Raska Has Arrived!

Freddie Raska

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
11 1/4 Hazel Wand with Phoenix Wing Feather Core, Light
Freddie Raska was finally in New Zealand. He had prayed a lot abut if he should move in with his best friend. He had realized he had just been wasting his time. His home was New Zealand. He had managed to stay away from it for far too long. He knew that God had great things in store for him here. He and Bobby had put some money together so they could by a apartment together. Since Bobby had lived in New Zealand much longer than Freddie, he had been getting furniture and appliances necessary to make the apartment livable. It was not vey big, but Freddie knew that Bobby would make the place look modern and masculine.

Freddie stood in front of the apartment door. He knew Bobby was probably inside sleep right now. It was around two 'o' clock in the morning. Freddie set his trunks on the ground. Was he making the right choice? He and Bobby had been best mates since their fifth year at Durmstrang. They had be dating the same girl, and after they gave each other black eyes and broken arms they became the best of friends. There had been times when Freddie hated how possessive Bobby was, and there had been times when he wanted out of the friendship, but Freddie was never able to leave Bobby. He needed to be here for his boy. Bobby did not know it yet, but he relied on his friends more than he thought. Freddie sighed. Was he going to be able to accomplish his dreams while living with Sanchez? The work he wanted to do would demand a lot of his time, and the things he wanted to be able to do would change him a lot. Freddie started to shuffle from one foot to the other. Why was he so nervous? It had only been a few months since saw his best friend. Freddie was did not know if Bobby still saw him as 'friend-worthy' anymore. Freddie had been a Prefect, and he graduated as Head Boy. He was someone that Bobby had never tried to be, but he was sure that his friend felt some sort of envy. He could say that because he knew Bobby like the back of his tattooed hand. The last few days of school, there had been major tension between him and Bobby. He did not want their time living together to be filled with tension. That would suck.

Freddie sighed again. He said a silent prayer before opening the door to the apartment. "Bobbayyy! The party has arrived!" he had announced his arrival. His trunks floated through the door behind him. With the snap of his fingers the apartment was filled with light. He briefly looked around the interior before running back to where the rooms were. Bobby needed to wake up!
Bobby Austin Sanchez had never tried to be a good person. During school, he never tried to be nice to people, he never tried to break it to a girl nicely that she was ugly, and he never tried to ever become a Prefect or Head Boy. What he did not understand was how he managed to stay friends with a person who did all of those things and achieved them. Freddie Raska was just someone he wanted to keep around, and Bobby would definitely die for the guy. Sure, they did not agree on everything, but they always managed to make it through. They had played on the school Quidditch team for a year. They were like a dynamic duo on the Pitch! Even when they played different positions. Freddie was someone Bobby held close to his heart. He sat down on the couch in the living room. He had finished organizing the furniture to a way he liked it. It tried to make it comfortable for not only him, but Freddie. Freddie was into Divination, so it was likely that he would want to burn incense or something. Bobby had not finished unpacking the kitchen, but he made sure that he got all the stuff for drinking out. He and Freddie always had a good time together, with drinks or without. They were like brothers.

It was starting to get late, and Freddie had still not arrived. He found it kind of annoying. Did it really take so long to apparate to New Zealand? Bobby had a feeling that his best friend had done some last minute packing. Freddie may have been Head Boy, but he always ended up doing things last minute. One time he had rewrote a five page essay for Defense Against the Dark Arts and hour before it was due. He was kind of indecisive. He always 'let God make his decisions'. Sanchez did not know how Freddie had survived a whole seven years at Durmstrang without major bullying for his beliefs in God. Bobby was cool with it though. Freddie had never tried to force his beliefs down his throat. In return, Bobby did not either. Bobby looked at his watch. It was 1:30 in the morning. He naturally went to sleep late, but Freddie was taking too long. Bobby had taken a whole day off at work unpacking, organizing and decorating.

