Ravenclaw Quidditch Tryouts

Courtney Potter

Well-Known Member
Best wand ever!
Courtney made her way down to the Quidditch Pitch bright and early to prepare for the Quidditch tryouts. The position of seeker needed to be filled by the end of the weekend, and she was hoping to find at least one strong alternate for each position. She took a seat on the grass, and waited for the Ravenclaw students to show up. Here's to a good year of Quidditch, she mused to herself.

((Okay, just roleplay your tryout here. Make sure you indicate which position you are trying out for. Keep in mind that alternates will probably be playing quite a bit in actual games. Most importantly, have fun! ;-) ))
Ivy had made her way up to the Quidditch's pitch, attempting to confident, as usual. She had read the message about Quidditch tryouts on the bulletin board in the common room, and she was interested, despite having never flown before. When she got there, she saw the girl who helped her in Gladrag's Wizardwear back in Obsidian Harbor already standing there. Ivy thought she might be the captain, so she walked up to her and introduced herself.

"Hi, I'm Ivy Dalebreeze, I'm in my first year. I've never flown before, and I don't own a broom, would it be okay if I borrowed one?" She asked. She hoped that her confident behavior might impress Courtney, because she was pretty sure there were a lot of people better than her applying. "I want to try out for the role of the person who tries to find that flying gold..thing, Seeker, I mean Seeker!" She said exuberantly.
Dan walked down to qudditch pitch.he was quite excited and hoped he would be able to make into the team.He had much practice with Katie during the holidays and he had just realised that he had extremly good eyesight and was able to see the snitch during their practice at holidays.He saw courtney and a first year,Ivy."Hi,"he said with a smile."I am here for the tryouts for playing seeker."he said
Ivy walked up to the Quidditch Pitch, almost bouncing towards it. She was so excited for the tryouts. Ivy spotted Courtney, the team captain there with a few other students.

"Hey Daniel, hey Ivy", came Ivy's enthusiastic greeting. Ivy went up to Courtney, aware that she should be formal. " Hello...Courtney, I'm Ivy and I'm here to tryout for being the Ravenclaw Seeker."

She smiled up at Courtney, eager to get started. When Courtney passed out the school brooms, Ivy reverantly took one and placed it on the ground. "UP!", she ordered. Ivy was confident about this part of the tryout; she had mastered getting the broom to listen to her during her flying lessons but she was a bit apprehensive about the actual flying.

The broom flew up to meet her outstretched hand. Ivy smiled up at Courtney, waiting for the next set of instructions. Ivy was intsructed to demonstrate how to catch the snitch. Courtney went to go get the snitch from the storage room and returned holding a small sized box. She opened the latch and let the snitch free.

Ivy kept her eye on the snitch, determined to cath it. When the signal came from Courtney, she climbed upon her broom. Her stomach jumped up to her chest as she gained altitude. Ivy was thankful because there were sparse clouds today, but that meant more sunshine in your eyes.

She squinted in the sunlight trying to locate the snitch. The wind blew in her face, making her pitch black hair and blue robes fly all around her. I wish I had tied my hair up, she thought miserably.

Just then, she saw a small flutter to her right, just below her. She made a sharp dive, her heart beating exhilaratingly. The snitch bounced of just beyond her reach. Ivy sighed in frustration, determined not to let the snitch get away.

She bounded after it, the gold shine reflecting off of it. Thank God I have sharp eyes, even if my temper is short, Ivy commented as she followed the snitch around the pitch.

Suddenly, the snitch stopped just in front of her, as if teasing her. Ivy grabbed the snitch before it could fly away. She held it up, grinning from ear to ear. Ivy started to glide towards the ground and landed a bit too fast beside Courtney.

She handed her the snitch, happy to be one with the tryouts. Ivy then smiled at Courtney, wondering how she did. " Umm, Courtney, even if I don't become the Ravenclaw Seeker, can you give me a chance to try out of being an alternate?" Ivy asked hopefully. " I know that there are many others here with more talent than I do".

Ivy then handed back her broom to Courtney and headed towards the common room, ready to drop out. Ivy sighed as she remembered the carefree feeling she got when she was flying, even if it was tiring. I really hope I made it, she thought, I wouldn't let any of my team mates down.She was exhausted amd was looking forward to a long hot shower.
Cool,Ivy makes a great seeker.[/I]thought Kasey watching Ivy, the first year playing on the Quddicth pitch.It was getting hot in the Dormitory so she decided to go and watch it live.She was totally excited joining Quddicth again.But when she was on the lawn she saw a similar figure,DAN!She wentWas Dan here for the tryouts??If he gets choosen they would be playing together??when did he develop intrest in quddicth?? she thought an walked there.She thought she would interrogate dan later as he might not be able to focus after being interogated by her so she simply sat on the ground and watched.
[Miss Dalebreeze and Mr. Olsen, please just post your entire tryout like Ivy Black has done. Sorry if I was unclear earlier. :) ]
((Sorry, I was under the impression that it was just a regular RP, my mistake))

After seeing the other Ivy fly, Ms. Dalebreeze was no longer able to keep herself looking so confident. Now, it was her turn. She laid the broom next to her, and with a shaky "U-uhp!" the broom flew into her hand. Well, so far so good.

As Courtney released the Snitch once more, it immediately flew into Ivy's opposing direction. She mounted her broom, which to her suprise, managed to stay floating, she pushed herself off the ground and she was airborne.

A signal was heard, and Ivy started by looking around, making sure she wouldn't make a fool of herself by falling off. She slowly made her way to the middle of the pitch, where she would have the best view. As she did, she had already gained a bit more confidence. This wasn't so hard.

