Quidditch Game: Beauxbatons vs Ilvermorny

Reeve Buchanan

Well-Known Member
Reeve enjoyed visiting the various schools around the world, working as the referee for the games. There was frost across the ground and on the bare tree branches, and a chill in the air as the man made his way onto the Beauxbatons pitch for the game. The man slipped slightly as he moved across the grass, glad that he'd be up in the air, where he felt more comfortable, soon enough. The man busied himself prepping for this game that was to come. He cast a charm to warm his hands and then continued working as the stands filled up around him.

Out of Character:Arrivals only please. I encourage all players to use the time before the game begins to refresh your memory of the rules and gameplay.

Captains: Please make sure your teams are set in the QCP prior to posting your lineup.
Ah, France. Adam's time in the country had consisted almost exclusively of selfies on his magical camera to show off, and ignoring his teammates at every opportunity. He was more than happy to treat it as his own mini vacation. It was too short a time to do any of the things he would have liked, so he needed to make the most of it. By the time they were actually ready to play Quidditch, his film roll was more or less full, and he cursed himself for not bringing another. He had to hope someone else would capture his amazing plays during the match. He'd done well against his own teammates, and he very much expected Beauxbatons to be as much of a breeze. He didn't know much about them, but he had his doubts they'd be good enough to handle him. He did have to admit, they had fantastic robes here.

The teen strutted his way onto the pitch, avoiding the frost by stepping in the greener footprints left by those ahead of him. If anyone was going to slip over, it wasn't going to be him.​
Einar really hadn't expected his first game to come so soon, but it had. And it was all the way in the France. He couldn't help but think vaguely of what he might've told his mother about it, how the palace had glistened, about the travel over, about how the weather was warmer than they were used to despite it being winter. He couldn't help but think of his father and brothers who never left Alaska, yet here he was to play some silly game. He looked at his teammates as he gripped the broom. He was nervous, unsure of whether he'd be a help to his teammates. The game would soon be underway.​
Penelope held her head high as she stepped onto the pitch, trying to push her nerves aside. Her heart was racing, she was determined to prove herself to the team and the entire school today. She joined the rest of the players, taking a good look at the Ilvermorny team while they waited to begin.
Simone glared at the other team as the game got ready to start. She realized she probably should be as hostile as she was, considering she had gone to Ilvermorny for a few years before coming to Beaxubatons. But she wanted another shot at playing Hogwarts New Zealand again so she kept on glaring.
Dominic could not believe the day was finally here! It was their first quidditch game and he was proud at how far his team had come. Whatever happened he would be just happy knowing everybody did their best, and if no one started fighting in the middle of the game that would be even better. He waved at the Beauxbatons team and gave a thumbs up to the rest of his team as they waited for the game to start.
Things hadn't been great between Nadine and Orélie, but she was still a bit upset to be here without her co-captain for this match. She had underestimated how much she had counted on Orélie to have her back, now that she was here without her friend. She kept her head high as she observed the Ilvermorny team, looking at their captain with some curiosity. It was a team with a lot more boys than her own team, but she didn't think that was a problem. They were a strong team, and they would be able to show that to this American team. Showing nothing but confidence, Nadine moved over to the referee to give him the lineup. Then she turned to her team. "We're going to win this match, it's a simple fact." She stated to them, trying to radiate confidence. "They won't know what hit them." She added with a grin. "And Hogwarts is next."

