Recruiting for The Brotherhood of Magic

Aries Centauri

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
10 1/2" ash and paduak mix with unicorn hair core
Aries walked to the Great Hall and stood just out side it setting up the table as Bruin had done not so very long ago when Aries had been recruited. With a determined air he placed the board in front of the table and sat down with a clipboard wondering if any of the guys in the school would join up. If the girls had their sorority then the boys had every right to have their brotherhood. An oasis away from the girl problems in their lives or just to get away from the multitude of girls that swarmed the corridors and rooms. There was one room for the boys alone and to Aries who had come from a predominantly boy school this room was utterly necessary. He loved Violet dearly, Merlin knew he did but time with the boys was crucial. He sat and waited hoping not to be disappointed.
Stretching out, Angus was about to head out to the gardens for some fresh air when something caught his eye. Grinding to a halt, Angus turned to see Aries with a sign for the Brotherhood of Magic. Angus grinned - this was just what he needed. He loved Luna, he adored her, but he rarely ever got to spend time with other guys. He'd grown up around girls, pretty much, and he needed somewhere where he could have guy time.

Moving over to the table, Angus gave Aries a small wave. "Hey, man," he said cheerfully, looking at the sign with a smirk. "Brotherhood of Magic, eh? Where do I sign up?"
Darian walked up to the paper that hung up on the wall. He read it carefully and then a smile broke out on his face. This was what he needed, a place of sanctuary. He did enjoy hanging out with his girlfriend, Skyle, but he was still just a boy. He needed time to himself. Plus he was sure that there would be plenty on people he could ask for help if he needed someone to ask advice. His smile grew, Skyle might be upset if she heard this. With a snicker he looked around to see where to sign up.
Having took a quiet walk around the grounds of the castle, Ruki made his way back in-side to have something for lunch. upon reaching the castle, Ruki caught sight of someone he recognised. Aries, the more collected of the three guys he had met whilst at The Gables. Spotting the table the older guy had positioned by the Great Hall, Ruki strolled on over and smiled. "Aries.". Reading the sign in-front of the table, Ruki wondered what the Brotherhood was about; but gave it little thought, as he reached out for the clip-board; simply deciding to add his name to the list. "How is everything?". Ruki thought it best to ask, since he had left the generous hospitality without so much as a good-bye.
It didn't take long at all for a few fellow male students to show up and Aries felt relieved.
"Hey Angus" he knew he would be exceptionally grateful to him after this, Aries had been convinced that the entire thing would fall on it's face and he would be on his own within the Brotherhood playing with his imaginary friends. Of course he could always rope Fenton in and as Angus asked where to sign, Aries hurriedly scribbled Fenton's name down on the clipboard before pushing it over to him.

"Right there" he smiled at the younger boy who came up behind him and indicated to the clipboard.
"If you're interested then sign your life away on the dotted line man." An all too familiar face approached the table and Aries who was usually cool and detached unless it came to Violet or his family could only look at the boy as if he wanted to shake him.
"Rukevra" he would question him later of course about why he simply disappeared the way he did. Andy hadn't been surprised but had been a bit upset by it but it had been Essie who had taken his absence hardest. Which had stunned them all really but she was pushing on in years and was getting attached to people and things alot more lately. She had spent the next few days fretting about Rukevra, wondering where he had gone whether he had enough to eat or not.

"Good I guess. How are you settling in here?" his tone was neutral as he looked at the boy before him.
Darian smiled and signed his name before, hoping out of the way for others to sign. Some one had come up behind him and started talking to the older Ravenclaw. He smiled friendly, but underneath it he could tell there was some unanswered questions. He had to go find Skyle soon, he realized as he looked up at the clock. First he asked a quick question, "So just wondering, um, what exactly does the Brotherhood of MAGIC do? Just create a safe haven for us guys?" He smirked at that.
Passing the clip-board on, Ruki felt slightly relieved at not being questioned on his departure. He felt he would have to visit the elderly woman to apologise, but knew the longer he stayed in their company; the worse things would get if his parents had found him sooner. Having arrived back at the harbour, Ruki knew he had made the right choice. Answering the older student, "Things are different. I'm sure I shall understand everything shortly.", Ruki wondered if it was best to leave him with his recruitment drive.
Looking at the name the boy signed he smiled up at him as he replied.
"We stay the hell out of dodge" he laughed, "trust me when you can't look over your shoulder for the swarm of girls standing there, a guy needs some guy time. We've got snooker tables, pool table, fooz ball, poker table all in the name of chill-out Darian.

Turning to Rukevra he thought the answer a bit enigmatic but said no more about it, he had signed up and if he had left for a reason, Aries was not the type to pry.
"Well you can figure alot out with the Brotherhood. I'll let you guys know when the first meeting will be called to order. It's just a preliminary. Get to know everyone and from then on the freedom of the Brotherhood is yours to enjoy".
Darian thanked him and turned quickly. To his surprise there actually was a gaggle of girls standing some what behind him. With a smirk on his face he strode of, to go look for Skyle.
Listening to Aries, Ruki smiled politely; before bidding his good-byes. "I do hope so. I shall see you around, hopefully.". Ruki could sense a bit of fun was about to pass his way. Heading up to the common room, Ruki felt a little happier in this castles walls.
Beau had seen a poster up on one of the upper floors and decided to come down and see what this Brotherhood thing was all about. He liked the sound of it and decided to sign up. As he took the clipboard and signed his name messily, he introduced himself to the older student manning the table. "Gidday, my name's Beau. I saw a poster upstairs, this thing looks cool. My sisters drive me nuts, I thought I'd be free of girls here, but they're everywhere! I thought it was bad living with three girls; there are hundreds here! Do you have sisters? Aren't they annoying? What house are you in? I'm a Hufflepuff, but I wanted to be in Gryffindor, but now that I'm here I've found out Hufflepuff isn't as bad as it sounds. Doesn't it suck that the girls can come to our dorms even though we can't go to theirs? You'd think when you leave the common room you'd be free of them, but they follow you everywhere! Do you play quidditch? I can't wait to learn. I just found out about it, I didn't even know all this stuff existed. It's so cool! Did you always know? Isn't it great? Man, this is such a cool school. I never thought I'd say a school was cool, but this place is, well, the History classes aren't, but most of the school is..." Beau had sat himself on the edge of the table and was chatting away as if he and the guy behind the table had been friends for years. His chatter was unstoppable.

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