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Sinclair Blaze

Well-Known Member
Ebony Wand 15" Essence of Phoenix Talon
Sinclair Blaze
14 years old

He is a very kind guy, not the typical Slytherin who's always bullying people. But he's got ambition and he's always after power. Sinclair is the smart and quiet, though he's really really smart. He's handsome, too. :D He could be a snob at times. And oh, he's got leukemia. And he's dying. So I need someone who can brighten him up. SOmeone loud and cute, perhaps?

If you still got some questions, you can ask it here. Thanks. :D
I got Ally a very not-so-sophisticated 14th year old girl, a bit of fashion conscious, a bit of a evil person but just a bit but a good hearted at the other side. A mixed blood, doesn't have any siblings and best friend with Lexi Rodriguez ...
I can offer Alexia if yu want. She is kind and has a very bubbley personality. She is easyily exciteable and it doesnt take much to make her hyper. She is always trying to make people laugh.
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