Put Your Records On

Lawrence Andrew Cavell

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mintzy ❤
Kingwood 15 1/2 with Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
He was back on the game. For the past few days or maybe the past few hours, he was busy hitting it off with random girls. Of course he never got over the kissing phase, it was all he could do kiss the girls and make them drool wanting for more. He was passing by the streets of London as he was about to go home and visit his parents back at home. But even before going home he decided to stop by a bookstore, after that to a record store where they sell all the vintage albums that you can think off. Enzo wanted to find "The Smith's and even The Beatles, he felt he needed some old songs to energize him when he gets back home. Also, it's been a while since he'd been seen wandering the streets of London, there were a few people waving at him. He known as the son of the famous cartographer Ludwig and the well known music store owned by his mother Alicia.

Enzo was used to with all the attention he could have though he never did notice it from time to time, he was just grateful to be known. He remained at the record store, searching for some records aside from what he wanted. There were only a few customers inside the store, the shopkeeper even knows him way back. He was an old man who adored music so much back in his years up to now that he decided to open up his own shop a few years ago. Enzo smiled back at him when he saw he was waving, he then continued his searching. There were old and new records, some record artist weren't that famous at all. Still he was determined to find what he was looking for, scanning every record inside the store.
Jasmin Baxter loved getting to go back home. It had been so long since she had last seen her parents so it was always a treat. As a matter of fact it was a hole big family get together, Jasmin as came over from New Zealand with Kira and Andros and their child and even Josh and Leo were going to be making an appearance from their busy lifestyle of partying. Jasmin was so excited to have her whole family back together, she had even treated herself to an early birthday present of a brand new camera, a muggle one at that. Jasmin just saw a whole other kind of beauty of pictures caught in the moment, still forever and not moving and sometimes changing. As much as she loved being back home taking picture after picture of her family, her niece being the subject of most of them she excused herself and decided to go exploring for a while, having not seen much of London in what seemed forever. Keeping her camera out so she wouldn’t miss an opportunity for a rare photo-op; she was always in the market for some new ones. Jasmin was in her element, she adored her new camera and the quality that the pictures were even on the small digital screen was enough to almost make her want to go home that moment so she could develop them and see what they looked like for real. She was such a geek when it came to playing her camera, messing about with the light settings, wide shots, close up shots and all that stuff that made a beautiful picture even more beautiful.

Deciding to take a seat and go through her pictures before maybe making her way back home she wondered if she could get a few good pictures of people in the moment as they passed her by. With her eye to the lenses she watched as people passed her and for a moment thought she recognised someone. Dropping the camera from her face she followed the familiar face. Smiling to herself she decided to follow him into what seemed like a record shop from where she stood. Not wanting to approach him right away she walked around the shop pretending to look for something. As she got closer and closer to Enzo she lifted her camera up again and before he could see her she snapped a picture of him. “Mmm, could be front page news in the Prophet! Falmouth Keeper buying muggle style records. Wonder how much I could get for it.” she said with a small laugh, she had no intention on selling the picture to the Prophet; she just wondered what Enzo’s reaction would be.
It was taking him some time to search for the records, he might need some help with that. Still he wanted to find it himself, Enzo glanced at his watch to see it was still early to get home. He didn't wanted to be early by any chance, or else it would be a night full of questions. For the past couple of days his mother kept asking things like, Do you have a girlfriend? You should bring a girl here? or like "What happened to that Veronica girl you were dating? You dated her right." He was starting he get irritated every time she would ask questions like that, it was like she wanted her son to get married or something. Enzo was just eighteen, of course he didn't want to settle down yet. Other than that he wanted to enjoy his life, which means flirting with girl, being a young Auror and the lights. He wasn't even ready to commit just yet, that is if ever meet a girl he adored.