Mualla AvarBeater
Grace MartinezBeater
Aidan BainChaser
Simone Moreau-Chen Chaser
Nadine De RosierChaser
Penelope ClementSeeker
Bijoux LaurentKeeper
Orélie ManuelAlternate
Hope was both excited and nervous. She felt a lot of pressure and the team counted on her. But they were a team and they would do it together. They weren't even so long together and the team to which they would be playing was perhaps longer together, but Hope had faith she believed they could do it. They all wanted to win. It was a nice trip to France. Hope had never been there before, so it was nice to see the different area. The brown haired girl entered the pitch with her broom inside her hand and smiled at the people around her. Hope looked at the team from Beauxbatons and noticed a lot of girls. In their team they had more boys. Hope was curious who would be the seeker of those people. She had to race to her and be the first to catch the golden snitch. Hope joined her team and smiled shortly to the France team and waited for the game to begin and to start her search for the snitch.
Eli headed over to the Quidditch pitch, staying back a bit compared to the rest of the team. The pitch looked similar to the one at their school, but it was still strange to be at a different place completely. Eli wondered if he would get to play today, and waited quietly for the captain to announce lineup. He glanced at the Beauxbatons team, but they didn't look very tough. He figured they could take them easily.
Aidan could barely believe that Nadine had asked him to play as chaser. He had been expecting to sit on the sidelines and only have to take over if something happened to Penelope as seeker. He was nervous, having absolutely no experience as a chaser, and the rest of the team were all experienced. He wasn't sure how he was going to manage, but he was going to give it his best try.
Grace was very much looking forward to the game against Ilvermorny, she had a good feeling about it despite her teammates not all getting along during practice. She cast a somewhat concerned glance in her co-captains’ direction, but said nothing, not wanting to start anything.
Mualla laughed at the idea of America trying their hand at Quidditch rather than sticking to playing Quodpot. There was no way that the American team would win today, she wouldn't let them. Following the rest of the team onto their Quidditch pitch, Mualla stood next to her fellow beater whilst waiting for the match to start.
Noah was excited for today's match, he had been looking forward to it ever since the date of the match was revealed. Less excited was he to spend the entirety of the match on the bench, watching it from all the way down there how his teammates got to fly around and to their thing. He joined the team, giving all of them an encouraging smile.
Isaak Baros could hardly believe that he was in France, going against Beauxbatons. He had the line up on his card and walked to the referee. He smiled and handed in the card. He walked back to the team and beamed at them. He said with confidence, “Let’s show them what the US is made of!”
ChaserIsaak Baros (Captain)
ChaserDominic Torres
ChaserEinar Haines
BeaterEli Carter
BeaterCayleigh Baros
KeeperAdam Everett
SeekerHope Thompson
AlternateAJ Ari, Noah Thompson
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Cayleigh Baros loved the idea of international school Quidditch games, and telling her folks that she was going to Beauxbatons for a match, they were very enthusiastic about it. Cayleigh walked onto the pitch with her beater's bat and smiled at her teammates, though unsure what to think about the other team. She knew nothing about Beauxbatons except they were French. She hoped to be able to hit other people, of course, while protecting her teams.
Reeve smiled at the two players before casting a spell on his voice. "Today will be an excellent display of international magical cooperation. Let's make sure to keep the game fair. Beauxbatons, as the home team, you will be protecting the North hoops. Ilvermorny, the South. Thank you for the lineups. Please return to your teams and prepare to take to the skies."

Reeve returned to the game chest, opening it and sending the bludgers and snitch off. He grabbed the quaffle, tucking it under his arm before moving into the air on his broom. Throwing the quaffle up, Reeve yelled. "Game on" a puff of cold air following each word.

Out of Character:Game Notes - Please read
1. Be sure to read the new rules prior to posting. Any questions regarding the rules should be sent to your captain(s). If they cannot answer, they can PM me.

2. If you have any issues seeing the score on the referees first post or with your access to the quidditch system, please PM me.

3. Dont forget to refresh the page before you post! Someone might sneak in a post while you are working on yours.

4. Don't forget - you should always be pressing a button, whichever is appropriate for your game play during your post. Doing so boosts your success rate as well as allows the timer to kick in appropriately for your teammates and opponents.

5. The game is meant to be interactive, so read your fellow players posts before posting! Stick with the game from beginning to end, from kicking off the ground to touching back down! Have fun!
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Isaak looked to the Ilvermorny keeper and hoped that he was ready. He got on his broom and soared into the air. Jeez, it was cold! He followed after the quaffle, and took it. He flew toward the northern hoops with it.
As soon as the referee started the game, Mualla mounted her broomstick and kicked herself off the ground. She would kick the Americans right back to where they came from today, she was determined to show them their might.
Nadine was frustrated when the game started and the other team's chaser beat her to the qauffle. She rushed up to him, staying close.
Eli was glad he got to play. He grabbed the bat and flew to the air. He followed the first bludger and attempted to hit it.
Adam took to the air and trailed lazily to his hoops. With Isaak taking the quaffle early on, he didn’t expect anyone to bother him for a few minutes. He waved to his adoring fans the French students in the stands as he passed them by, and swerved around once he was in his zone to take his position.
Cayleigh soared into the air, ready to go against the Beauxbatons players. She smiled as her cousin took the quaffle upon starting. This was awesome, but so cold! Cayleigh looked around to see if she could hit a bludger, but couldn't see one yet.
Einar took up off the ground, and flew in behind the captain in case he need to pass the ball to him.
Penelope took off as soon as the game began, trying to track the snitch. She also kept an eye on the movements of the other teams seeker.
Nadine kept following the Ilvermorny chaser, hoping to find a chance to steal the quaffle.

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