Purity is in the Blood!

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Cynthia Vandervoort

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
17 inches hawthorne Unicorn Horn
I'm looking for someone that Cynthia could date. Though She's a Pureblood so only wants to date other Purebloods...

Cynthia is a gossip Columnist that believes in Blood Superiority, though she's not a Death Eater, not that she would mind dating a death Eater.

Cynthia is shallow but fun and is very loyal to those with whom she dates though she can get paranoid....and vengeful if she thinks your cheating on her!

so if your interested please let me know!
In the near future I can offer up Keith. He's currently dating a death eater, but he doesn't know about it. They're going to break up soon though.
Only problem is he is like, twice her age. :r But if that won't bother her, then I'll tell you what else you need to know about him. :p
He's not that much older, besides Age doesn't really matter XD

Or you can get Dar'uka. Perfect if you're dating him. Just call him "Dar". He's from the Ministry, though.
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