Quidditch Game: Beauxbatons vs Ilvermorny

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Reeve Buchanan

Well-Known Member
Beauxbatons: 160 || Ilvermorny: 0
Snow was falling. Thankfully it wasn't a blizzard but a light snow was falling to the ground,, leaving it slick. It would be a fun game today, the two schools always played hard, and it was always a game worth watching.

Reeve finished speaking with both teams and was now on the pitch setting up. As the stands filled around him, the man grew more eager for the game to begin. All that was left was to have the captains come out so he could obtain the lineups.

Arrivals only please. At this time, every player should familiarize themselves with the rules if they have not done so already.

Captains, please be sure to complete your lineups in the cp before you post them here.
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Xenia had never been outside of Europe before, so she tried not to let her nerves show over being in America, and playing her first real game of Quidditch. It was a shame they wouldn't get to do the touristy thing - they were only going for the game and then going back to Beauxbatons. Still, there'd always be time once she graduated in a few years. She held her broom tightly and stuck with her team, waiting to hear what their captain had to say.
Eren rolled his shoulders as he stepped out onto the pitch, making a show of how unbothered he was both by the weather and the American crowd in the stands. Honestly he was surprised the Americans even had a Quidditch pitch to play on though it still didn't mean he had high expectations for their opponents. "No mercy, right," he said to Xenia, giving her a punch on the shoulder as he gathered with the rest of the Beauxbatons team, his broom slung casually over his shoulders.
"Oh Merlin's freezing tits who has their wand I need to Impervius my hair," Felicity said with a huff, holding her arms miserably over her head as she shuffled onto the pitch. She'd fixed up her robes but she could already feel her and her broom getting miserably damp from the snow overhead. She only ever saw snow at school, and while it usually delighted her, playing in it was way less fun than curling up by the windows and watching it fall. She let out another whine of protest, stamping her foot as her pigtails started to droop. This was so not the start to today's match Felicity wanted.
Ophelia had spent some time in America before but this was cool for her to be there for the quidditch. It was going to be a good and fun game she was sure.
Yoo was disappointed they wouldn't be able to go to france for the game, but it made things a bit easier. He would be able to keep studying immediately after the game.
Noah was looking forward to his first game, wondering if it would live up to some of the great ones he had been a part of back in Scotland. He tried not to let the fact that it was snowing get to him. After all, he was used to dreary weather.
Ava was excited to see the team play today, happily glancing up at the falling snow as she took her seat on the bench.
Micha was used to harsh and long winters back home and the slight tremor in his hands had more to do with nerves than temperature but he hoped people would just assume he was cold. He shook his head to get some of the snow out of his hair before turning to address the team. The weather wasn't a surprise but he hoped their home pitch advantage would give them the edge they needed to secure this win. He hoped he could secure this win and prove he was the right choice to be captain after all. "Hope everyone is staying warm." Micha said with a weak smile before clearing his throat. "Today is the day! This is our chance to show Beauxbaton's what we're made of. We've won for the past few years and I know we can do it again if we all just work together." he said encouragingly before handing the line up to the ref.

Player Position
Micha KovacSeeker/Captain
Yoo Hyun KiKeeper
Mykaela BlytheBeater
Felicity SweetwaterBeater
Abigail MartinChaser
Dallas BrunfelsChaser
Noah WebbChaser
Jai WarrenAlt Seeker
Gemma blew warm air into her cupped hands to keep them from freezing off completely. She hated that they had to play in America and the snow wasn't helping. She was impatient for the game to start and was eager to knock some bludgers around. This was potentially the last game for her and she wanted to make it count.
Florence was excited about the game, though they hadn't won the past few games, she had some hope that they could win the game. Flo felt a wee bit chilly with the snow that had fallen and she couldn't wait for the game to begin. She smiled at her teammates when they had arrived, and looked around them. "Hey guys, it's a bit cold out," Florence says with a chuckle. "The day we've been practising for has finally arrived. I'm not the best in these sorts of speeches, but all I can say is play hard and do the best you can. Good luck to you all. I believe that we got this" Florence says with an encouraging smile. She had hope that their team got this in the bag. She smiled at the team one last time before making her way to the referee with the lineup of the team.

