Closed Questions without answers.

Selene Le Fey

Twin, Seer, Teacher
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Bloodwood 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
27 (31/12/2035)
Selene was relieved. they had made it. she had completed her last OWL exam and now she had a few days left at school before going home for the break. after everything that had happened with her and nell she had returned to the old search she and hellia had been on for years. she had come to a conclusion but had kept putting asking the transfiguration professor if she was right off. while part of her wanted to know who her dad was part of her didn't want to. in the end she and hello had decided that they should at least ask. even if professor summers wasn't then he may know who was. or give them some hunch that their mum refused to tell them. she met her twin on the fifth floor corridor an old 2028 edition of the school year book in hand. if she needed proof it at least was something. she turned to her sister and grabbed her hand. something she used to do when she was nervous bu hadn't done for years. there was something about this conversation that had the potential to turn her life upside down and she had already. "are you ready" she whispered to her twin as they made their way towards the transfiguration professors offices.
she took a deep breath as she reached the door with a sign that read Professor A. Summers and knocked on the door. "Professor summers, would it be possible to ask you a couple of questions if you have a few minutes" she said. "we can come back later if you are busy" she added hastily. part of her wanting this excuse for an out.
The identity of their father was a sensitive topic that brought mostly tense arguments over dinner time at the Le Fey's household. Mostly between Heliana and their mother. Elia was always vocal in her desire to learn the truth about their biological father, something that intensified as she entered adolescence. Yet Selene's plan of straight on asking their number one suspect seemed a bit off to the blonde for many reasons. She had no idea how they would address this hot matter other than bluntly asking the professor Summers if he was their father, which sounded really awkward. At the same time, Elia never expected the man to be her father. It was just her intuition that denied it for some strange reason. Nevertheless, she was into this with Selene and she was about to do this with her today.

