Closed Putting on a Good Show

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Kasim Safir

Expelled | Menagerie Assistant | Laying Low
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
13 1/2 Inch Rigid Hazel Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
01/2038 (25)
Kas liked to think he didn't get nervous often. Being nervous was for first years and people who cared what other people thought. Kas hadn't been either of those things for quite some time now but there was no denying he still felt off about tonight. It helped to remind himself that it was all part of this joke they were playing, namely on Eric, but really the longer the played, the more it was spreading to everyone else. Kas wondered how many people they convince before they finally had to call it quits. The thought helped as Kas smoothed down his shirt, letting out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding before offering his arm to Connor with a wry smile. "Shall we, darling," he drawled, deciding to lay it on thick. Kas preferred to play things subtly when possible, but it felt easier to play this up tonight, to make it feel less real. Maybe next year he could go to the dance with someone he actually seriously cared about. But Kas doubted it. Still, it wasn't like he wasn't going to have fun with Connor, as long as he could survive Lucas' likely death glare and avoid catching Michael's eye all evening.
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Connor loved this whole silly thing. He had been... depressed for a while now, in a way he had never been before, and it was a relief to have something fun and silly to focus his attention and feelings on. And this stupid fake relationship with Kas fit the bill beautifully. It was a good distraction, a fun activity, and the polar opposite of depressing. He had dressed up in his best suit to really sell things, beaming as he linked his arm with Kas's. "I would love to, dearest." He replied, entering the hall with Kas, head held high. "Shall we give them a show on the dancefloor?" He asked, giving Kas a mischevious look.
Connor's arm settled in against Kas' and took took a moment to adjust his tie one last time before they stepped into the hall together. Wearing ties always reminded him of stuffy family gatherings, his school tie rarely making it much further than stuffed in a pocket or in Kas' bag, but for Connor he'd put in an effort. For the success of their little charade. He hadn't bothered to wear a tie for Michael. And Michael had practically worn the whole garden for Kas. He was really better off to have called the whole thing off last year.

Kas' mind was still lingering on Michael when Connor mentioned the dancefloor, though Kas didn't let his hesitation show on his face. "Oh yeah, you know me, dance machine," he said dryly, the words a vague echo of the last dance he'd been to in a way that kept making Kas sweat. Kas fluttered his eyes, this was fun, he was supposed to have fun, not be maudlin. Kas tightened his grip on Connor's arm. "Lead the way," he said, motioning to the dancefloor with a sweep of his free hand. He'd always been good at tricking others, Kas figured it couldn't be too hard to trick himself too for the night and relax for a few hours.
Connor was thoroughly enjoying himself already, laughing at Kas's comment about being a dance machine. He started leading Kas to the dancefloor, though the tightness of his friend's grip made him falter for a moment. "Is everything okay?" He asked hesitantly, glancing at Kas as he put his hands on the other boy's shoulders to start dancing. He knew Kas more than well enough to know the other boy never really talked about his feelings, but that didn't mean Connor was gonna pretend to think he didn't have them. "We don't have to dance if you don't wanna. We could get punch instead?"
Kas made a vague hum of acknowledgement when Connor spoke to him, noting a moment later that Connor had actually asked him a question that needed a proper answer. “Nah, all good,” he said simply, offering Connor a bland smile. “I would just like it be on the record I never said I could dance,” he added, resting his hands on Connor’s waist as started a sort of shuffle to the music. “Or that the school’s choice of music will be anything other than cruel and unusual punishment.” It was a lot easier this way, Kas decided, leaning into the joke. He was already thinking less and less about his last dance with Michael, especially with Connor’s face right in front of him. “Tell me if you spot Eric, I’ll even dip and kiss you if you want. Very romantic,” he said, giving Connor a grin.
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