
Acwel Ater

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Unyeilding Straight Blackthorn Wood Wand 14" with Manticore Venom
Lying on his bed in his New Zealand Manor Acwel slowly ran his hands down Haruhi's back, nothing covering him but a sheet laying over his waist, Acwel looked down at Haruhi who was on his chest and he chuckled 'Well Mrs Koshiba, you seem to have gotten the best of me yet again' he said his dark voice rumbling through his chest as he talked, Acwel and Haruhi had been "Together" for a Month now ever since Koaru decided to file for divorce and live with his Mistress who was still unknown to everyone. Acwel loved running his large hands along Haruhi's delicate pale back, he enjoyed her small frame, his previous wife was Half Spanish, Half English so she had a stronger build but was still thin, Haruhi had a fantastic Fragile build with soft pale skin which was a drastic contrast to his Spanish Tan.

Acwel sat up on his elbows and moved to rest against the pillow looking down slightly, his Emerald green eyes bright from enjoyment a site which was very rarely seen on Acwel Ater's face these days 'Haruhi, My Dear, We cannot continue to do this' he said his Spanish accent rolling off his tongue sweetly, Acwel wondered if Haruhi may have thought that he was wanting to leave her so he quickly added what he was talking about 'We have Mentioned this before, I cannot have you as my... well my play thing' he said wanting to make sure she was aware how he felt for the situation 'I have been a Man without Partner for over 15 years' he begun, he didn't know exactly how to say that he wanted to Marry Haruhi, he wasn't an emotional person he married his wife with the help of his brother who was much better at showing emotion. Acwel looked at the ceiling and studied the fabric that was draped over the four poster bed closely even though he had seen it plenty of times before, Haruhi was the first person in his bed at this Manor since his wife, all his other one night stands had been at the Ater but he felt something more for Haruhi, she was something different, he hadn't been as attracted to a woman since his wife and they had been together since Hogwarts.

Continuing to trace Haruhi's back he spelt out what he wanted to say through his fingers but shrugged 'Mrs Koshiba, I think you're getting a bit wild without a Husband' he said with a slight smirk, Technically she was no Longer Mrs Koshiba but he liked to tease her still 'First you Re-Negotiate a Contract with another man, then you make his bed your own, what next you're going to run the empire with him and eventually fall pregnant with his children. All of this After you have had a collection of Children, Kept an Amazing figure, Half Run an Empire and lost your Husband you were Loyal to, You really are remarkable' he said as a Joke, not the compliments were sincere but rest was laced with Humor he didn't expect to have any more Children, his first wife had birthed him 4 sons and a Daughter so he had plenty to run his empire. What Acwel really wanted was a Wife, Haruhi had made him realize that he felt alone. Looking back down to Haruhi with his Emerald green eyes he kissed her on the forehead softly 'My Dear Mrs Koshiba, Don't think what i am saying doesn't mean you can't take me when ever you want however, i am simply pointing out how Amazing you really are.' he added with a small chuckle.
Haruhi was starting to wake up. It had been a long night and today was going to be long day for Haruhi. Feeling Acwel's hands on her Haruhi let out a small sigh and snuggled closer to him. It had already been a month since Haruhi had placed her wedding ring on the bar and walked into Acwel's arms. They hadn't kept what they where doing a secret. There where rumors that Haruhi had been cheating on her husband but of course Haruhi had put a stop to those as quickly as she could. She had been a perfect wife to Koaru and now she was the perfect whatever she was with Acwel. "It seems we always get the best of one another." Haruhi said with a sleepy voice. She wanted to grab the covers and pull them over her head and sleep for a few more hours.

Haruhi watched as Acwel sat up. Moving a little bit Haruhi was able to stay laying down but also look at Acwel. She felt something for him but she wouldn't call it love. It was more like she really liked him. "I agree Acwel we really can't keep this up. Think of what our children are saying?" Haruhi said with a giggle. Eden had rolled her eyes when she had heard. Her son Tohrou on the other hand told her to use protection because he didn't want anymore brothers or sisters. She didn't know what she wanted to happen with her and Acwel but it was true they both needed to figure it out and soon. "I agree I am far to old to be someone's mistress." She wanted to add that she was also to old to be someones girlfriend but she wasn't sure that was what she was.