"Got it." he murmured as he saw the Beatles records, he managed to grab it and began to search for the The Smith's next. That was until he heard a voice, it sounded familiar. Enzo didn't really knew it was as there were too many girl to remember, but as he turned around he got flashed by a camera. "What the..." Enzo said, as he covered his eyes. Slowly, he removed his hands away from his face. To his surprise it was a familiar face, though at first he couldn't remember her name. He started to think of what was the girls name, "I'm guessing not that much." he replied, a bit chuckling to himself. "Ja? Jasmin." he finally remembered. The girl she met in the park a few years ago, during his Durmstrang years. She still looked fresh as before, in which he means beautiful.
Now Jasmin loved people watching and taking random pictures, although she was mostly just a nature, flowers, animals type girl. Although recently she began to realise that taking pictures of people were just as interesting. This all came about when her niece was born and she couldn't stop taking pictures of her, she was such a cute little child, even as a baby when all she ever really seemed to do was sleep, Jasmin still loved taking pictures of her. Pictures of her niece grew into pictures of her family, mostly a family album for her niece when she grew up of her parents and grandparents, everyone close to her for when she grew up, she was already making a album for her, when she was old enough it would be a nice present for her, maybe at 17 when she became of age, it was usually a good age to give special presents. Sure it may not be much but Jasmin thought it seemed like a nice idea and that wasn't just her quirkyness side coming out and making decisions for her. Regardless, she had started to get a collection of pictures that had people in them, people that she didn't know - just passersby on the street or in the park, wherever they may have been. There was something about taking pictures of people in their natural surroundings, not posing or acting differently because they knew there was a picture being taken of them, that Jasmin found nice; natural.

Although one thing Jasmin never did when she took pictures of people was approach them with said pictures and let them know she had taken a picture of them without them knowing, she didn't have to be a genius to know that some people wouldn't take too easily to that. Although she sort of knew Enzo, so a part of her felt it would be alright to approach him. Sure she had only met him once but they got on alright that once, sure they never talked again since but it was just one of those random meetings when you knew it was ok to talk to the person again if you met them. Back then she was a silly, almost naive child but now that she looked back on it she realised that Enzo had been flirting with her, she was silly for not realising it back then but c'est la vie and what not. Not much had changed about her, she was still in her tom-boy clothes, much to her sister's disappointment, but she was a bit more wise with the world in the sense of boys, but she figured it was just age. "Oh I don't know, I'd say it could be a pretty sickle." she said mischievously, laughing softly. "How have you been?" she asked more casually, she was bored, why not.
It was nice bumping into the people you knew, it was also nice to bump into a beautiful stranger. As long as it was a lady, Enzo likes to be the center of attention. He looked at Jasmin as if it was just like the first time he had saw her, she didn't changed. Maybe grew a few inches but she was still the same girl he had met before. Quite tomboy but still beautiful as ever, it was such a waste to see a blonde bombshell to be dressed in those clothes. Sure it was fun hitting on girls, dresses on their best attire. Then again Enzo understood what Jasmin was like, she differs from the others. Which made her special in a way for him, she was sporty in general. Although the two of them weren't that close, it was nice to see her once more. The same old Jasmin, now with a matching camera in hand.

Flirting was in his nature, he couldn't help to flirt with any beautiful girl insight. Young or old, as long as he wasn't acting like a pedophile. Enzo continued to watch her gentle face, and chuckled a little bit upon hearing her words. "I've been good, better I suppose. How about you? I see you have a camera, is it a hobby of yours of it's for a work or something?" he asked her trying to lighten up the mood. Other than that he wanted to talk more to Jasmin, they didn't had much time before to talk to each other. It would be nice to catch-up with her, see how's her life change. Even though he barely knew the girl, it made her eager and curious to know more about Jasmin.
Jasmin felt kind of silly just approaching Enzo like she had, as if they were old friends and it was no big deal but having only met the guy once before made her feel kind of bad. Plus with Enzo being a professional Quidditch player now it made her feel like a fan girl and just invading on his person life as if she had a right too. She hated that people felt it was just alright to invade on a celebrity’s life as if it was their business and now she was one of those people she despised. Granted she did know Enzo, sort of, and he had hit on her a while back she felt that it would be a little different than that. Regardless she shook it off; he was talking to her and he didn’t seem to be bothered about it so she felt a little better about the whole thing. At least that’s how it seemed to her, it had been a while since they had first met and it was only a brief meeting at that so maybe he didn’t remember her and was just playing nice.

