Quidditch catch-up.

"Ohh," Harri said smiling, "She sounds nice," she said laughing at the fact that he had only told her her name and age and she already said she seemed nice.
"To dancing!" she said smiling before taking a long swig.
"So what you going for a tux or dress robes?" she asked.

((OKay, I actually :wub: :wub: your knew play by :D))
Sam smiled, "Yes. Shes lovely." He said honestly. That was the only thing he was looking forward to about the dance. He was dancing with Jenn. Sam almost spit out his butterbeer, "I completely for-" He swallowed the last bit in his mouth, "forgot about that. Where am I supposed to get them." He put his hand through his hair out of stress.

((Thanks...it was quite a democracy on Spam :r: ))
(( :lol: well I looove Zac Efron ^_^ ))

Harri smiled "Good," she said, contently sipping on her butter beer.
"Woah there," she said laughing as he seemed a bit taken a back, "Don't you have any?" she asked, "Well the shops in town..." she suggested, "Hang on do you want a tux or robes?" she asked, a plan in mind.
Sam shook his head and said like it was supposed to be obvious that he hadn't got one. "No!" He frowned. Harri explained the shops were in town...that would mean he would have to go shopping. Sam was useless at this. The only girls he knew that liked shopping were Jenn and Toni. Jenn couldn't see him because...well that would ruin everything and if he went with Toni that'd be just awkward.

Sam then shrugged, "I dunno...robes sound a bit lame." Sam laughed at the idea. He had a strange image of robes in his head. "Definetly a tux." Then he looked at himself, "Would they really have one my size?" Sam was quite tall, he had long legs but that was it he wouldn't stand out from a crowd or anything. He didn't think they supplied Tux's in small sizes.
"A tux, great!" Harri said her eyes lighting up. "My cousin Tommy, he was similar size to you. He has millions of tux!" she said happily.
"If your interested I mean he has like worn it before, so if you want something new then.. you know," she said, wondering whether Sam would actually take one of them. She hoped he would, Tommy only wore them all about once before growing out of them.
"I mean I think he has like all different shades of black and grey," she said shaking her head and laughing.
Sam was actually relieved when Harri mentioned about her cousin. "Seriously? Cause that would be wicked." The idea of not having to go and shop for one thrilled him. "Hmm...well will he mind. Giving it to a stranger and all?" Sam hoped he wouldn't mind. This Tommy guy would be a real life-saver.
Harri smiled, "Course not, he never wears them anyway!" she said laughing. "In fact I'll just get my dad to send it over, skip out hte whole asking process," she said winking. "What colour were you thinking?" she asked.
Sam stuck up both his thumbs and had a wide grin showing his teeth. "Umm...I was thinking maybe black. If thats alright?" Sam asked politely, he was just getting a free tux. He had to be nice about it. "Have you got your dress?" He knew girls bought there dresses in advance, but he wasn't so sure Harri was that type of girl. She didn't seem it. But he couldn't be sure.
Harri smiled, "Black it is!" she said laughing, "Do you have a tie and shirt and everything?" she asked, she was pleased she could help Sam out. He seemed like a good kid and she wanted his first yule ball to be perfect.
"Strange as it sounds, Alex said he was going to make me a dress," she siad laughing, "Not quite sure how thats going to turn out, I should really have one on hold shouldn't i?" she said shaking her head. LAst year she had decided what she was wearing on the night but first year she had gone all out, sure it had been shopping the day before but still it was shopping!
Sam shook his head guiltily. "No..sorry.." He was twelve he didn't have such clothes. Then Sam laughed, "Alex? Is making you a dress." He blurted out wondering what was going through Alex's mind. "You sure trust him." Sam added but stopped laughing after a while, "It probably would be a good idea to have backup. Though what exactly brought this up...I don't mean to be nosey. But what idea came into his head to make you a dress?" It still puzzeled Sam, for one he couldn't imagine a boy making a dress and secondly couldn't imagine Alex making a dress.
Harri smiled, "Thats fine," she said, making a mental note of what she would get him. "Shoes?" she asked grinning.
Harri laughed, "Yeah or I'm just an idiot," she said shaking her head. "Oh I don't know," she sighed shaking her head, "When I said I wasn't going he tried to pursuade me, making a dress seemed to be part of his persuasive technique," she said laughing, "I thought it was a joke but clearly not," she added rolling her eyes slightly. Her mind flicked to the dresses in her wardrobe, she had a couple that she could wear to the ball if all went wrong, she knew how hard it was to make a dress and however much faith she had in Alex she knew that with the ball fast approaching there wasn't time to make a dress.
When Harri mentioned shoes Sam gave her a pleading look, "I was just thinking of wearing my converse." He said and shovled his black converse on the grass. "I mean, I can barely dance in these never mind shoes." Sam shuddered at the thought.