Haruhi reached for a pillow and smacked him with it. "I prefer Ms. Koshiba. I haven't gotten to wild. My hair is still its natural color." Haruhi said remembering a time when her hair was always changing colors. As Acwel listed all the things she had done with her life Haruhi smiled. "I agree I am a amazing person. I just have to find a man who would honor with not only giving me his last name but also maybe having a child or two more with me." Haruhi wondered if maybe Acwel was thinking about making her his wife. It would be a very different life for her but at the same time it would be the same. "What is it that you are saying? Wondering if you could tame me?" Haruhi said with a slight teasing voice. It wouldn't take much work. No Haruhi missed being married and her twin sons where starting to get older. She was still a young women and could have a couple more babies.
Acwel’s mind was somewhere else, he knew talk was up but that wasn’t the reason he wanted Haruhi, He liked her a lot, the feelings weren’t as strong as his ex-wives but he was certain that would change eventually over time, he had only just met her after all. Acwel continued to trace his fingers along her back his skin a little rough but still good to touch. Haruhi agreed with what he was saying but with the giggle he wasn’t sure if she was being Serious or not, Acwel chuckled softly 'My children don’t meddle with my Business, that’s what’s so great about having sons, they only care where there next meal is coming from and if I’m going to kill them or not' he said his voice dark and cool, 'My Daughter on the other hand might be wondering what’s going on, but she has gone on a trip after taking care of the Ater for me while I was away so she has yet to be informed' Acwel wondered what Adira was doing, Unlike his sons he actually had more feeling towards Adira his only Daughter, the only Daughter born to the name Ater, he had a soft spot for her one which he tried to cover up, but he wasn’t going to pry into her business.

Acwel looked at Haruhi when she said she was far too old and he quickly put his hands on her waist and moved her to sit on top of him tracing his hands down the side of her body with enjoyment 'Mrs Koshiba, I do believe that is incorrect, see right here and right now you are my Mistress, You are certainly not too old. But if that’s what you believe I guess I have to do something about it' he said with mock exhasperation, Acwel had an urge to claim Haruhi as his own, he didn’t want her to run off to someone else.
Feeling the soft pillow hit his face Acwel instantly rolled Haruhi onto her back and held her down his strong arms pinning hers above her head, his muscles bulging making sure she was kept restraint 'Maybe it’s just me who’s wild then' he said as he bent down to kiss her neck softly, she agreed that she was amazing person about how she would have to find a man who would honor her and have a child or two with her, he paused brefily but kept on kissing up her neck before he paused above her lips 'There is a lot of Honor in a last name aswell Ms Koshiba' he said his lips just brushing his, his hair slightly unruly from their activities, normally he would have it slicked back but he wasn’t going to have his hair perfect all the time. 'I think I know a person who would be perfect for you' he said his expression genuinely as if he had thought of someone else other than him, Acwel quickly jumped out of bed and walked to the dresser, slipping on a pair of black silk boxers he walked over to the end of his bed and leaned on it 'He’s Tall, Great Build, Spanish like myself' he said as he looked at Haruhi before pushing off from the bed and paced the room slightly 'He would give you his last name and honour you aswell, although he has a bit of bad experience with his previous wife that most woman hold against him' Haruhi interrupted him with a tease and he shrugged 'Ms Koshiba I would never try tame a lioness for the fear of losing my hand, I hand I could use to pet that Lioness and discover her power and grace' he said, Acwel had an odd way of expression emotions, he often avoided saying it Directly and left lingers through what he said. 'Back to this man for you, I’m sure he would want you, the children thing, well…' he paused for a moment and changed topic 'What other Characteristics are you look for in this husband, I might have the perfect man for you'
Haruhi wasn't sure if Acwel understood that she was joking. After a moment he joined in with her laughing. Haruhi was still getting used to being with Acwel. After spending years as Koaru's wife and mother Haruhi wasn't sure how to act around Acwel sometimes. "Your lucky I have four little ones under the age of ten." Haruhi was going to spend the rest of the day with them. Hearing that Adira had been away for a whole Haruhi wondered where the girl could be. "I remember when Adira and Hoshi would run around the house playing pranks on the maids or whatever it was they where doing. It was cute." Haruhi couldn't help but pause and think about time gone past. Those where good days.

Haruhi moved with Acwel as he moved her to sit on him. For a second Haruhi felt dizzy but it passed. Haruhi might have to take a week away from Acwel and just spend it relaxing it home. As of lately she had started to feel sick and not wanting to eat. Acwel rolled her under him and Haruhi felt the world spin around. Yea she was getting sick. "No more sudden movements." Haruhi said getting out of bed and reaching for her red silk robe. Haruhi wore a lot of red and green. Both colors looked very good but today Haruhi looked paler than normal.