OWLs were over and now seemed the perfect time to pay a visit at the man's office. Elia squeezed Lena's hand reassuringly, as if she was trying to transmit courage to her sister but also to get some in return. "Well, here we are." She chimed under her breath as her sister knocked to office's door. A part of her wanted professor Summers to be out of his office. A part of her that wasn't the strongest.
"I'm not coming back later." Frowned Heliana and knocked the door as well.
"Let's get this over with." She said determined to her sister.
The best part of Hogwarts was certainly the end of the year. It wasn't that Aeon didn't enjoy teaching, he loved his job, but the holidays were the only time his family could be together again. It was difficult to go home to his husband, to have to be the one parent who saw their children every day, and fill him in on what he was missing out on. Watching them grow, and change. Their accomplishments, the friends they made. It was a lot, and he hurt for his partner who couldn't share in the experience. They were happiest together, as a family, and he cherished the small time they had.​
The end of the year, while the best part, was also the busiest. There was a lot involved in wrapping up the year, and Aeon did not have a lot of spare time. The man was sat at his desk, neck-deep in finalising the last of his work, when a knock came at the door. He spared a glance at the clock as he listened to Selene's voice through the wood, tapping his quill against the desk in a moment of silent consideration. Realistically he didn't have the time to spare, but surely a few minutes wouldn't hurt. He couldn't really say no to a student who needed to talk. "Sure, come inside, take a seat. Just give me a minute." Aeon called back. He opened the door with a wave of his wand, acknowledging Selene - and her sister, he now noticed - with a gesture toward the sofa. He only kept one chair on the opposite side of his desk for chats, and there wasn't enough room for the two of them on it.​
A minute later, as promised, he finished writing and set his quill down, moving to take a seat on the opposite couch to face them. "I'm all ears." He smiled, and for a brief few seconds he had furred, canine ears suddenly sprouting from the sides of his head. It was a fun little transfiguration for the animagus, who typically dealt with much younger students, who may have been more inclined to appreciate it more. He clasped his hands together. "What did you want to ask?"
Selene could tell that helia didnt want to be here. but it was her sister who had started the whole mission to find out their dad. and this had been her theory for a gew years now. and she had learned from her talk with nell that it was sometimes best to be open about things and to have all the information you could and not just hve theories. she had tried to ask her mum many times but she got nowhere. she was about to go when the door opened and professor summers came out he looked busy. there was papes on her desk she had forgotten that just because she had finished her exams didn't mean that the teachers had this few days off. no they had all of the exams to mark. and there was an actual swarm of first years this year. "thank you professor summers" she said forcingherself into the room and taking a seat on the sofa. do one thing each day that scares you the quote echoed around her head. a quote she had read somewhere or heard somewhere but she had long since forgotten where. probably something written by a Gryffindor. she was not a gryffindor. in some regards, it had taken her years to build up the courage to do this. and professor summers was not a scary professor. as could be seen by him sitting opposite them and turning his ears to that of a dog. "you went to school with our mum right?" she said not sure how to start the conversation. she couldn't just begin with the question that she wanted to ask. that would make the conversation awkward and she would not likely get any answers asking outright. "did you know her well?" she added actually asking a question that would get them some new information that she didn't already know from the yearbooks.
"I did, yes. We were in the same year." Aeon nodded, confirming that he had indeed gone to school with Elvera. He couldn't pick why that might warrant her children dropping in. This was clearly a more personal visit than an educational one. Was Elvera okay? He hadn't noticed anything off. He sat back in his seat, thinking back to life at Hogwarts when he was a teen while he pondered her question. "Well, we were a part of different social circles. I knew her as well as you'd know most of your classmates, I suppose. You get to know a lot about people when you live in the same castle as them for seven years, and you're bound to run into them from time to time, but we didn't really "hang out" all that much, as far as I can remember." He said. It was over two decades ago now, and while he didn't recall every interaction with her, Elvera had never been in his typical group of friends.​
Selene glanced at her sister urging her to say something. Helia had always been the best at communicatng. when they were younger Helia had almost done all of the communication with people but the years at Hogwarts had stopped her from being so shy. and the necessity to be with people outside of her family had really caused her to grow. it was times like these that she realised just how much growing she had done. it was helia who had set this mission, the search for their dad, in the first place. "hmm. so you knew her but not well" she summarised. this wasn't going the way she had hoped. not that she had thought about what she had hoped to achieve.
there were now two things she wanted to know. where was the first time he had met her mum? her mum had mentioned something about the north tower being where she had met her dad. which was how she had worked out it was someone who she had been at school with. but the other question seemed like it would give more answers. "how about after school? when you were both professors?" she asked. maybe things changed when he was the only familiar face among a new crowd and they were experiencing being professors together.
Aeon raised his hand, in a gesture that basically suggested Selene's summary was spot on. It had been a long time ago, now. He was still quite uncertain about the whole situation, and watched the two girls with a quizzical look, waiting for them to get to their point in their own time, as limited as his own was. "After school, hm. Again, we've gotten along as much as you would with any colleague. Your mother is a great person to sit down and have a chat and some tea with. Always has tea, that woman." He laughed. "You know, I actually met you both for the first time years ago, right here at the school. Your mother was having a picnic out on the lawn. You would have had to be, what, two? Three years old? Somewhere around that age." It was one of the few times he'd really had a chance to catch up with her. Perhaps he was about due for another. "Why do you ask?"
[[I had forgotten about that RP. and it seemed like i forgot abut it at the time too. whoops]]

Selene nodded as professor summers continued his explanation. it sort of made sense as to how she had seen them around in the castle. if they had ended up next to each other in the great hall they would talk, just as many other professors did. but they didn't go out of their way to spend time together. "yeah. she likes her tea. she says coffee and alcohol mess with her head too much. I think she sometimes reads peoples leaves after they go" she said. she had certainly gotten that impression a couple of times when she had been there and she had been sure not to think about this project she had when she was drinking. the next thing was news to her. she didn't know why, she knew her mum had taught when they were young. and they had come in and slept in her office or classroom some times when that happened but she hadn't thought much about it.
at the transfiguration professors next question she nudged @Heliana Le Fey with her elbow and looked at her the look the mirror of one that she had been at the receiving end of many times when they were children. a look that said are you going to say anything. are you going to do anything to help when i asked for support i meant you actually doing more than just sitting there, you were the one that started this whole search. she opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. she shut it again then thought of what she was going to say before she opened it again. "if we tell you do you promise to keep it a secret and not tell mum." she said. she knew Elvera didn't want them to know who their dad was. although she had never banned them from looking she had changed the topic every time they had brought it up. the little information they knew had been from eavesdropping or the odd side comment or observation that she was fairly sure had been long forgotten.
Until recently so did I

