
Arisa Havishmen

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Rosewood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Arisa had sent a letter to Brodie asking him to meet her here. She knew that there was a huge chance he wouldn't show up, why would he? Arisa had a few questions to ask her... cousin. She hated the fact that she was related to Brodie, it made her skin crawl.
Brodie had been in his room, thinking about Derrik, as usual when he got an owl from, Arisa Havishmen. He was curious as to why she would want to talk to him, so he made his way down to the forest. Once he got there he found her waiting with an annoyed look on her face, "What the hell do you want?" he asked glaring looking at her with narrowed eyes.

Derrik was out on his random walk for the day. He was outside near the forest. He hadn't seen anyone around lately but boy was today different. With a quick glance he saw that Arisa was out in the forest talking to someone. Then again how could Derrik forget that voice..."Brodie..."

Derrik quickly hid out of site and stayed quiet. Yes so what, snooping is a bad thing and Derrik wasn't like this but...he was just curious as to why they were meeting. And of all places, why the forest?
Arisa glared at Brodie as he came into view, "Oh, what a great way to greet someone" she replied sarcastically. "i asked you here because I have a few questions, how long have you known were related? Wheres my dad? and why the hell do you have a crush on Derrik?" Arisa asked crossing her arms and leaning against the tree, she had added the last one just to make him uncomfortable.
Brodie rolled his eyes at her, same old Arisa. He stood there glaring at her as she asked her questions, but froze at her lest one, what the hell did that have to do with anything!? He considered just walking away for a few minutes before sighing, "I've always known, your dad is my uncle after all, as for where your father is, hes currently living in a house outside of obsidian harbor, but I suggest not going to find him, a mud blood like you wouldn't be welcomed" he replied, "and I will not answer your last question" he added, "Now are we done or do you want to ask some other pointless questions?"
Hes that close? Arisa thought worriedly, she didn't want to be anywhere near that man, why couldn't he just leave them alone. Arisa closed her eyes as they began to sting with tears slightly. Get a grip Arisa! she told herself before opening her eyes again. As long as Brodie was here why not have some fun? "Why wont you answer my question cuz? I can see why you would like him" she said walking over to where Brodie was so she was standing behind him, "He certainly is good looking, and strong, and sweet" she said, "and doesn't he have the softest lips? To bad you can never have him, you'll just have to live with the memory, that he didn't choose you" she added in a sweet voice with a smile.

Derrik couldn't believe what he was hearing. Why would Arisa be asking about what happened between him and Brodie? She knew that such a topic was like walking in a mine field. But Derrik couldn't help but laugh a bit. But after a while Derrik froze.

Brodie didn't answer the last question. Derrik was silent now. He kept a good idea because Arisa was getting a little too close. Derrik was ready to get up and strike at any moment needed.
Brodie was trying as hard as he could to block out what Arisa was saying, what the hell was she trying to do? Her last words really got to him though, she was right, Derrik hadn't chosen him, and he never would. Brodie clenched his hands into fists and turned to face Arisa. "Shut up you f*cking b1tch" he said before punching her in the mouth. f*ck, Edwards going to kill me he thought right away.

Did Derrik just hear those words...directed at Arisa? That was it. No one says anything like that, especially Arisa. Derrik came out from his hiding place.

"That's enough!" he roared. "I'd watch what you'd say if I were you."
Arisa cringed as Brodie's fist connected with her mouth. Just then Derrik popped out of no where, she wiped the blood away from her lips and glared at Brodie, "you'll pay for that brat" Arisa said.
Brodie jumped as Derrik came out of the trees Oh no, he heard that he thought blushing as he looked at Derrik. His chest tightened slightly and his stomach started flipping. "I-I" he said before running out of the forest so Derrik couldn't see his tears, he had to get away, it hurt to much.

Just as Derrik approached Arisa, Brodie was already running away. He knelt on one knee and checked on Arisa.

"Hey are you alright? I saw that hit. He had no right." He held out a hand to help Arisa up.
Arisa let Derrik help her up and smiled at him, "Well ya but I was kinda asking for it, that kinda thing really seems to bug him" she said looking to where he had run away, "I guess he really likes you" she added. Arisa sighed and held her hand up to her mouth again, before taking it away, there was less blood there this time, "I really dont want to explain this to mum"

Derrik couldn't help but laugh. Yeah it was true that Arisa was asking for it but that was just the way she was. Derrik kinda looked away when Arisa said that Brodie really does like him.
"As for your mom, just don't see her. It will go away within a few days. Just stray away from the hospital wing."

Derrik looked out into the open. A part of him wanted to run after Brodie but other side didn't want to.
"I can't just stay away from the hospital, my mom would get worried, and I have to tell her Edwards back in the country" Arisa said quietly.

"Well just make something up. Say you fell over. But it wasn't on purpose." Derrik smiled and almost laughed. Derrik still looked out off to were he ran.

"Arisa....wait here if you want but I need to get things settled. I'll be right back. If I don't return just meet me at the common room please." Derrik said. He had his hands curled up into fists and began walking after Brodie.

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