Taking a seat on the bed Haruhi looked as Acwel started to pace the room. He said he knew someone who would be perfect for her. Haruhi pretended to listen but she had no interest in anyone other than the man in front of her. "Let's see here. Well the man that I am looking for has to have a good taste in wine. I have to remember that I was once the wife of the most powerful Death Eater in Japan. So I think I would like to be the wife of another Death Eater. I Spanish one this time." Haruhi got to her feet and walked over to Acwel. Placing her arms around his waist Haruhi rested her head against his chest. He was so warm and Haruhi felt a little better. "Never mind you trying to find me the perfect man. I think I might have already found him." Haruhi said raising on tiptoe to kiss Acwel on the cheek.
Acwel crinkled his nose 'I have 5 little ones under the age of ten at one point, I win' he said as a joke. Acwel shook his head when she commented on Adira and Hoshi 'I'm Glad Adira found like minded people at school, i couldn't imagine her with those girls who like did... things... good' he said not quite understanding what he was trying to say but he couldn't imagine Adira as a good girl. Acwel looked at Haruhi funny when she asked for no more sudden movements he shrugged again.

Acwel looked at Haruhi for a brief moment, she didn't look herself, he wasn't keen to ask about it just in case, he knew the look from somewhere but he suppressed it so it didn't matter. Acwel smiled at Haruhi when she walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his chest he kissed the top of her head, she insisted she had found the perfect man but he didn't feel that way 'Haruhi' he begun as he took her arms and gently moved them from his waist so he could look in her eyes 'I killed my first wife, If you want me, you'll have to be able to control me and that's hard, its a curse upon yourself' he said as he looked at her, He loved his dead wife a lot, he killed her because she kept on trying to control things and that pushed him over the edge, he knew Haruhi was just as powerful and didn't want her to suffer the same fate he regretted committing over 15 years ago 'I..' he paused and picked her up and carried her over to a chair kneeling in front of her 'Haruhi, i want you as mine' he said as he crossed his arms on her knee's and rested his chin on them looking up at her 'But its your choice, You have to decide you want me, whole heatedly including my background' he said, he couldn't stay kneeling, he quickly stood up and walked over to the window and rested his arm on it and looked out onto he Garden 'Take your time Haruhi' he said not wanting to rush her, he could only guess marrying someone who killed his first wife wasn't a good reason to get married to them.

Acwel looked at Haruhi, she seemed more pale now with the dark chair contrasting against her 'Are you okay my love?' he asked.
Haruhi looked at Acwel like he was crazy. "Hoshi as a child was like having six. I could never get her to settle down. Tohoru was a terror. My only hope that his kids give him as much hell as those two gave me." Hoshi said remembering that at the tender age of fourteen she was a mom for the first time. She had waited a good amount of time to have her other babies but Haruhi wanted a couple more before she became to old to have kids.

The feeling of sickness was getting worse. Haruhi knew the feeling but she had to keep it a secret. Looking up at the man who had changed her life Haruhi could say that she didn't love him but she cared for him. As Acwel told her what he had done to his first wife Haruhi paused. That was a serious crime but what happened in the past was in the past. "What if you have a wife who didn't want to control you but wanted to be your partner? I could make your life run smoother." Haruhi knew that what Acwel needed was a helper not someone that tried to control his every move. As he got up and walked to the window. Haruhi got to her feet and followed him. Touching his face Haruhi smiled at him.

"How about I marry you and run your houses and family while you handle the important stuff?" Haruhi said as she reached out to Acwel. Before she could touch him Haruhi felt her stomach turn over. Knowing she only had a few seconds Haruhi ran to the bathroom and made it just in time. Everything that she had eaten the day before came up. Flushing the toilet. Haruhi brushed her teeth and went out to Acwel. "I should beat you. I'm pregnant. This is all your fault." Haruhi said crossing her arms over her stomach and glaring at Acwel.
Acwel raised an eyebrow 'My Wife Had Quadruplets remember my dear, My family has a knack for multiple children, Adira is the first single child born into the family and the first female. I don't want to ruin your body too much if that day ever came' he said with a small smile, he was always competitive. He could tell be the expression on Haruhi's face that she didn't know about his first wifes Death, Most Death Eaters knew but it suddenly occurred to him that she wasn't one 'Sorry' he said looking down slightly 'I'm Very flawed' he said softly admitting his Weakness. Acwel looked at Haruhi when she said that what if she was his partner not control him 'My Dear, that would be perfect, but you know i am flawed, my first wife was my partner, so i figured one would have to tame the beast or control it' he said with a shrug.