She gained a little more altitude to get a better view, and she started flying in circles around the pitch, like a bird of prey searching for a rabbit. Then, she heard it. A nearly silent flutter, right behind her.

She wanted to turn around on the spot, but found out that's not an easy task on a broom, so she nearly toppled over. Luckily, she had gripped the broom strong enough not to fall, but the snitch was already flying away again.

She made a turn (to avoid making the same mistake again) and chased the tiny golden ball around the pitch. The snitch went sharply to the left, so did she. The snitch flew upwards, and so did she. Her heart was raising as she saw that the distance between her and the snitch was steadily becoming smaller, but she was quite sure that she had already taken more time to catch it than Ivy Black.

As the snitch flew higher and higher, Ivy was getting even more near, only a few yards still dividing them. She bent low on her broom as they were rising nearly vertically, and she stretched out her hand.

She felt the tiny ball still squirming in her hand as she held it firmly. Stopping in mid-air, she looked down to see that they had flown to a impressive height, the other people were small like toys. She dived down and reached the ground, dismounting a little less graceful then intended.

As she handed the Snitch to the Courtney, she said:"I think I like playing Seeker best, but if you have any other position I could apply for, that'd be great!" and she gave her a wide smile.

She gave the broom back, and made her way back to the common room. She didn't expect it was good enough, but she had flown, she had managed to seize the snitch, she was happy.
(ooc: don't mind me, im here becuase i just want to see the tryouts :D)

Ivy returned from the common room, all fresh and tidy. Well, they say, curiosity killed the cat, Ivy thought, but it sure wouldn't hurt to watch the rest of the tryouts. Ivy quickly clambered to the middle of the quidditch pitch, not wanting to disturb anyone. She came just as Ivy Dalebreeze captured the snitch. Wow she's good, Ivy commented, she has good strategies and she gained altitude pretty fast. Ivy was mad at herself for not remembering to do that; better remember next time, she thought. Ivy watched the rest of the tryouts, eager to know who made the Ravenclaw Seeker.
Dan waited for Courtney to say start and he mounted his firebolt and pushed the ground with a thump and off he flew into the air.The wind was blowing fast and his firebolt going with extreme speed, in the exciting situation of the wind and the firebolt Dan was almost going to forget that he was here for the tryouts not a a normal flying.He scanned the pitch for the snitch which was now were to be seen.
He looked around and one or two time the sun's raise made a golden shining which he consideredas the snotch but for the thid time he saw the golden thing he saw it solid.Hedived for it.The snitch infront, dan behind.He was tailing it and it was extreme fast.It went up and Dan went up with an angle of 70degrees.
Following the snitch for a half more second the distance between him and the snitch come less and less.And Dan caught it.According to Dan's watch it was an aproxiamte tie between him and Ivy.
Dan saw kasey on the pitch and holding the snitch tight in his hands he flew towards her with a big smile.

(For some time I was confused as to why Ivy is saying Hi to herself!)
Ivy giggled to herself as she saw the confusion on Daniel's face about her and the other Ivy. She had seen Daniel's flying and was not surprised that it rivaled hers. He's also very good, she thought. But I do wonder why there aren't more people trying out. I guess its all between me, Ivy and Daniel. Ivy patiently waited for Courtney to announce the results of the tryouts.
Kasey walked down to the pitch from her seat where she had watched the tryouts.She walked towards Daniel "Hi Ivy"she said to both Ivy's"When did you learn that?"she asked smiling at him.
Ravenclaw Quidditch Team

Courtney Potter - Beater
Ginny Porter - Beater
Estrella Drage - Keeper
Lily Potter - Chaser
Kailey Paramore - Chaser
Kasey Carla - Chaser
Seeker - Ivy Dalebreeze
Alternate - Ivy Black
Alternate - Daniel Olsen

((Keep in mind that alternates will most likely be playing a lot. :)

Also, if a team member misses 2 practices or 1 game without informing me they won't be able to make it, they will be bumped down to alternate.))
Ivy smiled at Ivy . "nice job. awesome flying" she complimated Ivy. " nice jod too Dan, ready to work together as alternates? "ivy asked cheerfully. Although she was a teeny bit dissappinted, she was glad that Ivy got the postiton as she was best suited. "Hey Kasey, hows it going?"
Ivy basically flew without the use of any brooms or other cleaning equipment as Courtney announced she would be playing Seeker in the Ravenclaw team. She saw that the other Ivy was a little dissapointed, which made sense, of course. "Thanks!" she replied, to Ivy's congratulation. "I'm sure you'll be flying a lot as well, if not at practice then in the dead of the night!" she said, smirking at Ivy and giving her a wink. She had heard her get back into the common room after flying at night, but had pretended to be asleep.
Ivy smirked back, her spirit rising, "ya, you got that right" Ivy grinned. "care to join me?" Ivy asked politely. She was still happy that she was atleast an alternate.
"Sure, you can wake me up the very next time you can't sleep!" Ivy smirked, her voice lowered to a whisper, and she continued:"We've got to make sure we don't get caught, though."
"Don't worry Ivy" Ivy smirked once again. "remember, I'm the expert at sneaking" Ivy retorted. As she said this , Ivy realized that Courtney was eyeing them. "meet me in the common room at midnight tonight" She whispered to Ivy. And with that she stalked off waving bye to Ivy, Courtney, Dan and Kasey.
"Kasey"said dan noticing that Kasey was here to watch the tryouts."Do you want to go to the graden?"he asked
Kasey was very excited to here that Dan was choosen as an alternative, they could play together."Yeah sure"she said.

((i have started a post))

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