Pweety Pweese.

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Kenneth Hickman-Vallender

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
15" Maple and Essence of Silver Thistle
This is Kenny. He is gay (with a boyfriend) and I seriously need to get more RPs out of him. He's a kind boy and doesn't like being mean to anyone unless it's absolutely necessary. He's smart and is in his final year at Durmstrang (getting top grades).
Kenny has recently revealed to his parents that he is gay but seeing as they are stuck up snobs, they completely rejected the idea. According to hem, he is just a little boy who needs to grow up and stop getting crazy ideas in his head.
Kenny could really do with some friends, enemies, anything really. You name it, I'll most probably accept it.

Well I have Moko, who is also a 7th year or graduated the end of this term and also the TWT champion xD

Anyways how about if herself and Kenny are like really good friends, the closest thing to best friends. She can confide in him regarding her boy worries etc and he can confide in her the same way. Because she was at Beauxbatons for most of this year they wouldn't have seen one another but they could have kept in touch by owl and now that she's back to do her NEWTs at Durmstrang, they can pick up again.

He can spill all his frustration with his parents out to her and everything :)
she's got tons to tell him too xD

Yeah, that sounds great. I wont be able to get online tomorrow (unless I have a class in an IT room) so I've only got today and the weekend (stuffs happening at home so I have no internet there at the moment).
Do you want to start it and I'll reply as soon as possible.
I have a character named Sienna Rivoira who I haven't really been able to use that much. She's a seventh year prefect, and she could be a close friend to you because she won't judge someone because of their interest in guys or vice versa so she could confide in him about guy troubles as well and vice versa? :D Since she's been there since first year, maybe they could already be friends and he tells her about problems at home and stuff?
I have Veronica White. She is in her fifth year and would like having some older friends since she dosnt have only a few friends. We could RP something after 20th since I have exams till then.
Alyss-That sounds like a good idea. Kenny could do with a few friends like that so yeah. Do you want to start a RP or shall I??

Veronica-That sounds good as well. If you start a RP whenever you're ready and send me the link so I can reply??

i have Nicky Rowan she is a fith year at durmstang she could be a friendif you want, shes A calm outgoing person and is a real flirt but can keep it under control.

what do you think?

Alex x
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