Acwel smiled down at Haruhi 'That sounds Perfect' he said agreeing with the mutual decision he was about to lean in and kiss her when she ran to the bath room. Acwel looked at the door 'Oh Bugger' he said as he heard the noises and the toilet flush, she was in there for a bit and he pressed both hands on the window frame and leaned into it staring at the Garden, he knew what was up and he knew what was going to follow, he cursed himself for not being more careful and braced himself for the worst, Acwel quickly leaned over and picked up his wand and tucked it into the waist band of his boxers and heard the bathroom door open, he turned around and smiled at the woman who was ready to kill him. He walked over to her and kissed her on the forehead 'Beat me all you like, but right now you're mine' he said as he kissed her on the lips, he often found when his wife was pregnant with quadruplets was to turn hate into a more kinder emotion, he wrapped his strong arms around Haruhi and kissed her firmly on the lips, quickly apparating her to a Shop in Spain. Acwel pulled away and kissed the woman on the forehead. 'Don is the best Dress maker in Spain, find a dress and he will get me a suit, I want you as mine right now.' he said as he pulled his wand out of his boxers and waved it, all the open signs on the doors swung to shut and Don came rushing out from the room, he saw Acwel and bowed deeply and they exchanged some words in Spanish and once they were done Don looked at Haruhi and gestured for a different area of the shop and said something in Spanish to her, Acwel Translated 'He says Please Follow him he will take you to the Bridal side, everything you need including lingerie will be there' Acwel had his arms crossed over his bare chest 'Pick anything you want, Don is a Wizard and he Owes me a Favor so its all covered' he said as he turned away from her, he didn't care right now if he didn't want to get married now, he wanted it so it was going to happen.

Acwel walked towards the shelves and went through a selection of suits.
Haruhi had to pause for a moment to take in what Acwel was saying. Twins ran in Haruhi's family and it seemed that Acwel's first wife had given birth to four at once. There was no way she was going to have that many kids. Haruhi could hear everything that Acwel was saying but she was so sick that at the moment she really couldn't care less.

Haruhi glared at him. This wasn't all his fault but damnit she was going to try and blame it on him. She couldn't believe that she had gotten herself stuck like this. Closing her eyes she kissed Acwel back but with so much movement it felt like she was going to end up being sick all over again.

Once he had stopped moving her Haruhi wanted to go into hiding. She wasn't wearing any clothes under her robe. Looking around Haruhi saw they where in a shop. Normally she could follow the Spanish but today it was just to fast. Finally Acwel told her that the guy named Don was asking her to follow him. Smiling at her soon to be husband Haruhi followed the man to the back of the store. There where so many gowns and in so many styles and colors that Haruhi didn't know where to start. Shooing him away Haruhi got to work looking for underclothes first. After a few moments a couple of women came to help her. Soon she had under clothes on.

Continuing her search of the area Haruhi found a few dresses that she liked but nothing that called out to her. Shaking her head the dresses where taken away. Poking around a bit more Haruhi found a dress that was just being finished by Don. Pointing to it the dress was at once picked up and they helped her into it. Admiring the way it showed off all of her curves Haruhi nodded her head and went to go find Acwel.

"So Acwel what do you think?" Haruhi asked as she walked over to Acwel but stopping a few feet away so he could see all of the dress.
Acwel had gone through the clothes on the rack when he found a perfectly cut suit, all he needed to do was to see what shade of dress Haruhi had picked out and he would wear that as an undershirt, leaning against the wall of the shop he relaxed wearing half a suit he talked to Don leisurely but raised his hand when Haruhi came in with a stunning Purple dress on 'Perfect' he purred as he waved his hand and Don dissapeared to get a complimenting tie and undershirt. Acwel walked over to Haruhi and took on of her hands 'Absolutely stunning' he said, Don Re-appeared with a shirt for Acwel and he shrugged off his jacket and put on a purple shirt and left the first two buttons undone and put the jacket back on. The Ladies came around and geared Haruhi up with a Veil and one had gone out and collected a stunning Purple Bouquet and handed it to her Acwel nodded to Done and pulled Haruhi close and Kissed her again apparating her to a small hole in the wall jeweler. Acwel walked her inside and women came to serve him almost instantly, it was obvious he was well known in these parts 'Next is the rings, You can select anything you want and pick one out for me, i have something to sort out' he said as he kissed her on the cheek and Apparated away leaving her surrounded by women to help her out.

