Open Questionably Appropriate

Professor Angel Castillo

Herbology 5-7 | American | Handsome Devil
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
5/2013 (50)
Open after a few posts with Daphne

Angel knew he didn't always have the best ideas at times, and that bringing a bottle of fire whiskey to try and woo one of the school nurses was probably up there on his list of bad ideas, but he wasn't about to let that stop him. Josephine was good company, and Angel had enjoyed the little dance they'd been doing around each other for awhile now, but tonight he was feeling more daring.

It was late enough that the Hospital Wing was dark, and Angel quietly made his way over to the nurses' office, gently knocking on the door frame before leaning against it and smiling at Josephine. "I'm not maimed this time, but I thought maybe this could make up for it," He said, raising the bottle of fire whiskey and pair of glasses with a grin.
Josephine had a late shift in the hospital wing tonight. Thankfully, there were no overnight patients at least, so all she had to do was amuse herself and hope no students had any nighttime issues she would have to deal with. She had picked up the book she had been invested in again, the sort of cheesy romance book she quietly hid even when at home. Her teenage sister Ella could be quite judgmental, and they were a bit embarrassing. Addicting too, though. She had been caught up in the story, and jumped the slightest bit when she heard a knock on the door frame. She looked up to see Angel, and she automatically smiled at him. She quickly closed the book and placed in one of the drawers of the desk. "What a surprise." She said, both meaning his sudden appearance and the unexpected gifts he had brought. It was a little surreal to have him in front of her all of a sudden, especially when she had definitely been imagining the hero in the book to look a little, or a lot, like him. But that was something she would rather die than admit. "It definitely does make up for it." She said, relaxing a little into their usual easy banter. "I take it your plants aren't good drinking partners?" There was something a little thrilling about being sought out like this. Josephine had flirted with Angel before on several occasions, but this time it was clear he had gone out of his way to come to her with a gift, it felt a little special, even as a small voice inside her head told her not to get too carried away.
Angel usually did his best not to saunter too obviously, at least not around the school, but there was no doubt he was sauntering when he stepped into Josephine's office, gently setting the glasses and fire whiskey down on her desk before propping himself against it as well. "I'm full of surprises," He said nonchalantly, opening the fire whiskey and pouring Josephine a glass before pouring his own, brushing his fingers over hers as he passed it to her. "I usually find if I drink too much with the plants they start talking back and it's time to stop," He said with a small laugh, raising his glass to Josephine. He definitely enjoyed her company more than the plants to be sure. There was always a little thrill to their flirtation, Josephine only ever giving over just enough to keep him interested. A smile there, a teasing joke there. "To more surprises," He offered softly as a toast, resting a hand on the desk top so he could lean a little closer.
As Angel stepped into her office, Josephine wondered if he was actually going to make a move now. They'd been circling each other for a while, flirting whenever they had the chance. The thought wasn't entirely unwelcome, and she decided not to examine that too closely right now. She met his gaze as their fingers brushed together, then held it for a moment. The comment he made made her laugh, and she shook her head a little. "I can't tell if your students must love you, or hate you and your sense of humor." She joked lightly. "But I do know I rather like both." She added, a flirtatious tone to her voice now. She raised her glass for a toast, enjoying that he was now leaning closer to her. She took a sip of the firewhiskey, looking at him closely to see how he would react. Her heart was beating a little faster than normal, though she knew she was hiding any nerves well.
Angel laughed when Josephine mentioned his students, though he didn't exactly want to think about any of them right now. "I like to think I'm an acquired taste," He said softly, tapping his glass against Josephine's and taking a slow sip. She was always hard to read, but Angel didn't think he was mistaking her body language or her flirting right now. Shifting his hand from the desk, Angel reached over, brushing Josephine's hair from her shoulder, letting his fingers skate down along her arm with the motion. There was a line they had both been skirting for awhile now and Angel was about ready to step right over it, professionalism be damned. "What's not to like, though," He murmured softly, leaning closer to brush his lips over hers, more of a question than a real kiss for now.
Josephine smiled when Angel said he was an acquired taste, and she tapped her glass against him before taking a sip. She watched as his hand moved closer to her, a shiver passing through her as he brushed her hair back. As he ran his fingers over her arm, she found herself leaning closer to him, leaning into the touch. She didn't manage to think of anything clever to say in return to his words before his lips brushed against hers. Josephine answered the unspoken question by pressing her lips more firmly to his, though she pulled back after a few seconds to smile. "I'd say I have acquired the taste." She said quietly, before closing the distance between them again for a second kiss.

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