Open Queue for Quidditch

Édelie de la Mora

Lifestyle Influencer ✨💋 | Beaux 2054 Grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Married (Pansexual)
Sexual Orientation
Curved 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Laurel Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
26 (05/2036)
Édelie was happy to be on vacation with her familing, but she did enjoy getting a few hours away from the chaos. The house was completely full with her immeadiate family as well cousins, aunts and uncles, and grandparents - it was all very overwhelming. She had told her mother that she would be headed to pick up a few things from the market for dinner, but in reality, she was just going to window shop for a while before going back to the noise. She felt like she was just gliding through Beauxbatons and recently had been considering trying out for the Quidditch team when they went back to school. She was still unsure about the commitment, but she figured she would either be cut or considered an alternate if things went well anyway. As she walked down the harbour, she stopped in front of the window of Quality Quidditch Supplies and admired the brooms. She had one at home that she had gotten a while ago, and it flew fine. However, if she made the team, maybe her father would consider purchasing her a new one as a gift. She crossed her arms and took a few steps closer so she was out of the walking path and looked at the different models, trying to decide if it was even worth going inside.

@Archer Thompson
Archer didn't mind being home in New Zealand, although the fact that he wouldn't be getting back to school in France when the break was over still hadn't really come through. The fact that he was still calling it the break when in reality it wasn't even a break for him anymore only proved that. Now that he was here and he figured he'd stay here a little while untill he was sure of which country he wanted to live in he certainly was going to make the most of it. Since he'd missed his sisters birthday because at school he figured he could still get her a present two months later, which is why he had made his way over to obsidian harbour. Now that she was all into playing quidditch he figured there was only one shop that'd be most suitable to get a present for her. As he neared the shop though he was surprised to notice a familiar face outside, especially since he didn't really know a lot of people around here. "Well, fancy seeing you here." Archer smiled as he crossed his arms and leaned at the shop window right next to here. He didn't know Édelie very good, but he did know her so he obviously wasn't going to give up the opportunity to have a little chat, mostly still surprised to come across her in New Zealand.
Édelie was surprised to hear a voice behind her and turned to see Archer. Being that school was all the way in France, it felt weird seeing a familiar face around. She didn't know him too terribley well, but Beauxbatons wasn't very large so you kind of knew of everybody. That was one of the things she liked about. She tapped her foot and smiled. "What a small, small world. What in the world are to Frenchies doing meeting up in New Zealand?" she asked with a laugh. She was French, but she also had a lot of family in Spain and realized that maybe he had family in another country. Students from all over came to school in France. She brushed down the skirt of her dress and crossed her arms as she turned back to the window for a moment, eyeing one of the Firebolts.
Archer could tell the girl was as surprised to see someone from school here in New Zealand as he was. Although their surprise might still be slightly different from one another. He lived here after all, wasn't used to running in to other beauxbatons students here. He was pretty sure Édelie didn't live here, thinking it possible that she was just here on a trip or something. "Well I, for one, live here in New Zealand." He replied with a light tone and a short laugh. "You on the other hand, I figure you're on holiday? Or do you have family here?" He didn't think he'd ever come across another student here in the seven years he was a student at the school himself. Even if those seven years had only recently come to an end. "Planning on trying out for the team?" Archer asked curiously after noticing her eyeing the broom. He knew there were quite a couple of team members who had graduated with him so there certainly had to be space on the team for new players.
Édelie shrugged with her trademark devious smile and looked at the boy. "Both?" she joked. "Nah, I'm here on vacation with my family. I split my time between Spain and France, but this place is beautiful. I had never been until last year." She was definitely enjoying herself so far, even if there were a lot of people to talk to every single moment of every day. She enjoyed how it was always warm here, at least to her, since they were in the southern hemisphere. Even though it was winter, she still felt comfortable without a jacket. When the boy asked her if she was going to tryout for the team, she paused as to think. It was something she wanted to do, but she felt weird about suddenly trying out in her sixth year. However, she knew that a lot of students had graduated last year which made her feel more confident in the success rate of getting on the team. She had never had a real conversation with Archer, but she was the type of person to talk to somebody like she had known them for years and hoped he didn't think she was providing too much information. "Maybe! I need a new broom and want to break it in before school starts again. Do you have any tips for me?" she asked in a teasing tone. She couldn't remember if the boy had ever been on the team, but most wizards seem to have some knowledge of the sport.
