Ravenclaw firstie

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Jeremy Thorne

Emergency Dept Healer | Hattie's Dad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Before you can decide if you want to help me with this, you probably want to know a little about Jeremy, right?
He's a shy Ravenclaw who has never had many friends, mostly because he was homeschooled. His parents think that there is nothing more important than school and work, so unfortunately Jeremy was never really allowed to do things that were fun except when his parents weren't around. He got in trouble a lot at home because he would fool around rather than study, so he doesn't necessarily agree with his parent's way of thinking, but his parent's ideas are still ingrained.

So, I'm looking for a few things:

Friends- Basically, I want him to meet some people who let him know that it's ok to have fun and that he can still do well in school as he does this.
Friendly Rival- Someone who he competes with in terms of grades. They are always trying to one up each other in classes but are great friends outside of class (A fellow Ravenclaw would probably work best here)
Enemy/Bully- Jeremy is really quiet until you get to know him, so I could see some bigger/older person maybe seeing him as someone worth bullying
Mentor- Perhaps an older student would like to take him under their wing. I don't have too many ideas for this, but it could be interesting.

Pm me or reply here if you are interested :)
Alexia could take him under her wing. She is nice so he should get along with her fine.
Also i could offer Logan Blackwood as a friend because he is also a ravenclaw first year
Steph hates her family so for the past year has been going by the name Scarlet Rouge. This is because she liked the name Scarlet and her best friend's surname was Rouge. Now that her and her friend have split up, she switches between names depending on what mood she is in. She has a lot of mood swings so sometimes she will be friends with someone and other times she will beat them up for no reason. She could be an older friend for Jeremy or a mentor. Either one. :D
I can offer Briony as a friend. :D She's my first first year, and quite eager to have a new friend.
I can offer Ella Palmer. She is basically against bullying, fools around, isn't afraid to be her true (goofy) self, and that kind of stuff. How about it?
Alexia: Logan would probably work best for now because I'd like Jeremy to have at least one good guy friend and since they're from the same house it will work well.

Stephanie: I think it'd be great if she were his mentor. He and his sister don't get along because Jeremy's sister was the brains and he could never seem to be as good, so maybe Stephanie can be like the sister he always wished he had.

Briony: Yes! I think Jeremy and Briony have a lot in common and they'll probably get on great.

Ella: That sounds cool. Jeremy needs friends that will bring out his goofy side.

Ok, now the big question: Do you want me to start the rps? :p
I have Avrille Grinaes. She could be the bully because she is supposed to be really horrible to all that she thinks are lesser then her and she would just find some amusement out of torturing Jeremy. She is a Ravenclaw third year. :)
I can start an RP, because sometimes when a lot of people reply to these things, you get busy when you start all of the topics. Any prefered place for it?
Ella never watches where she is going because she isn't afraid of anything (well, not until she finds something really scary :p )
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