Random Walking, is it so bad?

Justin Davis

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Phoenix Feather
Justin walked through the outskirts of a city, not knowing what he was even doing here. He had seemed to have taken up walking through random places a lot lately. It didn't matter to him what he did during a day, as long as he did something and wasn't stuck in that awful school. It drove him insane sometimes, he could never get away from people he hated. He just wanted to get out sometimes, and make some new friends.

Justin walked into the nearby city, and ducked up an alleyway, into a more secluded part of town, it didn't worry to him where he was, he was just glad to be in a place with people whom he didn't know. Justin knew he would probably come across a few people from school, and as long as they were nice to him, he didn't care who they were, he just wanted to make some friends, and as long as he did, he didn't care.
As Sally kissed her brother goodbye, she grab a jacket of hers and walk by her self towards the city. Sally had always been interested in muggle gadgets, she went to the muggle shop and bought some things. After a while, she felt tired and wanted to go home. Sally hated being lonely and is hoping that her brother would come with her at that time. She regretted leaving the house alone. She ended in this place that seems abandoned, she walk toward the place hoping to meet a wizard. This place is just full of muggles and she couldn't ask the address of her mansion that is invisible to muggles. But she wasn't in hurry, she just hated being alone. that's it.
As Sally walk, she saw a boy leaning on the wall, she walk toward him and try asking him the address. She then decided to give it a try. If he's a muggle, then she would just leave him alone but if he's not then she's great full.

"Uhmm... Excuse me... Do you know where this is?" She pointed at the paper that has her address on it.
Justin heard a newcomer walk up to him and ask him a question, she looked like somebody from Beauxbatons, but he just couldn't remember their name. So that was a good thing, he guessed. Justin liked it better when the people he met didn't know him, so that way he could learn more about them, and they wouldn't know anything bad about him. Justin looked at the piece of paper she was showing him, it had an address on it.

Justin read it over, and thought about it for a moment, "Yes, I do know where that is. Would you like me to take you there?" He asked her kindly. Justin didn't trust his sense of giving directions, so he would rather take people to places himself. That way he could blame himself for getting lost.
ohhhhhhh Thaaaaanks Merlin! He knew the address...
"What a coincidence! I've been searching for wizards or witch everywhere but can't seem to find em"
Sally giggle a little.
Hearing the kind offer from the lad, Sally nodded and felt safe that she's now with someone that could show her the direction.
"Thank you so much" She said.
Both of them walk towards direction that is unfamiliar with Sally. Perhaps it's a shortcut or something else...

"So you live here?" She smiled.
"I go to Beauxbatons... What about you?"
Sally is always curious about new people. She tends to ask so many questions and sometimes she would ask unappropriated things about them. She knew that she's not suppose to do that but her curiosity is bigger than anything else.

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