"It should be quite an interesting turnout." Sam said with a little laugh. "I'll look out for you there." Sam promised her. He was also planning on thankiong her on the night aswell so he would definitely see her.
Harri laughed, "Sam if I'm not allowed to wear my converses, your not allowed to wear yours," she said grinning, "What shoe size are you?" she asked, she was sure she could dig something up for him.
"thanks for the vote of confidence Sam," she said laughing and shaking her head. "No you won't be looking for me, you'll be having as much fun as possible with...Jenna," she said pausing to make sure she got the name right. "OKay?" she said her eye brows raised.
Sam sighed, "No way! The tux is annoying as it is. No way am I wearing shiney shoes." Sam said the last two words with distaste. "Yeah..well...we'll see. I'll find a way to thank you and also to tease you." he winked though he was completely joking.
"Fine then. I'm wearing my coverses too," Harri said grinning and nodding her head. To be honest she knew she probably wouldn't, afterall she had some amazing new shoes in her wardrobe but she wasn't going to let him know that.
Harri laughed, "Oh really? You better be careful else I'll give you ankle swingers. Then I'll be teasing you," she joked winking back. "And seriously you don't need to thank me, I couldn't have you going in jeans now could I?" she said winking and ruffling his hair a little.
Sam laughed, "Okay then. Converses all the way!" He joked, but he was still going to wear his. A smile spread across his face as he was victorious. "Well..I mean...I have black jeans." He said cheekily. Though to him the jeans would have looked better, but everyone would be looking at him and most likely laughing. It was best going with the Tux.
Harri laughed, shaking her head she said firmly, "No way mr. Your wearing a whole tux. Even the shoes," she said grinning. She would find out his shoe size somehow and get him an awesome pair of shoes to go with the suit.
"You never told me what shoe size are you again?" she said laughing.
Sam squinted at her playfully. "Your bloody evil, you are!" He said, his british accent was strong. Sam then laughed, "I am not falling for that trick." Sam said, though he knew he would have to tell her eventually.

[What shoe size do 12 year old boys have? :)) ]
((Sorry I took so long to replie! :doh:
And hmm I'd say about 6? I dont know I havent spoken to a 12 year old boy in forever! :p ))

Harri laughed, "Oh your a fellow Brit?" she said happily, hearing his strong accent. "Where abouts you from?" she asked, her south London accent strong.
"Ahh come on Sam,I just want you too look your best!" she said smiling innocently.
((Okay thanks :lol: ))

"I'm from London. Born and rared there. But I now live her with my uncle. What about you. I recognised your accent the minute I spoke to you." He laughed. Sam scowled playfully, "I'm a six.." Sam tapped his foot impatiently, "I'm gunna look like a complete **** because of you!" Sam accused while fighting to hold back laughter.
((Haha anytime ^_^ ))

Harri grinned, "Yeah it never seems to weaken," she said scratching her head. "Oh I used to live right near london, moved out to kent now though," she said shaking her head.
"Perfect," she said smiling happily, "I am offended Sam, your going to look absoloutely amazing because of me. You would have looked like a **** if it wasn't for me," she joked laughing. "Come on I'm sure your going to love the nice shiney shoes," she said laughing.

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