Quidditch catch-up.

Sam Prince

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Silver Thistle
Sam lazed about in his dorm. He had been to the Quidditch Pitch with his new Emerald Streak twice today. He drummed his fingers impatiently on the windowsill beside his bed. The sun was still up and shining, the clouds were wispy..it was perfect. Sam sighed and grabbed his Quidditch Magazine and walked slowly down to the grounds.

Once he got there he decided to go to the gardens. The mermaids and merman in the lake bugged him a lot, the lawn was just plain boring on your own. He hadn't spent as much time in the gardens since the beginning of the year. He sat on a free bench with his feet lounged along the side of it he opened his magazine and began to read. Soon he was completely entranced by the Quidditch World and was oblivous to his surrondings.
Harri boucned out into the gardens, lately she was feeling so happy and she knew there was only one reason for it, and he was the one thing she thought she could never have.
Her red hair shone in the sun as her high waisted skirt flapped a little in the wind. She was still underweight from her relapse a few weeks ago but she was starting to look healthier, her face was glowing and she had a permanant smile on her face.
As soon as she entered the gardnes she regretted not bringing her sketch pad, the day was perfect and it would have been a great scene to capture on paper. As she walked quietly, her plimsolls only scratching the ground occasionally, she saw a boy sitting on a bench. He looked to be about first year and she was feeling friendly, she walked over "Hey," she said grinning, "Ah Quiditch, good choice," she said sitting beside him and peering into the magazine. "Which broom do you thinks the best?" she asked, seeing a picture of her own broom. "Oh I'm Harri by the way," she added smiling.
Sam managed to pull his eyes from the magazine, it was an older student. He didn't recognise her. Sam nodded, "Its the only thing I really read." he admitted while laughing. This girl seemed friendly so Sam would act so in return. "Hmm...." he bit his lip. "Definitely the Streaks. I got one for my birthday yesterday!" he said excitedly, he was still shocked with his present. Harri. Sam had to try an remember that name. "I'm Sam Prince. First year Hufflepuff. What house are you in?" he asked her.
Harri grinned, "Me too," she said laughing, reading was something she never really got into. She prefered to do something more active. "No way!" she said her mouth formed a small 'o', "Thats awesome! What does she fly like?" she asked curiously, she hadn't ever ridden a streak before but she knew they were meant to fly like a dream.
"Nice to meet you Sam," she said, "Ahh a Puff," she said winking, "Don't suppose you know Alex Cullen?" she was going to add 'the one who dressed in a pink bikini', but thought better of it. "I'm third year Gryffindor," she said smiling.
Sam widened his eyes, "She is awesome! To the extreme! I have been at the quidditch pitch all day!" he said sheepishly. Sam chuckled at the 'Puff. He didn't take it to heart when people made jokes like that, in fact he laughed along with them. It didn't bother him at all.

Sam nodded when she mentioned Alex, "Yeah. We had a pillow fight once." He trailed off, that was how he met Alex. Third Year Gryffindor. Sam also tried to log that in. "So what do you fly on?" He asked, then wondered if she even had a broom or just used the school brooms.
"Mate I would have been too," Harri said laughing, her South London accent once again sounding strong.
Harri shook her head, "Sounds about right," she said laughing gently.
"Mines a firebolt," she said smiling, "Its still pretty awesome, she flies well so I'm happy," she said happily, her uncle had bought it for her and it meant alot to her. "So I'm guessing your aceing flying?" she asked smiling, she was beginning to like Sam.
Sam nodded, "Firebolt. Sweet!" Sam had got his job in Quaility Quidditch Supplies in the summer and could see that the Firebolt and Sienna Storm were both very popular brooms. Sam then shrugged, "Kinda...well me and the rest of the class who played Quidditch before." he laughed. Those who hadn't played Quidditch obviously had to work at it. But Sam had been plpaying from a very young age and was quite used to the whole thing. "Its a pity Flying is only for First Years.." Sam said sadly. He would have loved to have done it all the way up.
Harri laughed, she loved it when the first years got excited about flying. It reminded her of herself, "Yeah it is a pity, but you can always go flying whenever you want! The pitch is usually free!" she said smiling, "What position do you play?" she asked curiously.
Sam nodded, that was always a plus. He could go flying without restrictions. "I play chaser. I hope to play for the Chudley Cannons once I'm done here." Sam said, he was eager for his dream. "What do you want to do when you leave?" he asked Harri.
"I'm a chaser too! Best position I think," Harri said laughing. "Wow, thats a big dream to have," she said smiling, "Better keep up the flying and work hard too. It's always good to keep your options open," she said laughing gently, she was never acadmic. Never had been and she had come to accept she never would be, but she tried her best and thats really all you could do. But encourging the firsts years to do good was something she thought had to be done, "You know what I have absoloutely no idea, I don't want to do anything boring. I need something a bit more active me," she said laughing, right now she couldn't think of anything that really appealed to her. Her own buissness would probably suit her best, "So how's first year treating you? Hope your not getting into trouble," she said winking.
Sam smiled, "Yup. It really is. You get really stuck in when you're a chaser." Sam then shrugged it was a big dream, but he would make sure he would get it. He was going to do everything in his power to get to it.