After a good 15 Minutes Acwel Re-apparated back in the store to see what Haruhi had selected 'I hope you're done' he said with slight humor to his voice. Acwel moved over to her and picked up the boxes from the counter and pocketed them, wrapping his arms around Haruhi's waist he planted a strong kiss on her lips again and apparated to a Garden next to an old Spanish Church 'I hope this suits, I have a man inside waiting for us' he said as he took her hand and lead her up the steps to the church, once at the entrance Acwel took his hand from hers and Apparated to the start of the Aisle to wait for her, it was cheesy but he couldn't help himself. He stood amongst the glittering gold and waited, the water feature could be heard in the background as music started to play over head
Haruhi could not help but admire the way Acwell looked. The only thing missing was a shirt but than again he could go without that and Haruhi would be fine with that. Once hey saw the dress Don was sent for a shirt that matched. As the ladies helped Haruhi with a veil she looked at them. "I want the design for this dressed destroyed. I don't want anyone else wearing it." Haruhi had done this with her other wedding gown. It was just how she was. Eden had done the same thing for Lilith and Haruhi could bet that Hoshi would do the same. Taking the flowers Haruhi kissed Acwel back and closed her eyes as they landed in the jewelry store. Once she was alone Haruhi got to work looking around finally she found the perfect ring for Acwel and also for herself.

As soon as Acwel returned they vanished again and where in a garden. It was prety. Looking around Haruhi could see the gold alter and a small smile crossed her face. Acwel vanished from her side and looked at her from the front. As the music started Haruhi started her walk to him. It was very different from any other wedding but it suited her just fine. Once she made it to him a small girl came and took the flowers from Haruhi so that she could place her hands in Acwels.
Acwel didn’t mind when Haruhi insisted the design for the dress get destroyed, Don looked at Acwel with a worried look on his face, he didn’t understand much English but he understood destroyed, Acwel Translated to Don and he bowed to Haruhi.
Once the rings were chosen and Haurhi was geared up all doubts in Acwel’s mind had gone, he knew this is what he wanted, Acwel slipped off his ex wives ring and motioned his hand to the staff and they brought him out a gold chain, Acwel slipped the ring onto the chain and they put the new necklace and Acwel held it out for Haruhi 'I want you to have this' he said 'I want you to keep hold of my past so we can build the future' he said with a small smile, he had worn the ring even after he killed his first wife but now he wanted to move on and he wanted Haruhi to take it, in a way he was giving part of himself to her in more than just marriage, Acwel also handed her las arras which were 13 coins in a deep green pouch 'You Carry these and the Priest will bless them, this Symbolises my Commitment to support you' he said not sure if Haruhi was aware of how a Spanish Wedding worked.

Once at the Top of the Aisle under the Alter Acwel watched Haruhi walk down the Aisle towards him, it had been a long time since he had done this, last time was a huge Spanish wedding that went on for hours, Acwel preferred Spanish weddings, there were no Grooms men or brides maids, ring bearers or ushers, it was simple. Acwel waited for Haruhi the small girl came out to take the flowers and stared at Haruhi looking at her dress before quickly disappearing 'In Tradition the Bride wears a Black Silk wedding dress' he said, he didn’t mind, he didn’t want it to be too traditional.
Acwel took Haruhi’s hands and the priest begun the Ceremony in Spanish but Acwel softly translated to Haruhi as they went.
Haruhi didn't really know what to say when Acwel gave her his old wedding ring. Nodding her head she had someone place it around her neck. She would wear it always. Taking the coins Haruhi smiled. Once they where blessed and back at home Haruhi would keep them safe for as long as they where married. Haruhi knew that if anything happened between her and Acwel that was it. She wasn't going to get married again. She didn't know much about Spanish weddings but this was one of the things that she did know.

Haruhi couldn't help but wonder why the small child was staring at her it was a little weird but when Acwel explained Haruhi blushed. "You know if you had told me that I could have foudn a dress in the color." Haruhi said in a teasing voice. As Acwel translated. Haruhi just smiled. This was a very private wedding and it suited Haruhi just fine.
Acwel chuckled at Haruhi when she teased him about not telling her 'My Dear, You wouldn’t have chosen a black silk dress if it was the last thing available' he said softly under his voice, he assumed Haruhi would want her own style, and he didn’t mind, he was Spanish but she wasn’t so there was always room for change.

