
Amber Chou Wilson

🎀 Friendly | Gladrags Owner | 2048 Grad 👗
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Fairy Wing Core
The best part about returning to school, in Amber's opinion, was seeing her friends again. Over the holidays she hadn't seen anyone from school so she missed all her friends very much. The first on her list to seek out was Flavio, and she hoped she could find him in his usual spot. Well, one of his usual spots. It also happened to be the place where they had first met in their first year, when Amber had two roses for the boy.

She arrived at the spot she had found Flavio feeding the ducks more than once, but she didn't see him there. He might still show up, so she decided to stick around. She had brought some of the seeds Flavio said were better for the ducks than bread herself. She sat down on the grass and threw some seeds into the water, smiling at the ducks that soon started crowding around. She could understand why Flavio liked to do this, it was very peaceful.
Flavio had retreated to the lakefront upon returning to school, thinking it would make a great opportunity for him to gather his thoughts and decide on his ambitions for the year ahead. Though his ambitions to achieve good grades and play his hardest in quidditch games were obvious, that list simply wasn't long enough and not as intricate as he would like it to be seeing as he felt more confident than ever to begin his fourth year. Not making the most of this newly formed confidence by seizing every opportunity would be a waste of his time and effort, yet the only thing Flavio needed to do was decide how his confidence could be applied in the best way. It seemed too easy to leave it up to fate to decide and contradictory as his confidence only formed from him taking control of his life instead of leaving his decisions to someone or something else. It was all the more reason he both needed and wanted to ponder everything as he fed the lakes resident ducks that day.

He reached the lake ready to think and then leave with his decisions set in stone though his plans changed immediately when he realized he wasn't alone. Amber was there, feeding ducks by her own accord which could either mean she needed to think to herself as well or that she was waiting to see him. Given the history of their friendship, Flavio figured the latter was true so he approached her with confidence, smiling wide. "Amber!" He exclaimed, looking to the bag of seed she was holding, then back to her. "Did you come here to find me?" He asked hoping that if she was there for the sake of running into him, that it was because she wanted to tell him all about her holidays and not because something bad had happened. He did not know why but he worried for a moment that she wasn't okay.
Amber's mind was starting to drift to Ainsley, her best friend in the world. The two had had a rough year, and she could only hope this year would be a little bit better. She knew the main problem was her relationship with Wyatt, and that was something else to worry about. She didn't feel like... like she liked him enough to be his girlfriend anymore, as nice as he was, she just didn't feel the urge to hold his hand or kiss him as much as she was sure she was supposed to.

