Reading for the club

Kiera smiled at Andy. "Sure you would. Your braver than you think Im sure. You are in Gryffindor." Kiera teased. "Kat is going home to my dad and brother. I have only told Kat about Jacqueline and I am not telling Cameron til the summer." she said letting her mind wander. Cam had a temper and would not take the news well and her dad would be crushed. "Bruin offered to come with me for a few days before heading home for Christmas. He has shopping to do." Kiera explained.
"Really!" Andromeda smiled, she really liked Bruin he was such a lovely boy, "I think you two would be perfect together! Oh, sorry I shouldn't have said that out loud."
She gushed and was only being honest, after all they were very good looking and really smart as well as great quidditch players. It seemed to Andromeda like a match made in heaven.
Kiera laughed at Andromeda's honesty not that the thought hadnt even occured to her. Kiera had to admit she had always had a crush on Bruin. She smiled. "Andy can you keep a secret?" she asked. Kiera wouldnt want Bruin hearing what she was about to say.
Andromeda felt wretched, here was Kiera confiding in her again and Andromeda couldn't show the same courtesy. Andromeda nodded her head feeling ashamed of herself now.
"You can tell me anything and I'll take it to the grave with me Kiera" she smiled at her.
Kiera smiled happily. She trusted Andromeda's promise. "Good because I would die if Bruin ever heard this but I do have a crush on him. He's such a good friend though that I wouldnt want to ruin our friendship by him finding that out. Plus well.. I kinda like someone else too but hes nothing like me." she confided. Kiera didnt want to tell the other boy's name. Andy might or might not know him. He didnt go to their school anymore.
"Oh! wow Kiera, really but that is so sweet. I bet he'd be delighted too. He won't find out from me of course. If I didn't like Bri ... ehm, so much I'm sure Bruin would have been a close contender" she smiled, "The friendship thing is tricky isn't it. I mean you'd think that it would help but then when you break up that's it no more contact! Of course that doesn't apply to everyone though, does it?"

Andromeda's inexperience with boyfriends wasn't much for her to base anything on. She had only sort of dated once and that lasted all of a few weeks really and as much as they said they would still talk, they had drifted.
Kiera shrugged her shoulders. Even though she was older she had only had one boyfriend. Sure she flirted but it wasnt close to the same thing. "Friendship is the tricky part. You should be friends first but after you break up its like you lose them." she replied with a smile. "I'm not so sure he would be delighted to find that out. I dont want him to start treating me differently if he finds out and he doesnt like me."
Andromeda was speechless.
"why wouldn't he like you? Look at you Kiera, you are absolutely beautiful, you are really really clever, you're fun to be around and you're great at flying. If I was a boy I'd ask you out" Andromeda smiled at her, hoping she understood what she meant, "Bruin would be very lucky to date you. But I agree with the friend thing, I have sworn boys off anyhow."
Kiera laughed and blushed at the same time. "Andy, Im not that great. I sound much more attractive when you say it like that." she half joked. "Now's just not the right time. Maybe in the future." she said hopefully. He had asked her to the Ball hadnt he?
"What would you consider the right age to start dating at Kiera?" she really wanted to know the answer to this one, she really did think she was way too young but her body seemed to tell her otherwise. Possibly the best reason not to date if there was any, she thought.
"Well I think you're wonderful Kiera, big sis!" she smiled at her.
Kiera grinned at Andy. "Thanks! That means alot to me." she said honestly. Kiera then considered the question Andy had asked. She really wasnt sure of the answer herself. She thought back to her first year. The first and only time she had dated anyone. Steel. Kiera still missed him. She sighed and gave Andy the best answer she could.

"Well to be honest, I am not sure. I have only had one boyfriend. His name was Steel and we were first years. I really really liked him. We were always together. Suddenly his parents pulled him out of school and sent him to Hogwarts in England. He was wonderful but I am not sure I was ready for a boyfriend at that age. I'm not sure I'm ready now." Kiera confessed. She felt comfortable talking to Andromeda. She probably said more than she should have.
"I think you're absolutely right about the first year thing being too young. I don't know if you are the right age or not I guess everyone is probably different aren't they?" Andromeda placed her book on her lap, "I don't think I'm ever going to date Kiera."

She was so serious now that her whole face took on such a grown up expression that seemed lost on her 11 year old self. Andromeda knew why she would never date or could never and age had nothing to do with it.
Kiera frowned with concern when Andy suddenly got serious. Usually she was so happy and enthusiastic. Kiera couldnt help but wonder why she would never want to date. Andromeda did not strike Kiera as someone who would like being alone forever. "Why?" she questioned.
"Many reasons I suppose. Firstly I've seen how love can work and how it can't. Secondly if my heart already belongs to someone I can't really go and try to give it to someone else and thirdly... well, thirdly as to do with my other secret" she looked sheepish now and shrugged her shoulders apologetically at Kiera.
Kiera was even more confused. How could Andy's last secret have anything to do with boys? Kiera would figure it out eventually. "Firstly, yes but you just have to find the right one for it to work out. Secondly, who are you talking about? And thirdly, I just wish you would get all this avasiveness over with and tell me." she said with a smile.
Andromeda laughed then and nudged Kiera playfully.
"Nice try sis!" she winked "the boy is my bestfriend so good start in the sense that he is a friend at least but bad in the sense he only likes me in the sisterly way."

A big sigh escaped her then but she really had resigned herself to her fate and was actually getting on ok with her decision. Of course it was still early days and she dreaded when her hormones really did kick in.
Kiera grinned. "Hey it was worth a try." she joked. "How do you know the boy only likes you as a friend?" Kiera asked. Maybe Andromeda just thought that and had no actual proof. "Sometimes best friends grow to be more than friends." Kiera said with another smile.
Andromeda flicked the pages of her book and gave a lopsided smile.
"He told me! You can't get much more concrete proof than that now can you?" she told Kiera, "But you know it's ok. I saw him dancing with his date at the ball and my other best friend as well and sure it hurt but I'll get over it. I'm young right?"

Of course so was Juliet, she thought to herself well maybe not as young as Andromeda but she was still young.
Kiera frowned in thought. How could someone not like Andromeda? "Well you are both young. Look at Ron and Hermione. They were just friends at first but then they got married!" she quoted from history. "You still have a chance. Dont give up on him." she said with a kind smile.
"Oh he's one person I would never give up on" she smiled and knew she wouldn't but Andromeda didn't mean in the sence of 'love' or anything to do with the heart. She meant in general, no matter what they would go through, no matter what happened between them, she would never ever give up on him.
"I wouldnt expect any less from you little sis." Kiera said with a playful nudge. Kiera never gave up on her friends either. Kiera had plenty of reasons in the past to give up on Bellatrix. She didnt and now Bella seemed to be changing. Kiera smiled in thought of her best friend.
Andromeda smiled and accepted Kiera's hand to hoist herself up from the bean bag.
"They may be comfortable but they're also a bit of a nuisance to get out of" she said to her looking back down at the offending seat.
"I guess I better start heading back to the commonroom myself, get ready for dinner. Are you coming or staying?"

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