at Cousin up there :p *
She's also a Slytherin and she's very proud being Japanese. She's from a wealthy family as well and had been dancing ballet. She's the only child and is very close to her cousins. She's very curious about things, and she wants to know about everything. Well click on her name lol there's her charrie development there... lol

arryt here you gooo woo hoo
Cool, so just let me know when you want to get things started and we'll go from there.
Irene-That sounds like it could work. Jerod will probably be moody towards her at first but Rhi just has to put him in his place and he'll like her (weird I know)

Chihiro-Hayley already knows about him through Lily so she could talk to him (knowing who he is) and try to get his approval so she can be friends with Lily?? Chihiro would be good because Jerrod's attracted to wealth and then he would think that she's worthy of friendship and introduce Lily to her.

Koboshi-Do you want to start?? Internet is limited to school at the moment so it's hard for me to get everything done.

Hayley wouldn't want to get approval from other people, she's too stubborn :p .. well as for Hayley lezz just continue the RP in the common room..

Chihiro.. sure do you want me to start? Or would you like to start? Or would you like to join the family reunion :p bwahah lol
I could have Jerrod join in the RP in the common room?? He could decide Hayley's getting to chatty with Lily and he wants to be the brother he always is.

Can you start please :D
Angelica Green said:
Irene-That sounds like it could work. Jerod will probably be moody towards her at first but Rhi just has to put him in his place and he'll like her (weird I know)
Taneaka. can start a thread so as I could know what the setup would be..
I can be Jerrod's friend, Meiling or Ling is kind, a bit self-centered, hot headed and witty. She also a first year and new at the school, Ling is home sicked so she might whoop your ass with a kung-fu if you annoyed her.

for either Jerrod or lily, or both.[/url]
Irene-please can you post?? I'm not meant to be online at the moment.

Meiling-that sounds like it could work. I could do with some people to put Jerrod in his place because at the moment he thinks he's top of the world.

Koboshi-thanks. I'll reply ASAP.

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