Her restless thoughts were interrupted by the voice of the boy she had been looking for. She turned and smiled at him. "Flavio!" She said brightly. "Yes I did, actually. I figured you would show up here sooner or later." It had been a while since the two of them talked, and Flavio seemed taller to her. But also just... different, especially if she compared him with the first year she had found on this same spot nearly three years ago. He looked more confident, less shy and nervous. "How are you doing? It's been a while."
Amber's bright smile momentarily reassured Flavio that his worry might have just been a worry, something that popped into the back of his mind without warning or reasoning that had no basis in reality. It meant he could focus on what his friend was saying over anything else and it allowed him to answer her question with ease. "I have been good, just wondering about what my year will be like. I have come here to clear my mind. How are you?" Flavio responded. He could admit that Amber seeking him out to talk was unexpected but it was something he both did not need nor want to complain about. Flavio's friends meant the world to him and he would gladly drop everything to have a conversation even if it was about something as small as weather. This run in with Amber was no exception. "Why were you waiting for me?" Flavio then asked, turning his attention from Amber to the ducks. As he waited for a response, he dug his hand into the paper bag he had brought with him and dusted a handful of seed along the shore, watching as a few of the ducks waddled out of the water.
It was so nice to see Flavio again, and Amber immediately felt at ease. So many things were changing lately that it was a relief to know that things between her and Flavio still felt the same. She tossed some seeds at the ducks as she listened to his answer. "I'm alright, feeling the same. It's so strange we are fourth years. Do you remember how huge they seemed when we were firsties?" She smiled at him, feeling at ease and for once not too worried about some of the things that had been on her mind lately. "It is a good place to clear your mind." She agreed. "And... I was waiting for you because I just wanted to see you. It's been a while since we had the chance to talk and since we're back at school now it seemed like it was a good time to catch up." He seemed a little worried about her, and she wanted to reassure him that she was fine. She hoped she looked fine, even if she was a little anxious about Wyatt, Ainsley, and the upcoming school year.
Flavio nodded, agreeing with Amber's comment. It truly was surreal that he, Amber, and his other friends were about to begin their fourth year. At the beginning of his first year, his fourth year seemed too far away to even think about yet now it was about to begin. It was his sixth year that seemed far away now though Flavio imagined he would be standing at the doorstep of it in what felt like a blink of an eye, wondering where the time had gone in the same way he was in that moment. He didn't know if this meant he was growing up too fast or not quickly enough to match how mature all his friends seemed in comparison to him though he soon shook his head from his thoughts and responded. "They looked almost like grown ups, but I do not feel like a grown up now that I am a fourth year. Do you know what I mean?" He asked, looking from the ducks and towards his friend. It was reassuring for him to hear that she wanted nothing more than to talk and he was happy to comply. It had been nearly a year since the two of them simply chatted about their lives rather than the stress of classes and the expectations they put on themselves to achieve well in school. "I think it is a good time to catch up." He said. "How is Sophie?" He then asked, wanting to start whatever conversation he could with Amber.
Amber was relieved that Flavio agreed. Some of their fellow fourth years really seemed confident and sure of themselves, and she still felt like a lost first year sometimes. She tried her best to hide it behind a smile and a nice outfit, but she really wasn't always the most confident person. "I know exactly what you mean." She said, relieved he put it into words so well. "I felt the same way, and I bet we'll be feeling like this when we're seventh years even more." It seemed far away, but she knew now how quickly it could go. She liked just talking to Flavio, taking a break from her worries and stress about her school performance and friendships, as well as the worry about Wyatt and their relationship. "I agree." She said with a smile. Though her smile fell away when Flavio brought up her sister. "She's... well, Sophie." Amber said with a small shrug. "She's rude, mean sometimes, quiet... I feel like it's harder and harder to connect with her." She admitted, putting into words a worry she hadn't talked about much. "But she seems to be fitting in fine, at least, she made some friends and she really enjoys working on the paper." She had read every article her sister had written and felt proud of her, even if they were sometimes kind of mean. "How's Marcos?" She asked in turn, knowing his brother was also in second year.
The last thing Flavio wanted to think about was his seventh year. His life would surely be so different by the time he turned seventeen in many ways than he could possibly imagine and he didn't even want to imagine. The stress of his fourth year that was only beginning was enough for him to think about let alone the stress of his final year of school that felt so far away, despite how sure he was that he would be in his seventh year before he knew it, with his OWLs behind him and his NEWTs upon him. He nodded to what Amber said however and was relieved when she soon answered his question about her sister. It was good to hear that Sophie had managed to make friends and work on the school paper. After having a run in or two with her he hadn't gotten the impression she was sociable but he was glad she wasn't alone. He reminded himself to speak to her if he saw her in the common room. When Amber returned the question, asking about Marcos, Flavio smiled wider. "Marcos is great, he is trying out for the Gryffindor quidditch team this year." As he spoke he again put his hand in the paper bag he was holding and threw more seeds out for the ducks, watching as they began to eat between quacks. "Do you have much planned for this year besides classes?" He then asked, continuing to watch the ducks while he waited for his friend to answer.
Amber felt more at ease with Flavio than she did with most others, and she was happy to spend this quiet time with him. It was a relief to know he was in the same house as Sophie, looking out for her if she needed it. Though she didn't think Sophie would appreciate the gesture very much if she knew. Anything to do with Amber was horrible in her sister's eyes, something that was frustrating Amber more and more lately. It was nice to hear Marcos was doing well. "Like you! Is he also a chaser?" She asked him with a smile. "Following your footsteps, I see." It must be nice to share hobbies with a sibling, even if it meant you'd have to play against them during quidditch. "Do you think he'll make the team?"

His question about her plans threw her off a bit and she shrugged. "I... have quite a few classes, I don't know how much time I have for anything else. I'm part of Heta Omega, which I like, but I don't know if I can do much else this year." She said honestly. "I'm just too scared to drop any classes, because I still don't really know what I want to do later so I fear dropping something I will need." She sighed, playing with her hair absently as she also watched the ducks swim around. "Do you know what you want to do yet? Or at least, have a general idea?"

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