Open Quidditch Pre-Try-outs

Callie Cardoso

confused | keeper
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Curly 15 1/2" Swishy Chestnut Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
05/2048 (14)
Callie had a school broom in her hand and an eagerness to get to pitch. She wasn't sure what position she wanted, but Callie wanted to have a go at quidditch. The hufflepuff wanted to try to be good at the sport. She wanted to try her hand at it. Callie had done sports before, though, just none of them were on brooms in the air. She was glancing around the pitch ready to get started but had suggest to Marley that they could practice together since she knew from their conversations that Marley was also trying out. Though comparatively, Callie was sure that she might be a little more sure about which position she wanted to play. Callie was waiting, but knew it wouldn't be long till Marley joined her.
Ever since Marley had learnt about what Quidditch was about, it had piqued her interest a lot. Marley knew she wanted to try out for the team this year. She had practised a bit during break and she knew that she was getting a little better with each practice. When Callie had suggested that they practise before their tryouts, Marley knew she couldn't say no to that idea, and it had made her excited. She quickly made her way down to the pitch and smiled happily when she saw Callie. A broom in hand, she quickly made her way towards Callie. "Hey! You ready?"
Callie grinned excitedly, waving excitedly at her friend as the girl approached. She was so excited to be able to get to practicing. She just wanted to be good at the sport, wanted to do well in it. "So ready!" she replied excitedly. The broom Callie had was a school broom, but knowing that was what she learnt on, Callie was happy to practice with it. "Do you know what position you'll go for?" Callie asked excitedly, they likely would need to know what positions they were thinking about to know how to practice. Since Callie had no idea, she hoped Marley might.
Marley cheered happily when Callie confirmed she was ready. She was glad that she was able to put some practice on with someone and she was glad that it was with her friend. Marley lit up at the question. "I'm gonna try out for beater! It sounds like fun. I had a hard time deciding which position I wanted to try out because they all seemed like fun!" Marley explained with a smile. "How about you? What position were you thinking?"
Callie knew what a beater was, she had done a good amount of reading on the various positions that were available. It seemed dangerous, and though the whole sport was a little dangerous, Callie wasn't going to go out of her way with it. "I'm not sure, maybe keeper, or chaser," she said. "I played in goals in muggle sports, but i'm not sure, how...transferrable that is to brooms and quidditch," Callie hoped that it was.
Marley smiled happily at the positions that her friend had mentioned. "Oh, those are good ones! Keeper is pretty similar to a football keeper, the only difference is that you're on a broom and you basically have three hoops to block instead of one whole net" Marley explains a little to her friend, though Callie might've already known that, which Marley should've asked before explaining. "But I'm sure you'll get the hang of it!"
Callie appreciated that Marley thought they were good positions, they weren't what she was going for, but close enough. "I played netball, so it's probably as close too," Callie replied but all of it would be in the air rather than on the ground. "Yeah!" she agreed. Feeling like she would get it. "How about we just fly around, and then I can go in goal, and you can try to hit things at me," She suggested hoping that covered what they both wished to practice for.
Marley nodded enthusiastically. "Yes! It's a bit similar to netball too" Marley said with a nod. She was sure Callie was going to do well, especially since they were only practising. "Yeah! That sounds like a plan! I'll try and not to hit you too hard" Marley says, as she gets on her broom.
Callie nodded, pleased to have it confirmed that it wasn't unlike netball. She shook her head lightly. "It's okay if you do, we're practicing, and learning," she didn't want Marley to hold back and end up not practicing well enough. Magical people had healers who solved most sports injuries easily enough. She got on the broom and smiled. "Let's go!"
Marley felt bad if she hit her friend too hard, but she was going to try her best anyway. "Let's go!" Marley said cheerfully as she was up in the air all ready to go, with a bat in her hand ready to hit.
