Ravenclaw in need of friends.

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Logan Stone

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Laura :D
Myrtle Wand 15 1/2" Tail of Charmed Newt
Logan is a sweet boy. He is always got his head in a book as he feels the need to study to get good grades to impress his family. He is a nice and kind kid who loves to make friends. He has a girl friend at the moment so i dont really need a love interest but a girl could have a crush on him i dont mind, he needs friends and maybe a few enemies as well.
Schuyler is a simple girl who is always stucked in her room during free time. She loves to read and write novels. When she entered and got sorted, she realized that she had to make friends with others.
I can be your bestfriend or your little sister since I don't have a brother. :)
Yeah sure that sounds like fun. They could be best friends to start off with then build on the brother sister relationship as they go along as Logan is an only child. Do you want me to start the rp or do you want to?
Carson is really hyper and outgoing. She does not really care about grades, but still does decent. She loves to read only fiction books though. She loves to make friends and guy friends are her favourite. For some reason she makes more guy friends than girl friends. So a friendship would be nice if Logan is interested.
I have Rhianne Delle Clivey,5th year Gryffie..I noticed you got friends and stuff now so this proposal would be the first..

I could offer Rhi as Logan's mentor on class and stuff..Like a personal guardian..We could trace our families to be related,Rhi is also an only child and was appointed by Logan's parents to watch over him since he is young and has to be schooled away from home..
Carson- Yeah sounds good, maybe she could maybe teach Logan to get a litle more of a life lol.

Vanessa- That sounds like a good idea. Although Logan is the type of boy who wouldnt notice so it could be fun

Kenzi- I think Logan would gladly be her first Ravenclaw friend

Irene- Yeah that is definatly a good idea. Logan is a bit of a wimp when it comes to other people and relys on his knowlege so he may need to mentor and someone to watch over him.

Ok shall i start an rp for everyone or do any of you want to start one yourselves?
A topic you could start would be great..
Great so if you could start an rp with her,I would be able to post then..
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