Aeon was sure he could understand why Elvera preferred the calming properties of tea over coffee and alcohol. He was no seer, yet he had to imagine neither were helpful for clarity of the inner eye, or sixth sense, whichever they called it. He did briefly have to wonder what his own tea leaves might have held, though it had been a long time since he'd attempted any divination. It hadn't been for him. He sat there, a little uncomfortable with the girls exchange, and the whole situation really. It seemed serious. When Selene asked him to keep a secret, he exhaled. "I promise. I won't let her know. Are you in any trouble?" He asked. If they were in some kind of danger, he absolutely had no intention to keep any kind of secrets, though that had to be the worst case scenario.​
Selene was trying to think of how she could tell professor summers why she and Helia were asking him. at the professors question she gave her twin one last harsh look before turning to the professor "no we are not in trouble, nothing like that" she said quickly. then thought. "well maybe with her if she finds out what we are trying to do." she said. she took a deep breath before she continued, "we are trying to find our dad." she said. "mum refuses to tell us anything about him. and the few things we know from eavesdropping or when she let things slip, or things we worked out all point to you" she said. she wondered if he would ask what things or if saying them out loud would make them seem like silly things that she had read too much into.
Aeon felt that for a moment he could relax. It didn't sound as if they were up to any real trouble. He hadn't given much thought to the fact that Elvera hadn't been partnered, and that the girls might not have known who their father was, and he was unsure why trying to find him would cause any issues. He imagined he would have wanted to do the same in their position. "What points to me?" He asked once Selene had finished. He'd been distracted by his own thoughts on the matter, and it took a second for him to process what she'd actually said. "That I'm your father?" He continued, a little stunned. That was...ridiculous, from his point of view. He couldn't help but let out a short, awkward laugh, muffling it by pressing his knuckles into his mouth. Oh, this was not great. It was not great at all. "I'm sorry girls, but I'm happily married. To a man. Elvera - your mother and I, we could never, I would never." He shook his head, sucking in air through his teeth. How long had he been teaching them, with them thinking he might have been their father? He had to hope it had only been a recent assumption. He tried to think back to any interactions where he might have, somehow, mislead them into thinking that he was their parent, but nothing sprang to mind. "Again, I'm really sorry. I can't imagine what this must be like for the two of you. The man you're looking for, it isn't me. Elvera and I have only ever been friends at best." Merlin, this was awkward. He couldn't fathom how this would ever be considered. "May I ask why you thought it might have been me?" He asked. He didn't think he could point them in the right direction even if he did have more information, and honestly, he wasn't sure he really wanted to know the why.​
Selene wished that her twin would say something she looked at her twin. before she could decide on what to say. professor started to talk again. explaining how he couldn't be their dad. at aeons point about him being married thought she was desperately trying to clutch at straws. "but you have a son. on the Gryffindor quidditch team" she said. "and even if you are married now were you seventeen years ago?" she said feeling herself sinking as the professors points sank in.
she bit her lip as she tried to hold back tears. she had been so sure about this. she leaned against her twin for support. "we don't know much. mum doesn't tell us anything. she said she docent know who our dad is. but we overheard her talking to aunt Maya. and she lets odd things slip every now and then" she said. "Mum said that she met our dad in the north tower, so it we knew it was someone she went to school with. and looking at us. I am pale with dark hair like mum. but she always said hellia looks more like our dad. and you have that warm colouring and fairer hair like her. she also said hellia must have got her skill with transfiguration and flying from her dad as it wasn't from mums family and you teach transfiguration and was on the quidditch team" she continued trying to remember all the other little things. but they were the main points that she had started working off that had led her to professor summers.

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