Quick, before she goes crazy!

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Lianna Rayne

Active Member
OOC First Name
This is Lianna *character curtsies*

She is a first year gryffindor, but has no plottage. This was a friends character, but is now mine (MINE MWA HA HA!).
Lianna is nice, she tries to do the right thing, etc etc. She is essentially a goody-good, but she has a rebel side which is yet to be discovered :r

I'm looking for friends, enemies, mentors, boyfriends, and all that jazz.
I'm also looking for a sort of adoptive family. Lianna's family "hate" her, and she has two very competitive older sisters. Her family are travelling a lot, and never have time for her.

Anyone interested, please reply!

EDIT: I would love someone to RP for Lianna's elder sister! Anyone want to make her?

Scarlett (you may change name if you wish) Rayne
She is fifteen years old.
She is a model
Her PB is Leighton Meester
She is a cruel, manipulative, spoilt b1tch.
She loves shopping and girly stuff.
She ALWAYS gets her own way.
She hates Lianna.
She is a witch, and attends Beauxbatons

Darl could probably be her mentor? He's a pretty cool guy, easy to get along with, a little bookworm, but he keeps things balanced in his life for the most part. He could be willing to teach her stuff, and any other idea's you may have. ^_^
I can offer chihiro... As ummm anything xD
I need to RP with her so bad :cry:
Caysi: Cool :) Lianna would write to her a lot and they would become pretty close.

Hamza: Lianna doesn't do very well at school, so Darl could probably help with that. She doesn't give a toss whether she does well in school or not, but mainly because she doesn't understand the work. It takes Lianna a long time to understand things xD Darl would be a friend for Lianna too?

Sally: Chihiro could be a possible friend?
Darl has pretty good patience, so I don't think it will be a problem for him. As for being friend's, I don't see why not. :) They can be friends, but on a secondary basis, because Darl will be more of a mentor first hand due to him helping her and he would want some positive results back in return.
sure... Chihiro's a lil rock headed and is proud being Japanese so she'll kick anyone who insult her race..
She never really care about anything else except her family... but she's nice... xD

wanna start?

I can Offer you Elijah Tine as a friend. Possible crush.

Elijah Tine is a super friendly and kind guy who is very forgetful and at times a little self centred. He loves music more than anything and is never often caught without his guitar. He acts quite hyper and crazy, but is a nice guy who is just trying to get by.
Alrighty :) do you want to start sending her letters? And I'll reply? We could just say that Caysi told her before school started again that she would be taking her in? Not to sure, what do you think? :)
Sally: I'll start a topic now ^_^

Mel: YAY! :woot:

Emzies: I can see Elijah being a friend, and possibly Lianna would have a crush on him.

Caysi: I'll start a topic in the owlery :D
So... um... you forgot about Darl. :r
Alright, cool. :D
I'm not too sure, I'll figure it out when I'm at home, I'll reply back on here :)
Well, I finally got Darl's name change approved, so he's known as Sirius Snape now. :p
Hey I have Makaylah here who could be a friend :p she needs least one or two, her biography posted I think above my banner so your welcome to see how she acts like and stuff
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