Acwel continued to Translate up until the Priest asked for the Vows 'My Dear Haruhi, You are my Chosen, You are my only choice, I Promise to be with you for the rest of your life and the rest of mine, I want you by my side as my partner and confidant. If you will have my, I am yours' he said, he was being brief but that was probably the best love speech Acwel had ever given in his entire life apart from his First wedding when his Brother helped write the vowels for him. Acwel translated a bit more from the priest and motioned to Haruhi it was her turn for the vowels.

After the Exchange of rings a rope was tied around Acwel and Haruhi in the form of a Rosary bead and Acwel pulled her in close to kiss her on the lips, he quickly put his hands up into her hair and pulled her into him as best he could, he had just made this woman his wife and now he was going to enjoy it. Acwel pulled away and Kissed Haruhi on the forehead 'And now you are mine' he said with a small smile, he waved one hand at the Priest and he apparated away, Acwel wondered if Haruhi knew that the Priest was a Wizard the whole time, A man like Acwel would never let a Muggle marry him, the Priest was a Dark Wizard and an ‘Old Friend’ of Acwel’s

'Where to Now Mrs Ater?' he asked still holding her close with the rope around the two of them 'I do have my Manor here in Spain if you would like to see'
Haruhi smiled at Acwel. He already knew her so well. "Your right but I would have found something with a little black in it just to tie in your Spanish roots and my flair for fashion." Haruhi said thinking of how they would decorate there home together. Haruhi was known for keeping fashionable home and that wasn't about to change.

When Acwel told her his vows Haruhi smiled. Taking a moment to gather her thoughts Haruhi started hers. "I, Haruhi, take you, Acwel, to be my friend, my lover, the father of my children and my husband. I will be yours in times of sickness and in times of health, in times of joy and in times of sorrow, in times of failure and in times of triumph. I promise to cherish and respect you, to care and protect you, to comfort and encourage you, and stay with you, for all eternity." Those had been the same vows that her parents had said to one another when they had gotten married so many years ago and so far they had rang true.

Once the wedding was done and they where husband and wife. Acwel took her away again. Asking where she wanted to go Haruhi leaned against him. "Well Mr. Ater I would like to see our home in Spain. I am sure that it needs a women's touch. Or we could go relax somewhere. If your son is going to grow big and strong inside of me I do have to relax every now and than." Haruhi said playfully. It would be a few months before she really needed to worry about resting.
Acwel chuckled 'I will never trap you to stick to my roots my Darling' he said sofly to her, he would never cage a bird like Haruhi. Acwel smiled when Haruhi said her vows, they were more deep than his but she had a more passionate bone in her body Acwel had very little. He smiled at her, he felt something stir inside of him but it was quickly engulfed by darkness.
Acwel smiled when she said that she would like to see their home in Spain he chuckled deeply before wrapping his arms around her and Apparated to his house in spain Acwel landed in one of the many sitting rooms and let go of Haruhi 'Does this really need a womans Touch, i get a Spanish designer to change the rooms every 2-5 years' he said motioning his hand to the room he moved to sit on one of the chairs and un did a few more buttons on his shirt, the house was warm but was starting to cool down when the sensors noticed a presence in the room.

Acwel looked up smiling at Haruhi his new wife 'Well Mrs Ater, what do you think of your Manor? Big Enough?' he said looking at her, Acwel had a big block of land in the middle of the forest, he had turned the forest stream into a small river and had plenty of room for quidditch outside or just to go for a run, he knew Adira liked to run around quite a bit and so did his sons. around the house was a Thick Dense forest which made it hard to find their way through to his house and the only way in was from Apparation and even then he only allowed selected people in. Acwel stood up again and held his hand out to Haruhi for her to take so he could walk her through the house 'Well, I do have a reputation for producing strong sons, and if there is only one child in there then he will have plenty of room to grow, I shall take you to our quarters to... Relax' he said, he had something else on his mind but he wouldn't push his luck.
Acwel lead Haruhi down the outside hallway he knew Haruhi would find time to learn her way around eventually 'Quite a bit different from Japan but we have plenty of room to build what ever you want on my land if that is what you wish' he said linking his arm in hers as they walked, they walked past the pool which dropped off into a stream which ran into the river which cut through his land 'And it gets quite warm here as well and the house is very well equipped but if you want to float i have an inside and an outside pool' he said with a kind smile as they turned to walk upstairs, he did have an elevator in the house but he chose t o use the stair, once up two flights they were on the very top floor with three doors in an arch way, Acwel walked to the middle one and opened it to show Haruhi their quarters 'Mrs Ater, Welcome' he said as he held on arm out displaying the entrance to the bed room which was two story's in itself, it was a almost fully equipped miniature house, it only lacked the Kitchen he walked and shut the door behind him be gesturing his hand and then continued up the stairs to show Haruhi the the bedroom which was slightly more darkly toned, he walked in and leaned against the wall to see what Haruhi would think 'In case you were wondering, one of the rooms outside is my Study and the other... lets just say when you need to know i will tell you but for now we shall just ignore it' he said hoping Haruhi respected his Wishes. 'So does it still need a woman's touch' he gestured towards the walk in robe 'Granted that you can fill that up with clothes ofcourse' he said, the Walk in robe had a moving option so most clothes spiraled around in their racks but it was Rather Empty.[/url]
Haruhi was happy to be married. It had only been a month since her divorced had become finale but to Haruhi it had felt like forever. Soon she would have her sons and daughters here. She didn't like them being away from her for to long. Once they where there at the house Haruhi gasped. It was very much different from her homes in Japan. Just the first room she entered was different than what she was used to. "This is very different from Japan. I think it might need a few things here or there. You know just so it feels like home to me." Haruhi said thinking about her sword collection she would like to bring over at least a part of. Not to mention a horse or two.