"Yeah...boring like being a professor." Sam laughed, he didn't know why anyone would want to be a professor. Being in a stuffy classroom all day. "First year is awesome. Everyone here is great." Sam said to her, "I am really enjoying it." He never enjoyed anything as much. Sam then put his tongue between his teeth, "Not too much trouble." he laughed. He had a talk with his head of house two times already. But it was nothing too bad. "This ball is kinda creeping me out though." Sam could imagine it.
"Eww," Harri siad laughing, "I could never be a professor," she said honestly, she couldn't wait to leave school. Why on earth would she want to come back when she could finally escape?
"Good, everyone treating you good?" she asked, though she couldn't really imagine anyone not getting on with Sam he seemed confident enough to talk to a third year girl so he seemed pretty sorted.
Harri laughed, "Good, and try to keep it that way. You don't want to be slaving away in detention do you?" she said laughing, her motto was don't get caught but she wasn't sure whether that was an appropriate thing to say right now.
"Seriously? how comes? The balls usually pretty awesome," she said smiling. "You got a date yet?" she asked grinning.
Sam laughed at her reaction, that was what he thought. "Yup. Everyone is really great here thanks." Sam appreciated the fact that Harri seemed to look out for him. He liked her, almost like an older sister. WHich was great to have as he was an only child.

