Open Red Rose For Who Now

Corey Edogawa

tengu seeker • things should be simple • dummy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 11 1/2 Inch Swishy Cherry Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
While Corey was quite having the time of his life with the deliveries, he was starting to see the problem with the random thing. While he knew most of who were on his list or at least had a vague idea of who was who on his list, this time he was quite not sure who he was looking for really. So he went for his best bet. Yelling in the Great Hall. "Phoebe (fi-bi)! Phoebe (fib)! Mr. Holland! Miss Holland! Phoebe (fi-bi) Holland! Phoebe (fib) Holland!" Okay, so he had absolutely no clue who Phoebe was and he was pretty sure he was butchering their name right now. And well, he wasn't even sure if they were a boy or a girl really. He just hoped someone would respond soon.
Phoebe was pretty proud of Alice for working on the roses this year, effectively taking over from Rose. Phoebe had never had much interest in the event beyond a mild amusement when there was any drama, though she did always send one rose to her girlfriend. That was also the only rose she was expecting in return, so she wasn't too worried about the moment of delivery. She was buttering her toast when she heard someone yelling an approximation of her name. Looking up, Phoebe saw a young boy looking around for her. Phoebe got to her feet and waved the boy over. "Phoebe Holland is over here!" She called to him.
Corey sighed in relief when someone finally answered his calls. He walked up to the obviously much older girl - not a boy - with a sheepish smile on his face as he rubbed the back of his head rather awkwardly. "Hiya! Sorry for practically butchering your name there, I got a rose for you!" he said with a smile as he started to look through his roses to find the one for Phoebe. It didn't take long to find it. "Red rose for the wonderful lady," he said as he presented the rose.
New plan: disguise you as a House Elf so you can stay next year. Or you could flunk all your classes and repeat seventh year. Or hide in the school after graduation and pretend to be a statue.
Love you. Gonna miss you like crazy.
Phoebe laughed softly at the boy. He was so young, she guessed he was a first year. "No worries, it's not the easiest name." She said, taking the rose from him. "You gave it a good shot." She was pleased that the rose was red, as she had hoped it would be one from Charlie. She opened the note and smiled, feeling both happy and sad as she read the message. It would be so strange, graduating while Charlie was still at Hogwarts. She was honestly a little worried about her girlfriend, who she knew wasn't the most social person. Would she be okay in her final year? But as much fun as it was to think of silly plans for her to stay, Phoebe knew it was impossible. Folding the note again, she tucked it away in her pocket safely. "Thanks, kid. What's your name?"
Corey was just relieved that the much older girl was really nice. He wouldn't know what to do really if she had gotten mad over him butchering her name in an attempt to get her attention - even if he didn't mean to at all. "I'm Corey!" he said rather enthusiastically. It was rather pleasant to meet new people, especially since the older girl was in a whole different house, seemingly from Feli's if where she came from was anything to go by. "Really nice to meet you."
Phoebe held the rose in her hand as she spoke to the younger boy, casting a glance over at the Gryffindor table to see if she could spot her girlfriend. She smiled when the boy introduced himself. "Cool, nice to meet you Corey. Are you having a good time delivering these?" She asked, wiggling the red rose. "My sister is one of the people organizing it, I hope it's not too tricky?" She thought it was pretty brave of a first year to deliver these roses, as they wouldn't really know many people and would have to talk to older people for it. She knew not everyone would be able to do that so easily.
Corey nodded, his grin never leaving his face. Rose deliveries were hard, he'd admit. But it was an outlet for his energy and it was fulfilling and nice. He'd be doing this every year he'd already decided. Especially if he met nice people like this senpai. "It's great! I think I'll be doing it again next year," he said rather enthusiastically. He thought that the organizers were pretty great people, it must have taken a lot of hard work considering the amount of roses that were being delivered. "Just a little when I have no clue about the person on my list. It's still fun though," he said honestly. "Have you tried doing it ever?"
Phoebe smiled at the boy's enthusiasm. "That would be awesome. And at least you won't have to worry about my tricky name next year." She joked, even if she felt a pang of sadness as she remembered this was the last rose she would get from Charlie. "If you need any help finding someone, I could help? I might know some people, but no promises." Phoebe knew people in her own year and a few in her sisters years, but younger students were largely unfamiliar to her. "I haven't, it was always more my sisters' thing." She admitted.

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