The house was huge there would be more than enough room for a whole army of kids if they decided to have that many. "The house is plenty big seeing as I am bringing my four youngest to live with me. I don't trust Koaru with anyone under the age of 17 and even than it is hit or miss with him." Haruhi could remember all the long nights she had stayed up with the babies feeding them and rocking them but Koaru would just complain about not getting enough sleep and leave to sleep at another house. Haruhi hoped that this was not going to be the case with Acwel. She didn't love him but she didn't want to have to be the wife of another absent husband. Haruhi asked as she sat down on the bed and looked at the huge room around her.

As he showed her around the place Haruhi yawned. It had been a long day and she really wanted to sit down to a light dinner and than maybe sleep. She hadn't thrown up in hours but if she didn't relax soon she just might. "Acwel do you think you could have someone get me dinner?"
Acwel continued to lead Haruhi through the arch way and he chukled 'Different in what way?' he asked curiously, Acwel had always made sure his Spanish house was in a high standard, he liked current 'Bring anything you need' he said with a small smile, He wanted Haruhi to feel at home, he had a large manor and could fill it up with what ever she desired. Acwel stopped them for a moment at a Clearing and pointed to the valley 'Do you Ride?' he asked curiously, he gestured to a small housing estate down by the river 'I have a large Collection o Andalusian Horses which i breed, a few mares are about to drop' he said as he moved his hand around Haruhi's back and held her close to him, he felt like another peice of the Puzzle had fallen into place, one that he had lost a long time ago and just found it hiding under the sofa. Turning to Haruhi, he took her hands in his 'Would you Allow me to present you with the Finest Foul from one of my Finests Mares' he said with a small smile, it was the best Gesture he could offer, Acwel wasn't one for buying love, he offered Gestures with useful items that would keep for a long time not just look pretty.

Acwel chukled 'My Four Sons are coming back to Spain soon, they need to connect back to their roots, there will still be plenty of space for your Four Children' he said, He felt a bit uncomfrotable with another Mans children living under his roof, but then again they were his Step Children now, and he would treat them like his own sons, With a bit less of the Character Building Torture and a bit more tougher love, but he wouldn't outcast Haruhi's children. Acwel pointed to the house as if he was gesturing through it 'In the West wing i have a whole section of empty rooms at the moment, Take your children shopping and we will set up what ever room they desire, all of them will have a room in this house, The West Wing has alot of sunlight during the day, there is a pool and if needed i will get a childrens play ground built for them, Anything you Desire my dear' he said as he kissed her on the forehead before leading her to his room.

