Closed Quidditch Air

Padme Hume

class of 2055 ; Mākutu Dinette Waitress
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
not certain
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
5/2037 (20)
Padme hadn’t been enjoying the semester much, it had been nice to go to the ball with Jace but there were just so many things she wasn’t enjoying, primarily that she just found herself without so many friends. She didn’t need to be popular but it would be nice to just have more. She didn’t have the same friendship groups that she’d witnessed others in her year having formed, or the sort of close bonds with people that they could have. She’d been thinking quite a lot about maybe taking a transfer, spending a year at one of the other magical school, maybe leaving a coming back would give her better confidence with friends. It just didn’t seem like a smart more, she had a job here at the mall. She liked that. The teen was wondering the grounds and ended up at the quidditch pitch. She didn’t fly, she wasn’t that interested in that. But she liked coming to the games, watching slytherin beat the french team had been nice to watch. Her gaze just remained on the pitch, just watching it quietly.
Hattie knew that she wasn't the best player on the quidditch team. She wasn't the fastest or had the best coordination, but she tried her best and she liked to think that was all that mattered. She wanted to make her father and her aunt proud and so that was why she had signed up for quidditch at the beginning of the year. It was something that she thought could make them closer, especially since Hattie was beginning to have a hard time with the fact she was adopted and not actually related to her parents like many other people in her grade. She used to think being sorted into Ravenclaw was enough, but even then, there were still many things that differentiated her from her father. With this in mind, Hattie took up her free time to practice quidditch on her own. She enjoyed the team practices, but she thought that doing it on her own would be more worthwhile, especially since she could take it at her own pace.

Hattie had the quaffle tucked under her arm as she did laps around the pitch, focusing on her speed and how fast she could get holding the quaffle. She had been doing this for a while until she noticed a classmate down on the ground, just looking around and potentially observing Hattie's every move, which the Ravenclaw couldn't help but find intimidating. Curious, Hattie slowly began to descend. Padme didn't play quidditch and so she wondered what she was up to. "Hey." she said as she dismounted her broom nearby. "It's a nice day for it, isn't it? Do you play?" Hattie gestured to the quaffle she was holding, wondering if maybe the girl played outside of school.
Padme wasn’t really paying that much attention to the pitch or who was on it. It just was like watching people play in a game. But her mind wasn’t really on that, more focused on things which had happened in the year, on developments in her life, on letting the air move around her as her mind thought. She was a little surprised when the girl spoke. One of the people who’d been flying. She knew her, they were in the same year group, and she knew that hattie worked with her brother on Accio. She’d never really had a conversation with her but she knew of her. At the questions she realised that maybe the girl had thought that she was watching her play, rather than just staring. She felt herself blush lightly, and shook her head, ”No, I guess I was looking for a place to think and this seems like where my feet took me,” she admitted with a little shrug. ”How long have you been playing for?” she was sure Hattie was on the quidditch team too, but she couldn’t say for sure. She wasn’t very good at remembering the teams and who was on it. None of her family were on any teams, and since she lacked friends it was easy to say but none of her friends were on teams either.
Hattie nodded as the girl admitted that she was just thinking and her feet had just taken her there. Hattie often found herself lost in her thoughts too, so she could definitely understand that. "Don't worry, that happens to me sometimes too." Hattie admitted reassuringly. "What were you thinking about if you don't mind me asking? I often find myself thinking about what could be. Like where I could be right now, where I could be if I was famous or if I was a creature rather than a human. Do you have similar thoughts?" Hattie knew she had a wild imagination and hoped this didn't mean the girl would think she was weird. At the girl's question, Hattie shrugged. "Not long really. I only started playing this year because I thought it would be fun. It is fun, I guess, but I'm not very good, so I try not to involve myself too much in games. But I want to get better so that's why I'm here." Hattie explained to her. "You should have a go at quidditch. How come you never have?"
Padme nodded lightly and gave a little reassured smile. She knew she did it often enough and was good to know that she wasn’t the only one. ”I wasn’t thinking about that,” there was slight amusement in her tone as she said it, Hattie seemed to have a wider imagination than she did. ”I was thinking about DADA, you know those classes we've been having,” She was sure that she wasn’t the only one thinking about it. It was just a lot less fun than what Hattie had suggested she might be thinking about. She thought it was interesting that Hattie had decided she would try her hand at quidditch and then just done it. ”I’m sure you’re good, the last few games haven’t lasted too long,” she’d gone to a few and they hadn’t always last enough time for people to really be able to do anything. ”I used to do a lot of sports before Hogwarts, I guess I just never got into quidditch. Didn’t really try it.” she said. Maybe it would be good to try it. But she also wasn’t sure. Maybe just to start flying that would be enough. ”Were you good at flying before you tried out?” she asked, ”or like confident with your flying?”
Hattie listened as Padme told her about what she was actually thinking. Those DADA classes were a little bit unsettling, but Hattie knew that it had to be done and she wasn't about to argue with the Slytherin Head of House because she thought it wasn't right. "I get what you mean, but at least we'd know what to expect if it were to actually happen." Hattie shrugged, knowing that soon the lessons will be over and then they'd be able to move on. It baffled Hattie that Padme watched Quidditch a lot but hadn't ever thought of joining. Quidditch was the main sport at Hogwarts and they even did flying lessons in their first year, so Hattie was a little bit shocked at that. "Oh, I wasn't good at all." Hattie told Padme, answering her question. "My aunt is a professional quidditch player and she bought me a child's broomstick when I was younger. I think she and my father both expect me to do well, but I'm just not as good as the others and I don't even know how I got in." Hattie hated the ongoing pressure but knew that her father was only just trying to support her. She wanted to be good at it but it was mostly for her father than anyone else. "What sports did you play before Hogwarts?" Hattie asked her curiously.
Padme nodded and gave a half shrug, it wasn’t an incorrect point it just didn’t make Minnie feel any better about what had happened. What they had been shown. She wasn’t really sure how to feel about it. She wasn’t sure why they had to learn them or why they had needed to be shown them. Professor styx was usually the lecture kind of guy but this had been more. ”I think it’s the fact it could happen that makes it a little worse. Sure, it means you know what to expect but they are still pretty horrible,” she gave a half shrug. She wasn’t sure she ever wanted to encounter them again but there were little defenses against it. She knew that in a few days she’d have moved on from thinking about it, but it was just fresh in her mind right now. She listened as hattie went on to answer Padme’s question and she was thankful for the switch in conversation, this would be way easier. She nodded, ”That’s cool,” she was sure that Hattie had to be good to get on the team. ”you must be better than you think or you wouldn’t be on the team,” she told her. But nodded, ”I played football and tennis, but also did a lot of cycling, not really competitively just, long distance,” she said. ”Did you play anything else before Hogwarts?”

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