Rate the Sig

7/10. It's okay, but the images are a bit blurry and the text isn't clear nor to my liking :)

Kaitlyn's banners are always awesome... :p
9/10. The font is a little dificult to read. but its awsome
7/10. I think that the colour combination is not good and its dark and the outlines are a bit weird! I like all ur spoiler banners more than this one
9/10 Looks awesome, just could use a little more spice. ^_^

lol same as the other Zac Efron Siggy...


I really do like this siggy alot but I'm afraid I have to take one point away just because I don't like Zach Efron...

though as far as creativity and artistic design is concern this is definitely a 10/10
It can be a lot more creative. The text could be more readable and the pixels of the image on the right could be more better.
For a few reasons.
i love the photoshoot
it's blended well,
And I love that music video xD
I like the text, but the pisture throws me. It looks like she's about to talk, adn I want to know what she's saying :p

It's a little simple for my liking. ;)
Super cute, makes me smile :wub:

I like the pics but i think the words are a little hard to read

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