Acwel looked at Haruhi when she asked for something to eat and he waved his hand, a green light almost like fire emmited from his finger tips and someone apparated into the room 'I shall Teach you this tomorrow my dear' he said as he looked to the Maid who appeared with the Head maid by her side, Acwel gestured towards the two 'My Dear, the one dressed in black is my head Maid Ms Anda if you wish to address her, it is your choice, I find it better i learn their names and chose to use them if i desire' Acwel looked at the Second girl and talked to the head in Spanish 'This one here is a new Starter, she will be your Maid, Inform me if she is not suitable i will change her role, but you can instruct her how ever you wish' he said as he talked to them in Spanish and they dissapeared 'I do not have Maid waiting for me, i will signal for them when i need them by doing so' he said as he moved his hand and the same flames appeared again and the maids came back 'They will come to your flame, You may select a Colour and that will be your call card' he said as he dismissed the maids again 'I am Green, Adira is Purple, And my Four Sons have Red, White, Blue and Yellow' he said wondering if he was flooding her with information 'My Brother is Silver, You'll meet him another day' he said as he walked over to the bed and sat down on it waiting for Haruhi to say something. 'How is your Spanish My Dear?' he asked curiously, He would have to get her to Speak fluently, Some of the Maids had little English and it was a good Language to know when living in Spain, Acwel waited Silently, His Emerald Green eyes studying his new wife over her perfect body which would soon become beautiful and Pregnant.
Haruhi smiled when Acwel he asked about what was different. Taking out her wand she gave it a wave and a picture of one of her homes floated in front of them. "This is the one Koaru and I shared together. Its now for sale and so far there is a bidding war going on between two families." Haruhi wanted the sale to be said and done so that she could get her half of the money. All the other houses had been sold weeks ago but this was the last one and it was taking forever. "Yes I ride but I can't while I am pregnant." Haruhi said starting to feel sick again.

Haruhi knew that Acwel wasn't excited to have Koaru's kids under his roof but they where also hers as well and she knew that her kids would love and respect Acwel as if he where there real father. "I will make sure to do that. I will also make sure there is a nursery set up for our son when he is born." Haruhi said already forming an idea in her mind with what she was going to do. She wasn't sure if Acwel had any ideas for the baby but she had enough to decorate close to 50 nursery's.

Acwel started explaining things very quickly and Haruhi shook her head. It sounded like a lot but Haruhi was sure that it would be simple enough just as soon as she figured it out. Haruhi already knew what color would be hers. "I will use pink." Haruhi said as she looked at her new maid. She would do for now until she could get her maids down here. Thinking about her Spanish Haruhi realized that she would have to work on it. "It's alright I just have to work on it more." Haruhi explained.
Acwel looked at the Picture 'Now isn't that Fancy, such like Koaru' he said with a snort, Acwel liked his peace and Quiet, his manor was extravagant but it didn't have any drive way to welcome people. Acwel waved his hand over the picture and it dissapeared into the mist, he shrugged 'A House laced with Failure of its Master isn't a place where one wants to reside' he said with a small smile. Haruhi said she could ride but not when she's Pregnant he looked at her with an Raised Eyebrow, until she was showing she should be fine, but her wishes were her wishes. Acwel shrugged and continued to lead her through the house

'Good, I have a Spare room in our quarters we can use for our child's, Feel free to do what you fit, Take your Maid with you she will make sure everything arrives home safely and pay for anything you need, the Maids have different clothes to wear in public so don't worry about being embarrassed' he said with a small smile, The Whole decorating thing bored Acwel half the time, that's why he had someone to do it for him, he laid down the basics and the designer expanded on his idea. 'I will get my Architect to Assist you' he said as more of a statement, he didn't want a room full of frills or he wouldn't spend half the time he wanted to with his child.

Acwel looked at Haruhi, her colour was pink he shrugged, it didn't bother him 'Well try it, Just be careful not to slip into red or you'll get Audel's Maids' he said with a pause for a moment, Acwel knew that Audel had a strong relationship with his maid sometimes and he didn't want her to rush to Audel's aid and find Haruhi. 'Give it a try, you want to admit heat and flame from your fingertips in the shade of pink' he said hoping her Pregnancy doesn't make her power go out of control.
Acwel chuckled at Haruhi 'I will get a tutor in for you to practice while you relax, something to keep your mind occupied, All my Children will be brought up knowing Spanish as a First Language and English as a second, Any more you may implement yourself, but i'd prefer them to be connected to their Roots before expanding' he said, he was certain he sounded Silly and he wasn't sure how much Haruhi believed in connecting to the family roots, but Acwel was certain on keeping the line of his family strong through the children.
Haruhi kept a smile on her face but she was getting very tired. Acwel really wanted to show her there home but what she wanted was to relax. Putting a hand on her husbands shoulder Haruhi took a seat on the nearest couch. "My love why don't you and I retire to bed for the evening. We had a long day and I could use the rest." Haruhi wasn't old but she wasn't a spring chicken. She was pregnant and this would be the last time for her. As much as she loved babies she was done having them.

Walking back to there main room Haruhi produced her flame and her maid showed up. With her help Haruhi was able to get out of her dress and into a simple night gown. Climbing under the covers Haruhi rested her head on the pillow. She knew that Acwel would join her in bed shortly.

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