Callie smiled and flew up into the air. She was at first a little shaky on it, and then was able to steady her broom and went to the hoops at the end of the pitch. They were bigger than she had expected, but she could move quickly on the broom. She glanced back at Marley and gave a thumbs up to indicate that she was ready.
Marley nodded when Callie had given her the thumbs up. The bludger had been near so Marley had decided to make a run for it and hit it, but it had completely missed Callie. Marley wasn't disappointed though, at least it had given her practice with hitting.
Callie raced after the quaffle after Marley made the hit, she was a little slow to do so. Not quite getting off the mark immediately, hesitating about the direction it went, but she got it. Callie then flew back to her starting position and tossed the ball back to Marley. She knew she was going to need a whole lot more practice if she was ever be good enough for a team.
Marley watched as Callie tried her best. It was a bit of a tricky start, but that was okay, they were still in the early stages of practising. Marley hit the ball again, though she didn't manage to hit her friend with the ball. It wasn't looking good so far.
Callie was a little better this time, going in the right direction to catch the ball, and only just missing it. She quickly recovered this time, and though that hadn't been perfect, she was happier with that attempt. She was new to the sport that they were practicing for. Callie tossed the ball back to Marley hoping that from her toss Marley would be able to hit it back.
Marley liked what they were doing so far. Though Marley wished she was doing better, she guessed it was okay. They were only practising after all. As Callie threw the ball back out, Marley quickly went after bludger and hit it. This time it managed to get Callie and Marley winced a little. "I'm sorry! Are you all good!" Marley called out to her friend.
Callie was glad when Marley managed to hit it, pleased that at least that part of her aim was more on it. She was very surprised at the speed at which the quaffle came back to her, and hit her dead on. "Ooof," she said, but shook her head. Callie got a better grip on the ball and shouted to her friend. "Yeah! All good," and she tossed it back to her.
Marley sighed in relief when her friend confirmed that she was alright. She hit the bludger again, but it had totally missed hitting Callie instead. However she was glad she managed to get it once, it was totally okay if she hadn't managed to get more hits in by the end of the practice.
Callie chased after the ball, and managed to catch it pretty quickly. She was growing more confident and settled as she flew after the quaffle. She got back into position and tossed it back to Marley, enjoying this, back and forth learning how to be better at it.
Marley was happy and pleased with their practice so far, and had a feeling that they were gonna do great on try-outs! Marley cheered when Callie had caught the quaffle. They were getting better. Marley hit the ball again as it was sent back her way, but it hadn't made an impact on Callie this time.
Callie smiled easily at Marley's cheering, appreciating that her friend was being supportive. She then got back into position and watched as Marley hit the quaffle back to her. She raced after it, but didn't have as much success. Callie was quicker than at the beginning but still did didn't manage to catch it. But the hufflepuff didn't mind, she flew back into position and tossed it again.
Marley watched as Callie threw the quaffle back towards her, and Marley made sure it hit it again. They did this a couple more times and Marley was enjoying it. She managed to hit Callie a couple of times the next few times, though she always made sure that her friend was okay every each hit. Other times, Marley missed.
Callie got really into it, the repitive practice was good, her flying was stronger, she was catching it quicker by the end, fumbling less. She was hit with the quaffle a few more times, but it wasn't too bad. She didn't mind. But she had gotten a bit tired eventually, they had gone back and forth a lot. She motioned with her hand after catching the quaffle, as if to try to bring it to an end. "I think that's enough right?"
Marley smiled and made her way over to her friend as she noticed her making some sort of motion. She nodded at her friend's statement. "Yeah, I reckon! It was a good practice. I'm sure it would help us a lot for tryouts!" Marley said happily. She knew she was going to practice a little more before tryouts but she also felt that the practice they had just done was just as good.
Callie gave a wide warm smile to Marley as she began to fly down to the ground. "Yeah!" she said. "I'm not sure I'll be good enough for the team, but I feel better about it anyway," Callie told her excitedly. "Come let's get back to the castle,"

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