Archer nodded when Édelie mentioned being in the country on holiday, which was what he had figured. Even though it had been ages ago he could very well remember the first time he got to new zealand, how pretty he had found it when he first laid eyes upon the country. "Don't think you could've chosen any better country. Although I might be biased." He smiled, perhaps a bit more proud to live in the country than he normally let on. Especially now he was struggling so much with for how long he was going to stay and if he ever wanted to move back to france. "You should go for it." Archer nodded when she mentioned perhaps trying out for quidditch. He wasn't exactly sure how old Édelie was because he didn't know her that well, but she'd at least have a year or two on the team if she tried out and made it. He'd seen others join the team that late in their time at school so if they could she could. "I mean I'm great at a lot of stuff, but definitely no expert when it comes to quidditch." He shot her one of his usual cocky smiles before peering into the window. He knew his sister had gotten a solid broom from his parents last year and he tried to remember which one it was, but to him they all just looked a lot alike. "I do have an eye for beauty though, and that one's definitely the prettiest broom." Archer joked, pointing at a smooth looking broom inside the shop. "Should count for something, right?"
Édelie agreed that New Zealand was beautiful. It definitely felt nicer most days than it did in the cold that Europe tended to offer. "Biased or not, it makes for a wonderful getaway." She was surprised when Archer encouraged her to tryout so quickly. She could have easily been a horrible flier who would embarass herself, and he would have been none the wiser. "Oh, not much of an athlete?" she asked, curiously. The boy was rather good looking, she had to admit. It would surprise her if he just naturally looked like that, and if so, it made her slightly jealous. It took her way too long in to get ready in the mornings to compete with all the girls at school. She was sure it was a lot easier when some of those girls were part-veela, but she tried to embrace the gifts she was given. She looked backed at the broom and saw the price in the window. It was a little out of her price range, but she thought she could possible convince her father to budge if she made the team. "I guess I'll have to take your word for it," she replied. "Did you come shopping for anything in particular today yourself, or are you just passing through?"
Archer smiled when she agreed new zealand was wonderful, he liked to think so himself for sure. He laughed at her next remark. "Not really cut out for quidditch is more like it." He laughed in response. He liked sports, enjoyed working out and he was a solid flyer but he wasn't much of a quidditch player. He enjoyed watching the sport a whole lot more than participating in it, although he had done his best to help his sister practice back at home. Even if he had helped their dad to learn her how to fly she already knew her way around a broom way better than he had at her age, but he wasn't going to admit that to others. "You might want to look into it's qualities though." Archer added, jokingly giving her a wink. "Beauty isn't everything after all." He had to admit the words might've sounded a bit hypocritical coming from him when he wasn't afraid to use his looks every now and then. He did mean it though. Even if he knew he looked good he would hate for people to make assumptions about him just based on that. "I was planning on getting my sister a belated birthday present." He smiled, looking back through the shop window. "She plays in her house team, so I figured something quidditch related would be the way to go."
Édelie was surprised to hear the boy didn't play quidditch but understood it wasn't for everyone. She nodded in agreement when he suggested a store to look at. "I'll probably talk to my parents about it and then come look with them." It would get her out of the house, and maybe she and her sister could go shopping afterwards. She was surprised to hear Archer refer to his sister playing on a house team, something they didn't have at Beauxbatons. "Oh, that's sweet. Where does she go to school?" she asked the boy. Her father's birthday was coming up in October, but that was the only thing even close enough to warrant looking into gifts. "Do you have an idea of what you are going to get her?"
Archer nodded at Édelie's response. Talking to her parents about the brooms and possibly taking them along seemed like a solid idea. Especially if they had any knowledge of which ones would be the best to use for quidditch. "She goes to Hogwarts." He smiled when she asked him about where his sister went to school, it being pretty clear that she didn't go to the same school as they did. Or well, he had and Édelie did. He was finished now after all, which still felt both weird and exciting to think about. He was sure he was going to miss it every now and then though. "Not a clue." Archer laughed at her next question. "I really haven't thought any further than something to do with quidditch yet." He said with a little shrug as he stared into the window again. He felt like he knew his sister pretty well but with her growing up it was difficult to keep track of what she did and did not like, which was why he had gone for quidditch. At least he knew she liked that. "What d'you get a fourteen year old chaser?" He looked back at Édelie, hoping that maybe she'd have an idea that could help him.
Édelie found it interesting that Archer's sister went to a school other than Beauxbatons. All of her family had attended the school in France on both sides. It would feel odd to go anywhere else. She gave him a grin when he suggested he was unsure what to get his sister for a gift. "Well," she said, crossing her arms flirtily, "if she has her own broom, you could get her a broom care kit. Maybe her own quaffle to practice with? I'm sure the shops have endless ideas." Édelie looked at Archer and pushed some hair behind her ear. At the same time, she realized they had been standing and talking for a while. She looked at the time on her watch and felt her heart stop for a moment. "Oh no," she started, readjusting the bag on her shoulder. "It was really great talking to you, but I'm going to be late for a family event." She gave Archer one last warming smile and started to head off. "It was really great to catch up. See you soon, I hope."

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