Quidditch game: Beauxbatons vs Ilvermorny

Micha kicked off the ground and started looking for the snitch. He saw Abigail made a goal and shot her a thumbs up before remembering he had to focus.
Gemma spotted a bludger and hit it away but her grip on the bat wasn't great and the shot went wild, and didn't end up hitting anyone.
Hugo kept an eye on the other seeker, but he saw the other seeker wasn't having much more luck.
Abigail flew close to the Beauxbatons chaser, trying to get the quaffle from her.
Aramis gave Gaby a quick nod as she addressed the team before moving to the South hoops as the game started. The snow flurries were worse up in the air and it made visibility worse than he'd expected, the Ilvermorny chaser surprising him when she quickly zipped in and managed to score. He clicked his tongue, grabbing the quaffle and throwing it out to Gaby.
Hyun cheered when Abigail managed to get the first points on the board before following after the French chaser who had the quaffle.
Gemma saw another bludger coming her way and swung her bat. This time her grip was good and her aim was true as the bludger sailed across the pitch and hit the Ilvermorny seeker. @Micha Kovac
Micha was continuing to search for the snitch and was looking at the ground when a bludger came out of nowhere and hit him in his side. He cried out and held his side as he tried to take a deep breath and let the pain pass.
Gaby headed straight for the ilvermorny hoops, trying to stay ahead of their chasers. She threw the quaffle at the right hoop once she got close enough, pleased to see it sail through.
Hugo grinned at Gemma as she hit the Ilvermorny seeker. He quickly looked around for the snitch, hoping to catch it while the other seeker was distracted.
Aramis whooped when he was able to make out Gaby scoring across the pitch. The snow was making everything harder, but he was glad the scores were even again.
For the first time, Lucas felt like the teams were more evenly matched. He caught the quaffle as it was thrown back into play and started back around the pitch, feeling hopeful that they might actually win this year.
Micha still couldn't take a deep breath without his ribs hurting but he kept up his search and hoped no other bludger would be heading his way.
Gemma was proud she had landed the first blow of the game and she kept an eye out for more bludgers.
Gaby followed after the american chaser that had caught the quaffle.
Aramis shifted as he waited for the American chaser to get closer, brushing some of the snowmelt from his face. This chaser was a lot bigger than the other girl who'd scored earlier so Aramis hoped he'd be easier to read.
Mykaela tried to hit away some bludgers from her team players but she quietly swore when Beauxs beater managed to hit Micha.
Hugo didn't see the snitch anywhere, he was starting to get a bit antsy.
Abigail flew close to Lucas, ready to catch the quaffle if he wanted to pass.
Gemma could feel the cold making her fingers go numb and she wished the game would end soon. She raced to meet a bludger heading her way and grinned as she swung and hit the American seeker again. @Micha Kovac
Micha thought he saw something as another bludger crashed into his arm. He spun around but managed to stay on his broom. He took a moment and shook his head when he saw a flash of gold. With his head still spinning from the hit he raced after it as fast as he could. His heart was racing and he hoped the French seeker hadn't seen it as he got closer and closer. With one last push he reached out and grabbed the snitch. For a moment Micha thought he was hallucinating but the snitch in his hand was very real. He turned to the rest of his team, grinning from ear to ear. "Wooooo!" he yelled as the win really started to sink in.
Aramis took his eyes away from the chasers for a moment as he caught sight of what he was pretty sure was Gemma winging another bludger into the Ilvermorny seeker. Maybe they'd get lucky and she could knock him out before they all got frostbite. His impervious charm was already starting to wear off and Aramis could feel the cold, damp snow starting to sink into his robes. There was a commotion and Aramis took a moment to realize it wasn't the impending chasers, but the Ilvermorny seeker, holding up the snitch already. He sighed, shaking his head to loosen the build of up snow before touching back down with the rest of the team. "Well, at least we can warm up now," he offered mildly, giving Hugo a gentle pat on the back.
Mykaela lightly got mad that she hadn't managed to keep Micha safe but it was fastly over when he caught the quaffle and Mykaela celebrated to him loudly. They won! They were going to play against Hogwarts!
Reeve spotted the Ilvermorny Seeker clutching the snitch. "Ilvermorny wins!" his voice boomed across the pitch to the celebrating crowd. His breath puffed out as he spoke. The flurries had remained steady through the game, so he was sure everyone was happy to head inside. Reeve began cleaning the pitch as the celebrations continued.

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