Bobby stood up from the couch. He walked through the kitchen and into his bedroom. He slipped off his shoes and slid under the covers. He through a pillow or two to the floor. He was so tired. How could Freddie take so long? Bobby made sure to try and dream about ways to torture his friend when he arrived.</COLOR></FONT>
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"Bobbayyy! The party has arrived!" Bobby groaned at the sound of a familiar voice in the apartment. How long was he sleep? Ten minutes? Freddie always had the worst timing. Soon, Bobby heard someone enter his room and turn the lights on. He slowly sat up in his bed. His eyes still adjusting to the sudden change in lighting. "I just got in bed, Freddie!" he whined and glared at his best friend. Freddie had definitely gotten more attractive in the few months they had not seen each other. Luckily, Bobby was dating Vicxen, so he had no time to try and flirt with his best friend. Sanchez dragged himself out of bed and walked to hug Freddie. "How's God been treating you, Raska?" he smiled.
Freddie stood in the doorway to Bobby's room. He watched as Bobby reacted to him turning on the lights. He thought the apartment looked very nice. Bobby had done a good job. He had done more than a good job actually. He did not expect Bobby to take decorating and organizing the house seriously. Appearently, he did. "I'm sorry, dude. I repacked all of my stuff and more, but I am sure you figured that out already." he said and hugged Bobby back. Freddie was six feet tall, so Bobby's face was in his chest. It was not like he minded. He only saw Bobby as a friend. Freddie laughed. Whenever he laughed his laughter came from his stomach and it sounded deep and sent vibrations through his whole body. "Fair. He has been treating me fairly well, Sanchez." he told him and let him out of the hug. Bobby's frame was so much thinner than Freddie's. It made Freddie feel like he could snap his friend in two. He did not want to do that though. "I saw you had the wine out. Do you want to get started on that?" he asked, smiling mischievously. He headed into the kitchen. Freddie was not worried about what his room looked like. He just wanted to spend time with his best friend. They needed to catch up on some things.
Bobby always like hugging Freddie. Freddie was much more masculine than he was. Bobby felt like a girl whenever he was around Freddie. He was six feet tall and hand laughter that sounded like thunder. His giggling sounded like car crashes, or that's what a former girlfriend had told him. "Why are you so indecisive? It's ridiculous." he told his friend in a joking manner. Freddie was one to take things seriously, and Bobby did not want to get on his best friend's bad side their first night. That would surely suck. He hoped that Freddie would not get pissed over a rhetorical question. Bobby let go of Freddie and crossed his arms over his chest. He hoped his friend did not think that he was not mad at him. "Yeah. I did have the wine out, but it is probably all warm now. " he complained as he followed Freddie into the kitchen. He performed a spell and two wine glasses floated from the cabinet to the island in the middle of the kitchen. Bobby was able to perform wandless magic, but not non-verbal magic. It was what he deserved for not paying attention in class. There were two different wines already on the island. "Which one do you want to down first, Raska?" he asked looking intensely at both bottles. Bobby, personally, wanted the white wine. It wouldn't stain his teeth, but he knew that Freddie had always taken an interest in colored things.
Freddie rolled his eyes. Bobby always pointed out how indecisive he was. He would not get offended by something like that. It would be childish if he did. He hopped onto a counter in the kitchen. He stared at the wine bottles until Bobby walked into the kitchen as well. Freddie really wanted living with Bobby to work out. He and Bobby were like polar opposites, but God must have had a reason for keeping them in each others lives. He found it funny how he and Bobby both were staring at the bottles trying to decide which one to drink. Fred knew that Bobby wanted the white wine. He might as well save the best for last. He and Bobby both did not want to open both the bottles because it would be a sign of separation and detachment for the two. Bobby did not know that he would have looked at it that way, but Freddie was an observer. He had observed Bobby well enough over the years to know how he would react inwardly to things. "We can start with the white wine. I took too long to get here, so we should drink your favorite up first." he said as he hopped off the counter. Freddie set his sunglasses on the island. He did not eve know why he was wearing them at such a late hour. Fred uncorked the white wine with his hands. He was just that strong. He poured Bobby half a glass and he poured himself half a glass. He set the bottle down and held up his glass. "To the first night?"
Bobby smiled. He was happy they were going to be drinking his favorite first, not that he had ever tried it. He deserved it. Bobby was a reasonable guy, so he kind of expected his to be chosen. Bobby watched as Freddie uncorked the bottle with his hands. His friend may have looked like a tough guy, but on the inside he was the sweetest person you could ever meet. Freddie did not even give off the aura of someone tough and hard. Bobby picked up his glass and smiled. "To the first night!" he cheered and clinked glasses with Freddie. He brought his glass up to his lips and took a huge gulp of his wine. It tasted wonderful. He wanted to see how Freddie would react to his first drink ever. No doubt he would probably want to puke. They probably should have started off with firewhiskey. He looked at friend expectantly. "Taste good, Freddie?" he asked his friend.
Freddie and Bobby clinked glasses. Freddie watched as Bobby took a huge gulp of his wine. Freddie gently made the liquid in his glass swirl around. He did not know if he would be able to drink it. His mother had been an alcoholic. Anything that had the ability to intoxicated him did not sit well with him. He did not feel like he'd be able to drink it. He set his glass down on the island and pushed it away from him. He knew Bobby was expecting him to at least take a sip of the wine, but he was not able to do it. He felt that he would become like his mother. Angelica had did anything to get her hands on any type of alcoholic drink. He did not want to end up like that. He knew very well that alcoholism was not passed down genetically. He knew it was choice, but there was that voice inside of him that told him not to drink it. "I don't think I can drink it." he said simply. Freddie felt he had killed the mood, so he decided that he'd make something to eat. He hoped Bobby had done some grocery shopping. "We have food, right Bobby?" he asked ans started to look around the kitchen for something he could cook. Freddie was a great cook. The house elves at Durmstrang had taught him so many things.
Bobby watched sadly as Freddie put his glass down on the island. It was his loss. He understood why Freddie had did it. His mother had been an alcoholic and he felt if he drank anything then he would become one too. It was highly illogical, but Freddie was not always known for his logic. He was known for his physical appearance and faith. His brains were just an extra. Bobby looked over Freddie as he started going through the cabinets. What had he gotten himself into. He knew he had suppressed feelings for his best friend, and now he was going to be living with him? Bobby traded his old glass for Freddie's glass. He took a sip. He was insane for agreeing to move in with Freddie. Bobby sighed and shook his head. "No. I am surprised you did not bring any snacks with you." he said and took another sip of his drink. He knew Freddie was just trying to ease up some of the tension, but Bobby liked creating tension and problems. That was just his nature. He loved the awkward moment he and Freddie had, and there had been a lot of those over the years. "I guess you're going shopping for food tomorrow because I have work." he giggled and slowly started to walk back to his room. It had already been hard enough for Bobby to get this day off. His supervisor was just a serious pain his ass.

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