Florence BelleroseChaser/Captain
Eren BesteChaser
Ophelia ReillyChaser
Gemma ThorneBeater
Elise MoreauBeater
Xenia NikolaidouKeeper
Hugo De RosierSeeker
Ava HastingsAlt. Beater
Amelie DerouinAlt. Seeker
Élise was ready to rock this game and she was eager for the win. It was pretty cold and that didn't work to their advantage. Élise could hope the bludgers were on their side at least.
Reeve brushed some snow out of his hair before he greeted the captains with a nod. The man reviewed the line up cards and found no issues. He placed them into his pocket before casting the Sonorus charm. "Both teams were given instructions in their locker room areas. I expect this will be a fun but fair match. Today. Beauxbatons, you'll guard the North hoops and Ilvermorny, you will guard the South. Let's fly!"

Reeve opened the game chest and freed the bludgers and snitch. Reeve finally grabbed the quaffle and mounted his broom. He kicked off, soaring higher and higher. With a large puff of air, the man tossed the quaffle as high as he could. "Game on!"

Game Notes - please read said:
1. Be sure to review the rules. Any questions regarding the rules should be sent to your captain(s). If they cannot answer, they can PM me.
2. If you have any issues seeing the score on the referee's first post or with your access to the quidditch system, please send a PM including both me and your captain(s). It may be that they've forgotten to add you to the system or may be a bigger issue.
3. Dont forget to refresh the page before you post! Someone might sneak in a post while you are working on yours and first post counts.
4. You should always be pressing a button, whichever is appropriate for your game play during your post. Doing so boosts your success rate as well as allows the timer to kick in appropriately for your teammates and opponents.
5. The game is meant to be interactive, so read your fellow players posts before posting! Stick with the game from beginning to end, from kicking off the ground to touching back down! Have fun!
6. As you are all in the same group and color, it would be most helpful for me if you consider including your school in your profile and/or utilizing the buttons with your school name.
Xenia gave Eren a punch on the shoulder in return with a grin. "Let's give them hell," she said, knowing that if he was as aggressive with their keeper as he was against her they'd surely score a bunch of goals. She flew up to the north hoops, ready to defend and keep warm by throwing herself in front of the quaffle.
Yoo went to his hoops and watched as the beauxbatons chaser began heading towards him but he was ready for it.
When the whistle blew, Florence pushed off the ground and into the air, as she followed close behind Ophelia.
Yoo was very frustrated as the chaser scored. He got the ball and then tossed it back out to Ilvermonry students.
Eren gave Xenia a mock salute before taking to the air. It was annoying Ophelia grabbed the quaffle first but at least she managed to score. After going up against Xenia all practice he bet the American keeper was a chump.
It didn't look like Flick was going to have time to fix her hair before the match began and she spent a good moment lamenting that fact as she got into position and waited for the whistle. She adjusted her gloves, hoping to keep a good grip as she looked for the bludgers.
Noah caught the quaffle when Yoo threw it back out and tucked it under his arm as he turned around.
Eren had been hoping he could cut off the Americans before they got their hands on the quaffle but there hadn't been a good opening. Instead, he stuck as close as possible to the chaser who'd grabbed it, trying to catch up to him and make a grab for the quaffle.
"Gross," Felicity muttered as she wiped damp snow from her forehead. It was definitely worse flying around in it than being on the ground and it was making it hard to focus on the bludgers.
Hugo wasn't a big fan of the snow, and not very used to flying in it. He figured it would make it harder to catch the snitch, only a few minutes after their team first scored, Hugo spotted the golden ball not too far away. He grabbed it out of the air. "Got it!" He called in English, so the Americans would know he had instantly beaten them.
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