Relationship, Please

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Ally Crysin

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn (BROKEN)
So, as I was saying. I need a relationship for this young lady over here, anyone can be, I don't care if they are from HNZ, HS, Durmstrang nor Beauxbatons but they must stay together or if plotted.

Ally is a quidditch lover and plays as a chaser, she's sweet, kind, smart, straight to the point and caring. Even though she's evil sometimes, her great personality will always be her nature. Ally too loves to shop, she's a shopaholic and will shop whenever Brightstone weekends are approaching.

If you still have questions just PM me and if your interested just reply here :)
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