Closed Puzzled Concern

Lars van Houten

🌻 Dutch | Shy | Painter | 2054 Grad 🌻
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Gay (Blake)
Almond Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Phoenix Tail Feather
2/2036 (26)
Lars had a lot on his mind lately, both because of classes and because of a Slytherin boy he couldn't get out of his head, but he had still definitely noticed something was up with Lily. She was withdrawn, much more than normal, and seemed to be avoiding him. Or avoiding someone, at least. She was quiet in classes and always seemed to be the first to leave, and between classes Lars hadn't really managed to talk to her much. He was starting to get really worried, so had made his way to the fourth floor corridor to wait around the Hufflepuff common room, hoping to catch her before she could head in. He didn't want to be intrusive, but he was starting to get concerned so he figured at least asking what was up would be a good thing to do, as her friend.
Lily had been heartbroken since Clifton had left her. She barely slept, she hardly ate, it was like she had forgotten how to function. She missed him, terribly, and she hated how she hadn't been enough, how she hadn't been able to make him happy. She hadn't been to the kitchens in a while, but she had stopped by for a moment to get a few snacks. She was on her way back, wiping at her eyes. Would she ever stop crying? She wrapped her arms around herself, hugging her too-large sweater tighter to her to try and find a hint of comfort. She paused as she spotted a familiar face. "Lars?" She asked softly, surprised.
Lars was a little shocked when he saw Lily. She looked very tired, and he realized he hadn't been paying enough attention if he only just noticed it. He saw she was very clearly upset, and felt even worse for not checking in on her sooner. "Uh, hey." He said, glad she had stopped at the sight of him rather than running away or rushing into the common room. He would have no way to follow her there. Maybe it really hadn't been him she had been avoiding? "I was looking for you." He muttered. "Just uh, are you... alright? You don't seem to be doing great." He admitted. "Sorry." He added, in case that had sounded somewhat rude.
Lily was quiet a minute. Did Lars... not know? She supposed she hadn't told him. And he and Clifton weren't exactly friends. She shook her head, lip quivering. She walked forward, laying her head on his chest. "Clifton broke up with me," She managed, her voice breaking. "He... he said he wondered if he would be happier with someone else," She sniffled, tears springing up in her eyes again. She bit her lip and buried her head in Lar's chest, her breaths shaky as she tried to fight past the pain in her chest.
Lars' eyes widened as Lily explained what had happened. Immediately, he remembered his own braekup a few years ago now with Elliot. The pain he had felt back then was easy to recall, and he immediately felt sorry for Lily. She was such a gentle person and so nice to everyone, she didn't deserve this. "I'm sorry." He said softly, frowning. "That... that's terrible." When Lily moved close, Lars put his arms around her. "Do you want me to hex him?" He asked softly, though he knew he wouldn't be very good at that, and he knew Lily would probably guess as much. Still, it felt like the thing to suggest. And it wasn't like Clifton was particularly threatening either.
Lily settled against Lars, shutting her eyes and sighing shakily. "No," She murmured, shaking her head. "I just... I just want him to be happy, leave him alone," She sniffled a bit, and bit her lip to keep herself from crying again. "Lars?" She asked softly. "How did you... was it really bad... before?" She asked softly, feeling awful but trying to hide it.
Lars sighed when Lily said she just wanted Clifton to be happy. It was a very Lily answer to give, but shouldn't she want at least a little revenge? Lars usually wanted people to be happy too, but after Elliot dumped him he'd thought some unkind things about him. He doubted Lily ever would. Apparently he wasn't the only one thinking about the Elliot incident, as Lily brought it up. "Uh." He said, wondering if he should be honest. "It pretty much sucked. I... felt kind of worthless." He muttered. "But it's not true. If that's how you feel too, I mean."
Lily almost laughed a little. "It's not true about you either, you know," she murmured, feeling a bit safer in Lars' arms. "Worthless definitely sounds about right," She murmured. "Foolish. Unloveable. Stupid, naive, helpless," She murmured, burrowing a little deeper into his chest. "I... I should've... I just... I didn't even doubt it," she sniffled a little, feeling the tears well up again. "I was just... I was so sure," she hiccuped a little bit, wrapping her arms around his waist and trying not to cry, albeit unsuccessfully, tears still slipping out. "He said he loved me," She whispered brokenly, letting out a shaky sigh.
Lars held Lily close, stroking her back. "I know." He said softly. He sighed as she listed all the things she felt. "I know." He repeated. "It sucks... it feels horrible, but you were not wrong to trust him." He told her quietly. "He's the one who did something wrong, the one who hurt you." He said quietly. "Even if it wasn't intentional." Again, an image of Elliot flashed into his mind. But he pushed it aside. It was long ago now, and he had someone else he thought of now. Someone inarguably much worse for him than Elliot ever had been. But he should stop thinking about himself, and comfort Lily. "It's going to be alright." He murmured to her. "It will be, you'll be okay. I promise." He said softly. "If I managed it, you definitely will."
Lily almost laughed breathlessly, sniffling and taking comfort in the feeling of being in Lars' arms... at least, until it reminded her of how safe and warm it had always been in his arms, and pain twisted her heart all over again. "But you're better than me," She whispered quietly, fingers clutching at his shirt. "You're sweet and smart and strong and I'm- I'm not," she sighed shakily, biting her lip and sniffling.
Lars couldn't help letting out a disbelieving laugh at her words. He gently stroked her hair, shaking his head. "You're the sweetest person I know." He told her honestly. "I've been mean in the past. To Elliot when he'd hurt me, to you. You've never been mean to anyone." He admitted. "And I'm not strong, not in any sense of the word." He added quietly. "Lily, you're going to be okay because you are strong."
Lily shook her head, having a hard time believing his words. "I don't feel strong," She murmured, sniffling. "Do you want to cuddle in the student lounge?" She asked softly. The longer they lingered in front of the common room the more worried she became that Clifton would find them.
Lars shrugged. "When you don't feel strong, others can remind you." He said softly. He hesitated as she asked if they could cuddle in the student lounge. Lars felt a little awkward in such a public place, but he knew Lily needed it. After a moment, he nodded. "Sure." He said quietly. "Let's do that."

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