Quiet meditations

"Nothing wrong with Jolly. Just keep trying and you'll get it." He told her while getting up. "Don't sweat the hard things, just take it all in your stride." He held out his hand for her to pull herself up with.
Jolly breathed deeply and nodded to Vydrael. "You are right," she said, her voice trembling slightly. She needed some time to herself, to figure things out. "I...I think I'll just...go," she muttered, slowly getting to her feet, her expression still looked slightly dazed.
Vydráel watched her get up, ignoring his hand. He looked at it for a moment before letting it drop, with his head. "Yeah, i suppose i better go too." he mumbled as he turned on his heal. "See you in class." he said to her, walking off towards the entrance of the forest.

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