She smiled easily at Enzo’s laugh, he seemed to be as easy going as he was when she first met him and she began to feel a bit more relaxed around him. “Just good?” she asked rhetorically. “My brother is a Quidditch player too and he loves it. Do you not enjoy it?” she asked, curiously, it was a really meh sort of response for seemingly have an amazing job, according to Josh. “I’ve been great. No more studies and I’m just enjoying life. And no, this isn’t a job, I wish it was I love photography but it’s more of a hobby.” she said, fiddling with her camera a bit as she talked. “I’ve always enjoyed seeing the beauty in things that others don’t see.” she said with an airiness to her voice, she had always loved nature and things like that and saw things that others just didn’t.
Even though it was only their second meeting, Enzo somehow felt she knew Jasmin for a long time. As if they were close friends, he adored her and up to now had a crush on her. Then again he did had a crush on every gorgeous girl he meets, but she was different. As if he met a new change, she was sporty and was carefree. Which was why he liked her and it separated her from the other girls he had met. Overall she was not the typical high maintenance and she was beautiful. Enzo looked at her smirking, enjoying his time with her. He watched her movement, noticing she was a little secured and tense. Which proves she was still a girl, Enzo then continued to gaze at her.

Hearing her words made him aware of her personality, "Oh, What team is he in?" he asked. Enzo didn't knew what was Jasmin's last name or did he forgot. So he didn't knew her brother, after all he was somehow getting a hang of the games. It was far different from the games inside Durmstrang, it was more livelier and much surreal. "Yeah, very much." Enzo stated smiling at Jasmin. He held his records as he listened to her, she was really intriguing. Some part of him wanted to see the real her or more of her, then a part of him also wanted to date Jasmin. "Beauty huh? Well I'm looking at one now." Enzo flirted.

OOCOut of Character:
I've been caught up with RL, sorry for the delay. :correct:

Jasmin was quite happy with the turn her day had taken; it had definitely been one for the better. Sure she didn’t mind a day of people watching and taking some new pictures for her portfolio, but now she had gotten some good pictures and got to talk to a cute guy – nothing wrong with that in her books. While Kira never really succeed in making Jasmin a proper little girl like she had tried to do most of her adult life she was becoming a woman and even though she still had a tom boyish style she was a lot more accustomed to the ways of the opposite sex now and she was interested in it. Sure she was a bit of a late bloomer but it was better late than never; oh so Kira made her believe. She knew that Enzo was just a flirt though, after all what guy takes that much interest in a girl he had just met?

Jasmin didn’t have to think about the question Enzo asked her, she knew what team her brother was on because people always asked her and she was indeed a fan herself. “It’s The Wigtown Wanderers, he’s the Seeker. It’s a pretty small team in Europe but they are a good team.” she said with pride. True it was a small team but she was proud of her brother and they were a good team and she was sure that they were going to make it big sometime. Jasmin nodded when Enzo said that he did enjoy his job, she thought that he would be crazy to not enjoy it. Quidditch was an amazing sport and to have playing it as a job would be the dream of most young witches and wizards, or at least that’s what she figured, not being able to fly without someone controlling the broom she always envied people when she saw them playing it above her. Jasmin nodded as Enzo seemed to question why she enjoyed taking pictures until he finished his sentence. Laughing softly she rolled her eyes, her cheeks glowing in a soft red hue, “You are definitely a charmer, Enzo! I’ll give you that. But thank you!” she said, knowing he was just flirting but she enjoyed the compliment, she never had many boys recognise her.
There was something about Jasmin that made Enzo feel like he's been talking with his friend, just like Faxen and Cocoa. Maybe her quirky personality just made it better, though he indeed interested with the lady. It was his nature after all, flirt with almost a ll the guys he had met and will ever meet, as long as their attractive nice one of course. In which he'll meet his wife after several years that will accept him for sleeping with some random ladies. He made sure everyone is safe of course, as he kept his gaze at Jasmin he adored her figure and her personality. She wasn't like any other girls who seems interested him, rather he was here for just some entertainment or something like that. "I've heard of them, they are indeed." he replied as he did heard them once with their team couch last week. Though he never met some other team members he was quite sure her brother's a great player.

Of course he is, since every team tries to get the best out of the wizards and witch. The gent stood there, waiting for something to happen although their conversation is doing great he gets easily bored most of the time. Maybe he's just over thinking some thinks inside he's mind, "You're welcome." he gestured chuckling lightly as he made her smile once more. She was indeed beautiful, though just like some of the other girl he met, she was one of those who never saw herself in front of a mirror to just appreciate her beauty. Or perhaps he was one of those girls who likes to deny things, including their looks and charms. Though she made an impact to her at heir first meeting, Jasmin surely is beautiful like he said she is.

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