Closed Quite The Bundle of Surprise

Jamie Derouin

beauxbatons grad; french national team chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Married (onyx <3)
Sexual Orientation
onyx <3
Knotted 12" Flexible Pear Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
5/2031 (30)
Jamie couldn't believe how quickly things had moved. From the conversation with Sapphire, to doing it, and now to preparing for the twins. Two little babies that he and Onyx would soon have in his arms. It was just going to be amazing. He couldn't wait. His excitement was palpable. Jamie was helping Onyx get the nursery ready, they had everything, it was just a matter of putting it all together, and Jamie welcomed any time he could spend with his husband before they were knee-deep in diapers and the rest of it. he was working away when he heard the call of an owl. He went to the window the owl as at and let it inside. He frowned a little at the letter. The writing was one he knew, the social worker. They were still on the list but hadn't ever managed to get anywhere with it. He opened the letter and began reading, realising the woman was on her way. "Onyx, my love, the social worker is coming," he called out.
Onyx felt like he was going to explode, he was so excited to have the twins coming home. He was bouncing around, doing his best to get the nursery ready for the two new babies. When they were older, they'd get their own rooms, but he thought it was best to keep them together while they were still so little. The adoption route hadn't been working out for them, but thankfully the surrogacy had. He was humming to himself as he hung the baby mobiles over their cribs when he heard Jamie call. Furrowing his brow, he walked out and peeked around the corner. "What?" He asked, walking over. "Why?"
Jamie moved to where Onyx was, meeting him a little half way and handing him the letter. "They've a little boy who needs place, at first, at least temporarily," he said, letting Onyx look at the letter before continuing. "Seems like he's about two, just lost his whole family, first placement didn't work out," he said, outlining more or less what the letter said. "She's on her way,"
Onyxs' brow furrowed and he took the letter, glancing at it before glancing up at Jamie. "What?" His jaw dropped and a hand flew up to cover his mouth. "Oh my gods, mon chiot," Onyx forgot all about the letter and instead looked up to Jamie with big blue eyes already glistening with tears. That was the most horrible thing Onyx had ever heard. He didn't even know who this child was, but already Onyx just wanted to wrap up this baby and keep him close for always.
Jamie looked at Onyx and had a solemn expression, there was a chance they couldn't take this boy in. They were expecting twins, and twins soon. "We should decide now, do you think we can take this boy in?" he asked. He felt sure he knew the answer for Onyx, and in his heart he wanted it to. This young child had suffered, they had wanted a full home, so why not, but he knew that three children would be a lot of children. "I don't want to say no, but we do have babies on the way," he said, his tone was not one where he was shutting down the conversation, but more where he was thinking deeply about it.
Onyx shook his head quickly. "We have more money than we can ever use, mon chiot, we can hire a nanny to help if we have to," He countered immediately, falling into Jamie's side. "He needs us, how can we turn him away?" He asked, looking up to his husband with big eyes, already feeling the tears welling. "I wanna just snatch him up and keep him close always," He murmured, clinging to his husband.
Jamie nodded in agreement, knowing that they did have more money than they could ever use. That they could hire help, that he didn't have to work. He put his arm around Onyx and nodded, knowing the decision had been made, this young boy would stay with them. "Okay, when she gets here, we'll say we want to adopt him," he said. "No take backs, once he's in this home he stays," Jamie said with a smile.
Onyx lit up, and pushed up on tiptoe, stealing a sweet kiss. "We'll have a few months with him before the twins are born. What was his name?" He asked, tracing his fingers along Jamie's jaw even as his own tears spilled over a bit. He couldn't help it- he wanted to help this sweet little boy- it didn't matter that he didn't know him, that they'd never met. Everyone deserved a family, deserved to be loved and cared for. He snuggled into Jamie, laughing lightly and trying to pull himself together.
Jamie glanced back at the file and smiled softly, "His name is Jacques," he said with a smile. It was sweet name and certainly he knew would suit the boy well. They couldn't be the ones to name him, but that was okay, he thought the boy had a good name. He hugged Onyx in close and smiled easily. It was so nice that after so many issues for them they were right on the edge of having their new family.
Onyx lit up, pulling back and starting for the living room, his mind rushing into overdrive. "There's so much to be done, we'll need to have a room for him. There's the guest room between us and the twins, we can move him in there, I know we were discussing having it as a bedroom for one of the twins in the future if they wanted but we can figure something else out. Is the bed in there okay? Toddlers need special beds, don't they? Like lower to the floor?" He was pacing, wringing his hands as his mind sped through clothes, toys, dinners, potty training, safety measures to take on the house. He was spiralling, not even noticing he was working himself up as he thought too much about the events at hand.
Jamie followed Onyx to the living room, and then put his hands on Onyx's shoulders. He moved to stand in front of him. "Breath, baby," he encouraged, before nodding a little. "We're magic, things will be easy enough to put together," he said. "We can make the bed lower and smaller, and double check with the social worker if it's right. That room will work, and then when he's here we can see what he has, and maybe get what he needs and give him a little freedom to decide how his room will look?" he said. The boy they were getting would be young but might still prefer certain colours and it would be nice to make sure he was give him the feeling of this being his home.
Onyx stopped, blinking a few times before smiling shyly. "Right, you're right," He agreed, before taking a few deep breaths and trying to calm himself down. He reached his hands up and put them on Jamie's, giving him a few more deep breaths, relaxing slowly, before opening up his eyes again and smiling more brightly at his husband. "What are we doing right now? When will he be here?" He asked.
Jamie smiled at him, and tried to breath with him, to help calm him down and keep him there. He smiled at him more so as Onyx opened his eyes again. "He'll be here soon, so we don't have a lot of time to prep, but we can at least do a few spells to make the bed smaller and a few clothes too," Jamie said thinking it through. "The social worker will understand that we're not entirely prepared,"
Onyx nodded. "Alright, well then let's get things set up while we can," He offered, slipping past his husband and hurrying up the stairs. His magic still wasn't the best, but he tried, knowing Jamie could fix anything he did, and eventually the room was ready for a little boy. He smiled brightly, but before he could say anything he heard a knock on the front door. His eyes went wide and he dashed downstairs, though he stopped in the foyer, his heart pounding. He turned to look for Jamie with wide eyes, suddenly feeling very nervous.
Jamie followed Onyx up the stairs, but was in their bedroom, grabbing old clothes and shrinking them down. He worked away until there was a good set of initial clothes for him when he arrived. He heard the knock at the door and went downstairs, finding Onyx near to the door. He walked over to him, and went to wrap an arm around him and to kiss him on the cheek. "I'm here baby," he said, "Let's open the door and invite them in," Jamie began trying to guide them towards the door.
Jacques wasn't sure what was happening, but one moment he was at a place that was familiar and now he was being led up a path by a woman who was friendly but who he didn't know, to a house that was big and that he had never been to. Jacques was wearing a backpack, the straps continuously falling off his shoulders, a blanket in his hand, tightly held. He was scared and his legs felt unsteady, like when he walked on his old couch. He watched the lady knock on the door and he hid a little. Now utterly terrified of what was behind the door.
Onyx smoothed out his skirt, leaning into Jamie's touch and humming happily. He took strength from his husband before opening the door. "Hello," He greeted, giving a shaky smile, before looking down to the little boy. Onyx crouched down so they were on the same level. "Hello," He greeted much softer, giving the boy a gentle smile and offering out his hand. "Who are you?"
Jamie smiled as they opened the door, and were greeted with a very nervous seeming boy and the social worker. As Onyx crouched down, Jamie took a moment to shake the woman's hand and to welcome her. Only crouching down after a moment, not wanting to overwhelm the little boy. He seemed so small and scared. "I'm Jamie and this Onyx," he said.
Jacques was hiding, as the door opened. He hid his face a little, but peaked out at the sound of a voice. He looked at the person, he seemed friendly. Jacques spoke gently, just like..someone had once done. "Jacques," he replied nervously as he took the man's hand, still holding his blanket as he did so. The straps of his rucksack slipping down his shoulders. The other man crouched too, and introduced them. They seemed nice, but he was still terrified and he was tired.
-godmods approved-

