Okay, so I was thinking that maybe HNZ could have a Qudditch World Cup. We did have a Tri-Wizard Tournament which was like a site wide participation thing and this too could be something similar
It is a huge idea, would take a lot of planning etc but maybe it could work. We couldn't have a dozen teams playing and then to the final, but maybe four teams, the best ones which put up good effort in convincing the admins that they ought to be given the chance could be allowed. Two teams would play each other, the other two face each other, the winners play and a winner is decided
It would be fun, something everyone could RP attending to. Maybe Death Eaters could create a little chaos, Aurors could sort it out, the Qudditch players could get fames to their names and much more.
According to this topic we do have a few teams on site with a few members however none of the teams have all spaces filled in. If this suggestion works somehow then the captains for each team could put out their offers to accept members to fill in the remaining spots and then it would all work out. Yeah, so that was the idea

According to this topic we do have a few teams on site with a few members however none of the teams have all spaces filled in. If this suggestion works somehow then the captains for each team could put out their offers to accept members to fill in the remaining spots and then it would all work out. Yeah, so that was the idea