"I have a date." Sam said, "I have no idea how to dance though.." Sam admitted. He wanted to make this night perfect for Jenn what with her dying brother. It would ruin everything as he couldn't dance. Then he got it! Almost like a lightbulb was switched on. Sam took a breath. "Harri?" he turned to her. "Will....will you teach me? I need to make this night perfect for her. I'd be such an idiot falling all over her toes." Sam said almost too quickly, just to get the asking over with. Now he had to wait for her answer. Sam regretted asking her now, she'd probably say no to him.
"Awesome, if you ever have any trouble. Just let me know and I'll sort em out," Harri said laughing, her voice sounded jokey but she kind of wasn't. She already looked at Sam as an almost little brother, they seemed to have a bit in common and he seemed like a pretty cool guy.
"Well thats the first hurdle out the way," she said smiling, though really it was quiet bad how the first years could get dates and she couldn't. Last year she had gone on her own but she wasn't sure if she was up for that this year. "Dancing?" she repeated, "Well I'm not the best but I can teach you the basics," she said laughing, she smiled when he siad he wanted to make the night perfect for the girl he was going with, most boys wouldn't care about that and she thought it was sweet he did. "Only if you promise not to fall over my toes," she joked winking at him.
"Rightio ho come on then," she said standing up, "You ready for your first dance lesson?" she asked grinning.
Sam looked up as she stood up. He smiled to her, now? He swallowed hard, though it seemed no one was looking. "Okay but I can't make no promises.." he laughed a little, some out of nervousness. "Thanks for doing this though.." Sam said meaningfully. "I haven't really dance before though...so...I'm slightly." Sam paused to think of the best word. "Dangerous." Sam chuckled though there was a serious edge to his voice.
"Ah come on, I love a bit of danger," Harri said trying to make him calm down a bit. "Right first thing you need to do is relax, else you'll get all fidgety and start stepping on toes and such," she said smiling and taking a few breaths hoping he would copy.
"Right now put one hand on my waist," she said planting his hand on her waist, "And then hold my hand in yours," she said demonstrating again, "Right thats the hands done okay, and don't like squeeze her death okay. Just gentle," she said smiling.
Sam was a bit unsure about the whole waist thing, but his hand seemed to be forced on. You asked for this.. Sam reminded himself. But he shock off those thoughts, he was doing this for Jenn. He looked at both his hands and remembered them. He let go of her hand and of her waist and did it himself again, "Got it. Hands done." he then looked stubbornly at his feet in his rugged converse.
Harri laughed, "And the next thing you need is a bit of confidence," she said, "Which I'm sure you have bags of," she said smiling. "Just, actualy," she said stopping for a second, "You have to lead," she said laughing, "So I take a step back first..." she murmed to herself, "Right I'm confusing myself now," she laughed shaking her head. She closed her eyes and pictured herself dancing, luckily she was quite agile from all the gymnastics she did but she was never the best dancer at the ball. "Yup thats one step back for me, then side then back for you," she said demonstrating, "And I mean thats pretty simple, if you can remember that your basically sorted," she said nodding.
Sam sighed, he hated this already. When she said that he would have to lead, his stomach twisted. "Ah...I forgot about that." He muttered. Sam watched her with great confusion. One step, side, back, one step, side, back. He repeated in his head. He would try and lead now. He inhaled deeply and took one step, which was done sucessfully. Side. No back. No wait side. he bickered in his head. He ended up doing a kind of diagnol step tripping over his lace a tad also. "I hate this." he said, though he was going to keep trying. No matter how much he hated it.
Harri laughed gently, "Thats not the right attitude to have," she joked shaking her head, "Seriously though that was good for a first try," she said nodding, "It all gets in a bit of a muddle at first but soon you'll be dancing like..." she paused trying to think of the right comparison, "Like a..Prince," she said laughing.
"Maybe try it without me there blocking you," she said dropping his hand and stepping back, "Just do the steps on your own,"
Sam laughed, "Ha! Yeah right." That was the worst first try ever. He then smiled to her slightly, "Yeah like in about five years." he said gloomly. Okay snap out of it! He told himself. You can do this. He usually told himself this when he played quidditch. It worked sometimes.

Sam nodded slowly, "Okay? So its back- no forward, side, back? Forward, side, back. Right?" he asked her. He raised his hands as if a person was there and placed his hand where her hip should be and put his hand out grasping the air. He took one step forward. One to the side, he reminded himself. He took one to the side and one back. "Alright." Sam said nodding his head. "Wasn't so bad. Though I still hate dancing." Sam reassured her, lightheartedness in his voice.
"No not in five years, right now," Harri said firmly a smile on her face.
"Right!" she said nodding as he said the steps, "See that was awesome," she said walking over and ruffling his hair in a true sisterly fashion. "Oh of course you do, your far to macho to like dancing," she said rolling her eyes and laughing. "Well I think you've done pretty good for a first lesson," she said, "So now for a reward," she said pondering for a moment, "Oh got it," she said her eyes lighting up. "Accio two cauldron cakes and two bottles of butterbeer," she said flicking her wand. A few moments later the required things came, "Here you are, one of my own homemade ones," she said laughing and handing him first the cake then the butterbeer.
Sam smiled at himself as Harri ruffled his hair, that lesson was alright. But he was dancing with himself which didn't give him that much credit. "Thanks." he said to her as she said it wasa good lesson. "Your an awesome teacher."

When she summoned the cakes and butterbeers. He beamed brightly. "You rock!" he pushed her shoulder playfully. "Thanks" he took the cauldron cake and took a small bit of it. "These are awesome. I suck at cooking." he laughed.
"Ah no your just a quick learner," Harri said laughing.
"but you wouldn't if you came to cooking club," she said winking, she was suprised that she had had some boys sign up for the club. In previous years it had just been girls.
"So whos this girl your taking to the ball?" she asked grinning.
Sam shook his head, "Nah! After what you've just seen? No way!" he laughed. Sam smiled when she asked who he was taking the ball, "Jenna Wilkonson. Shes in Hufflepuff aswell, 1st Year." Sam said happily and took a sip out of the butterbeer, but stopped quickly. "W-wait! To dancing?" He grinned and held his bottle up for a toast.

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