Onyx smiled and guided Jacques in. Carefully, keeping his movements slow, he took the boys ruckasck and set it down, summoning over a smaller blanket. He wrapped it around the sleepy looking boy and then picked him up gently, holding him with one arm and rubbing his other hand gently against the boys back. He stood, and gave an easy smile to the worker and his husband, even as his heart raced. "Lets come inside," He offered, turning to lead the group to the living room.
Jamie thought the boy seemed sweet, nervous but sweet. Jamie was happy to let Onyx wrap the boy up in a blanket and then turned to the social worker. "why don't you and I go over the details and Onyx and Jacques can bond and settle?" he suggested, wanting to deal with this quickly so they could settle into a life with Jacques.
Jacques was guided into the house and let the man take his rucksack. He looked at the blanket and was content to be wrapped in it. It was soft and comfortable. He held on to his own blanket tightly, a little stiff as he was picked up, but within moments, leaned his head carefully against the man's shoulder. It was comfortable, the man was warm and seemed nice. He didn't feel as scared now.
Onyx smiled, nodding gently at Jamie and the worker, moving to sit on the couch with the boy in his arms, moving carefully and slowly to adjust the boy without jostling him too much. Automatically, Onyx was rocking him gently, singing an old lullaby to him that his Uncle James had always sang.

Hush now my Storeen, close your eyes and sleep
Waltzing the waves, diving the deep
Stars are shining bright, the wind is on the rise
Whispering words of long-lost lullabies

Oh, won't you come with me where the moon is made of gold?
And in the morning sun we'll be sailing
Oh, won't you come with me where the ocean meets the sky?
And as the clouds roll by we'll sing the song of the sea

I had a dream last night and heard the sweetest sound
I saw a great white light and dancers in the round
Castles in the sand, cradles in the trees
Don't cry, I'll see you by and by

Oh, won't you come with me where the moon is made of gold?
And in the morning sun we'll be sailing
Oh, won't you come with me where the ocean meets the sky?
And as the clouds roll by, we'll sing the song of the sea


Oh, won't you come with me where the moon is made of gold?
And in the morning sun we'll be sailing free
Oh, won't you come with me where the ocean meets the sky?
And as the clouds roll by, we'll sing the song of the sea

Grá go deo

The Song
It took too long for Jamie to get everything settled with the social worker. He wanted it to be done properly, but was eager to spend time with Onyx and Jacques. Eager to make sure the young nervous boy had been able to settle. He was able to get it resolved and saw the woman out before venturing to find his husband. Spotting them easily, with Jacques nestled and asleep against Onyx's chest. Jamie felt his heart grow. "Mon amour," he said softly approaching. "How is he?"

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