Rate the Sig

8 / 10

Though the image is rather righteous I must admit that I do not see the relation between character and siggy not to mention the dark text is hard to see.
9//10 Only because I don't really like the look on his face in the larger pic, but that's just me.

I adore the colors and like the composition, but I keep reading your name as "Azzie" and it throws me off.

@ Brandon: I've edited the sig to make it more tailored to my character and to enhance the text.

I like this banner, It's sweet! Although the box type lighting annoys me slightly. But overall, tis great!
I love all the banners you've had for Stefan and the gif for the text is super cool just wish it'd stay for a few milliseconds longer on the complete focused bit so I could read it all at once. I might becoming a slower reader though..
I love everything about this banner except for the second picture,I just don't think it fits
The Image quality bugs me, this Signature could be really good it's just the quality which lets it down.​
I liked the blend when I did it but you changed it :( But it does look very nice.

Its great and I love the quality of the scar on her face.
just realized the photo I had before did look good on google but not after I added the text so I've updated :)

I love the contrasting colors, plus they were my favorite colors most of High School Haha.
And thank you, it took almost the entire afternoon to learn how to do!
the text bothers me a little, and the fading tripped me out at first. i love the one image concept though, and his profile has the right kind of emotion.
I'm not so sure about the three images together but i like it​

What can I say? I love Faye, I love seeing text in backgrounds, and the color scheme and background design are right up my alley. I love seeing things that are older, have some history, and even some decay. I don't really do bright and shiny, but I like her beauty juxtaposed with that scene, so it's perfect.
8.8 / 10

I see you changed a few thing which make it a little better
I love the high contrast it make it look really neat. and I like how it is all themed around one colour. that makes it look very professional.
There's something lacking, not sure what it is but I do like the banner. Especially the image used for Briar! ♥

Well done

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